Chapter 17

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Another screamed filled the quiet home in the middle of forest.

Papa and I rushed to Mei-Li, who seems to be a traumatic shock. She sat in the corner of the room. The room was turned into a mess. I rushed to her aid, sitting next to her.

"Mei-Li?" I whispered. "What's wrong are you okay?"


"You what?" Couldn't make out what she's telling me. Papa shrugged.

"Mei-Li, breathe." She did as I told her. She's been here for two days and couldn't figure out how she lived.

"I saw a mouse," she countered.

"Okay, what about the mouse?" Then I grinned. "Are you afraid of a small mouse?"

"No!" She barked, snarling at me. My eyes grew wide just at the site of her eyes. They were dark brown but had changed into that you see on snakes or lizards.

I turned my head to face the small man behind me. "Papa, what did you give her?"

He pulled his mouth from ear to ear into a wide grin.

"Papa," I said, in a hard tone.

"Why are you fretting, child?" He stand next to me. "I'd given her the greatest gift match with her."

"And that would be?" Lifting a brow.

"What did you do with the mouse, child?" Ignoring my question, facing Mei-Li.

"I was just resting," she began, still shock. "Just resting, then I suddenly heard small little squeaks behind the dresser that my body suddenly felt the urge to catch it. I wanted it to go away but I was a bit hungry."

"You ate it?"

She nodded. "I don't eat small creatures like rats, mice, squirrels where I come from. I hate to say it, but it taste good." Her expression tells me she didn't enjoyed eating the mouse. Which explains the messy room. She was chasing it. "I don't know what happened to me. I was climbing walls, my teeth grew, my tongue extended that I could see it in view and my skin turned green with scales."

I gave Papa a hard expression and him return flashed his grin.

"Come on Mei-Li, let's go to the kitchen and Papa will explain properly. The whole truth." I helped her up. Entering the kitchen. I eyed Papa, who looked always as innocent as he can be. "I thought you told her everything?"

"I did," he confessed. "But not about her special gift."

I groaned, rubbing my forehead. "Papa."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Ella. Just wanted her to find out what she can do."

"Well now you can give her a full explanation." Crossing my arms. "Understand?"

"Yes, m'lady," Papa dipped his head, as being scold like a child yelled by his mother.

I chuckled.

The three of us sat at the table, I poured each of us a cup of tea before Papa can speak and tell everything he turned Mei-Li into.

Papa slurped his tea and exhale as if the hot drink cleared his throat. He cleared his throat. "Now, where should I begin?"

"Just the part where you did your experiment on her." I remind him.

"Ah! That's right," another drink from his cup. "Child, I'm no ordinary miracle doctor. In fact, I'm not a physician."

Mei-Li frowned and seems confused. Papa explained how he's an inventor. A creator of some sort that would man kind. He mentioned how he found me almost in the same death experience as she. Told my bones are no longer breakable but a very powerful element that you find on an Enchantia Bear.

As the story continues, I watched the expression on her face from wide eyes and mouth open allow more air than normal breathing. She couldn't believe her eyes once I revealed what I can do with my hands and retract my fingers into blades made of crystals. Her eyes no longer confused but amused of such ability.

"If I'm able to have a special gift like Ella, how was I able to gain back my hands and arms?" She asked.

"That's a good question," Papa disappeared in his lab and return carrying a small chest box.

"What is that?" I asked. "I've never seen that in your lab?"

He placed the small chest on the table. "This my dear is own by someone I know. She just forgot it here."

"A woman?" Wiggling my brow as a tease.

"No, silly girl," he tap my nose. "She's just someone who I can't stand."

"Sounds to me like a love quarrel." Mei-Li nodded in agreement.

"Enough," he sounded angry, but there was a chuckle. Both Mei-Li and I giggled. "Anyways, inside are magical candy that changed a person's life forever."

"Candy?" I frowned. "Can you explain better?"

He opened the chest and in a neatly line of circular round ball, with each different color representing different magic as so Papa called, are placed inside.

"These candies would grant a person his/her special ability." He took one out. "I don't know why Priscilla would leave one of her greatest invention."

"Priscilla?" I grinned.

"Ella," he harden his tone to stop my teasing. I giggled.

"See that empty spot," he continued his explanation. We both nodded. "And see that symbol?" We nodded again. Looked at the symbol of a black painted lizard. "That candy contains the abilities of amphibians."

I didn't respond, nor Mei-Li. Papa's speaking in his scientific terms are still new to me.

He sighed. "I gave our lady warrior here the ability of a reptile. Such as lizards, snakes, crocodiles, and any animal with green scales."

I was astonished. Mei-Li said no word except her face looked pale.

"So, since she lost her arms, the ability to control like a reptile can gain new body parts. Like a iguanas." I perked.

"Excellent, Ella!" He praised. I blushed.

"I read books about different types of lizards that can contract new tails once cut off." I confessed.

Papa and I lesson on with more information about reptiles and their abilities when a loud thud from my side was heard. Mei-Li no longer sitting fell to the floor. Fainted.

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