Chapter 34

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"Bloody hell!" I gasped covering my mouth. Never said a single curse word in my life. This was my first.

I paced back and forth. Thinking -thinking hard what should I do to stop Ravena marrying the king. She's only marrying for the riches but deep down she wanted more. And I don't think that pendant of her only cast a love spell.

"Ella?" Mei-Li and Papa entered my room with Grace by his side.

"Child? Something the matter?"

I sat down on the edge of my bed rubbing my temples. Since I came back from an outing with Ravena. I couldn't be more concern on her marriage to the king and what she wanted to do. I senses darkness around her, pure evil darkness cast upon her. It made my whole body shiver at her wicked grin. Her eyes were no shade of light brown but dark coal as if she had changed over night after snagging the king.

"Papa?" I looked up. "Is there such things as Fairies?"

He raises his brows up. "How do you know about them?"

"Ravena," I replied. "Well, actually my Mother in her diary. My mother told me stories about them before. She said in her diary, she had met a fairy as a child who helped cure my great-great grandfather from sickness." He nodded as of understanding. "So, is it true?"

He stared at me and study my expression. Grace growled not angrily but I knew told Papa to confess. "Alright you big fur ball. Yes, there is such a thing as fairies."

"Really?" I perked.

"Are you sure, Father?" Asked a Mei-Li. "If there are no dragons in my country, then certainly there are no fairies here."

"Actually, my dear, there are dragons in the Jin Empire you just don't know where to find them because they come to you." He said. Mei-Li looked confused at his words. "Anyways, yes there are such things as fairies and I know one."

"You do?" Mei-Li and I said in unison. Papa nodded. "Who is she Papa? And can we see her?"

"Her name is Priscilla."

"Priscilla?" I gasped. "She's the one who created those potions that you used one on Mei-Li."

"Precisly, meeting her won't be tricky since she hangs around that willow tree a lot. Being the good fairy she is." He spat.

"Father, why do you despise her so?" Ask Mei-Li.

"I don't hate her, she just-" he grunted. "I don't hate her and clearly not in love with her is what you thinking Ella." He wagged his fingers as I hide my giggled. "She's not like that to me."

"Can we go see her?" I begged. "I wanted to know why she helped Ravena?"

"Ravena? Why? What did she asked for?"

"A love spell."

"On what object?" He asked.

"A pendant." I replied.

"What does it look like? And where did she get it from?"

I pictured the pendant on Raven's neck that day. "The pendant itself is circular like and eye drop but has these claws I didn't realized but held the gem like a bird hooking it by their feet. Oh, and she got it from her first husband, who got it from Shakran."

"Shakran!" He exclaimed loudly. Me and Mei-Li both jumped. "Oh dear, this is bad."

"Papa? What's wrong? What is bad?"

"We need to see Priscilla, right now."

Papa then went out of the room with Grace following leaving Mei-Li and I in the room concerned of Papa's behavior after I told him where the necklace was from.

We heard him speaking some words that are mushed together mixing with grunts and the sounds of frustration. He also mention how stupid the fairy to unlock a dangerous jewel.

"Girls!" He yelled through the whole house. Papa was then standing in the doorway with a satchel and riding Grace on her back. "Come on, the journey isn't to far but it leads pass the mountains of the Dark Abyss. Come along girls."

I looked at Mei-Li - she looked at me, then back to Papa. Grace walked away with Papa on her back as we followed them out of the cottage and walking through the woods meeting up with the fairy.

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