Chapter 8

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Lying is what my mother would hate for me to do, pretending to be her would lead me to a downfall.

I had no choice. Sorry Mother. After all, I'm supposed to be dead. I can not tell a stranger who I really am. I'm still lying, but let's leave it that way.

After Mr. Matt and his men left the forest. I rushed back to the cabin. Good thing I got there in time to save Grace. While getting used of my massive strength. It was different from yesterday, I'm able to control my strength to cut down a large object in an instant.

This Matt fellow is tall and well-built. For a noble he sure can fight his own battles. The most handsome man I've ever met. He didn't look unpleasant trying to kidnap Grace but seeing his blue eyes had changed my mind. Dark Raven hair at the level of his ears above his muscular neck, straight nose and firms lips, even handsome when he smiled. My heart on its own accord beat.

I caught up to Grace. I smiled. "How rude of you not accepting that man's heartfelt apology?"

Her eyes moved to the corner to look at me.

I chuckled. "Don't look at me like that. I saved you."

A bit of sound she makes through her muzzle, she turned away. Walking ahead.

"You're not still mad at the him are you?" I yelled out. At first, Grace was a gentle bear. But the way she shows her attitude, she's really is hard to get along with just anyone. I thought she and I are close since the crystals are now in my body.

I shook my head and followed her back.

"Where have you girls gone too?" Asked Doc.

"While you were gone." I began. "Grace ran off somewhere and almost got herself caught by nobles."

"I see."

I lift a brow. "You're not even concerned about your friend, Doc?"

He dropped the handle of the wagon filled with metal. Clapped his hands to remove the dust.

"Grace can handle herself. She is, after all, an Enchantia Bear."

"But she's the last of her kind."

"Yes I know that, but you may never know in other kingdoms may have some living there after the massive hunt of Enchantia Bears," He said, as he rubs Grace's fur. Grace seems to enjoy his scratches behind the ear like a dog.

I signed.

"Don't fret, my dear," Doc said with a grin. "I have the responsibility to keep Grace protected."

I nodded lightly. "Yeah."

"Now that you two ladies already completed a depth, how about we do more test?" He pointed to the wagon full of metals.

I approached the wagon, curious. "What am I going to do with these?"

"Since you have inhuman strength. Try retracting your crystals into a weapon." He said. "Do like you did with the tree."

"But I don't know how to retract," I confessed.

"You did it earlier." He refers to my outburst, thinking about of my mother's lost glass slippers.

"I don't know."

"Just try," he encourages me. "Maybe thinking of bringing them out of your body in need should do the trick."

With all my might, I tense myself to bring out the crystals.

I grunted after nothing happened. "I'm sorry, Doc. I just can't do it. I don't even know how I release them out."

"Mm..." Rubbing his white beard. "This is harder than I thought. Enchantia Crystals are our Goddess of Maternity and Love, Thalia's precious gems given by her husband, Kelios, God of Light." He walked back and forth while explaining the history of the crystals. "In long histories, Enchantia Crystals are known to be the strongest gems and also possess magical powers; so I think they do. But to protect the gems used in the wrong hands such as her brother, she placed them inside her familiar; a bear. With that, the claws of the bear became the crystals thus creating a new species; the Enchantia Bears." He awed.

"Why a bear?" Asked curiously

"Since she's has ten children, like a mother bear, she always protects her cubs no matter what. So, a mother bear fits the description of a protector and lovable parent."

"Aren't all mothers like that with their children."

"But a bear is more huggable and are sweet but don't fool then when it comes to their cubs." He looked at Grace, who was licking her giant paw. "Grace was just a cub, very small and scared. It's a good thing I was there before any of the hunters or poachers finds her."

I looked at Grace, brushing herself. I can relate to her, so much except Mother died of illness. She and I are alike, no mother, no father, no place to call home. My home was never a home to me because of that women. The images of her stabbing father because he's poor and the whole property belongs to me. She's greedy and outrageously the cruelest women I've ever met.

I felt my body tense and firing up. Mother had told me not to be angry or else my hair will fall out. It was her way to keep calm and relax whenever I'm angry. Since her lesson that day, I never got angry at anything but this time, that women had taken important to me.


I couldn't hear. My brain has taken over my whole body. Told me to kill the women, Ravena. I couldn't, I'm that brutal, I can't even hold a knife I might cut myself. It's too dangerous. But, my heart didn't listen, instead, it was caged and blocking all the pure and love, allowing my brain to be the ruler of my body.

"Ella, dear?"

I snapped out of my mind, still in hatred. I set my eyes on Doc, who was close but took a step back in fright, but smiling.

He lowered his eyes. Confused, I looked down and saw that not only my arm was covered but my hands had formed as well. They were no longer with the flesh of skin but changed into crystals. My fingernails had grown to a size that could pierce through a wall or a person just at the sharp end.

I lift my head at Doc, whom still smiling.

"I know what to make of your new profound ability work," He said as he gazed at my arms and hands.


"Anger, hatred, anything to do to make you unpleasant."

"But I'm not angry." I lied. "Mother said, being angry isn't healthy and can lose your hair."

"Your mother probably said that so, you wouldn't be a mischievous child." He chuckled. "But, I know you feel hatred inside, don't you?"

"I'm not." Lying again is not my favorite thing.

"Child, I know when a person is lying or not." He implied. "I'm a doctor, not a court jester."

I stayed quiet while biting my lips. I lift my arms up for a quick glance at them.

"Ella, now it's the right time to tell me exactly what happened four days ago where I found you almost in the bridge of death."

He has the right to know. I can't just hide what's lock inside my heart. I hate that woman so much.

I sighed, releasing an uneasy breath. Doc sat on a log while Grace lay next to his short legs.

"Once upon a time, there was a little girl name Cinderella..."

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