Chapter 11

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The kingdom wasn't as far I expected it to be from the cottage. Just seven miles are walking, but with Grace's speed, it took only an hour. Farmers and merchants from all over crowded the famous market place of Enchantia.

I begged Papa to allow me to shop for our dinner later tonight at the market. The storage is becoming empty left with cobwebs and rats. He refused at first, fear that Ravena and her clones will spot me. Being clumsy is one thing, but rest assure I'm excellent at hiding, recalling my cute nickname Father had given me.

Since I've mastered my powers after a few weeks, I can go to the kingdom with ease. The hood of my cape and curtained my gown, covered half my face with a mask to hide from familiar acquaintances as I walked around the market to buy my purchases. They won't assume I'm female or male.

Men and women at the stalls, shouts for their fresh products and offer a low price. It's been a while since I've been here. My presumable death never reached here. Thank the Gods.

I found the stall selling meat; I approached the seller. Lou, who I've to know the day I became the scullery maid for Ravena. He held up a large prime rib to me. "How much I asked?"

"For you, wondering traveler. Five gold." He opened his mouth to a smile, only missing one tooth and held up four fingers. One is chopped off.

"It's that a bit much," I told him, using my discount strategy to lower the price more. It's another specialty I inherit from Father. "How about two gold?"

"How can I sell my meat for a fair price?" Temper as always Lou. "I have a wife and children to feed miss. If I only sell it lower to your demand, then I'll be stealing other customers."

Not knowing who I am. I shouldn't negotiate. Lou is hard to change his mind. Plus he does have a family to feed, and his only stall sells meat in the market area.

"Okay." Pocketing a handful of gold coins in my hand. "I'll but it, but here's 20 if you add in pork belly," I smiled under my mask.

The gold coins fell on his hands with the look of surprise on his face. "Sir, I don't-

I pushed his hand back. "You're not cheating the other customer or me out. This simply to help your business and feed your family."

The memories the first time I meet Lou's wife and five children. His wife was a kind-hearted person besides my mother, and their children were adorable. Lou would always give me the fresh and best meat money can buy. Boy, down memory lane sure is cherishable.

"Thank you, sir," Then the seller studied me, pulled his brow together. "Your eyes are breathtaking like crystals. Reminds me of someone I know."

That made me somehow blushed at his comment adding a hidden smile. "Who is this person?" Pretending not to know, but I know who he's referring to.

"An excellent friend of mine," a soft smile on his face. "She's known to be a very kind young girl who put others than herself. Her smile never fades from her face. When her cruel stepmother and stepsisters treat her so badly, her smile we're always pure with brightness and kindness," his face expressed sadness. " And now until she's no longer here."

A teardrop fell from my eye but quickly rubbed it away. I sniffled. It hurts. So much. He heard the news of me falling off the cliff and died. He mourned for me. Wish his cheerful friend would come back for his meat as always.

I'm standing before him as he continues to mourn for my death. Lou, I'm here alive and still buying your delicious meat. No words would come out to confess my sudden resurrection from the dead. I stood there and listened to his soundless sobs.

"Ravena," he grunted, no longer mourning but angry and held his large butcher knife. He slammed the blade hard on a ten-pound pork belly. I flinched. "When I see that witch, I'll chop that lovely neck of hers."

I cast in as a stranger, curious though I know what she did to me. "What did women do to you? Broke your heart?" I teased.

"No," Chop. "That woman treated sweet Ella so poorly that everyone here in this market knows her true colors." Chop. He leaned in ignoring the crowd. "Rumor has it that Lord Ashford was killed by his only daughter, Ella." I flinched not at the way he chopped the pork belly, but when he mention my Father's death.

"Did she?"

"No!" He attacked the meat with a hard chop, shaking the stall. Eyes were cornering where I stand. I scratched my neck uncomfortably. "Ella won't do no such thing. She loves her father too much, and Lord Ashford loves his daughter like she's the most precious diamond in the world."

"Then, if not the daughter. Who?"

"Who else?" He gruffed his huge belly bounce. "Lady Ravena, that's who. She had her eyes on Lord Ashford since the death of Lady Danielle. Thinks she can inherit the fortune." He spat. "That woman is a no good greedy and spoiled witch who's daughters are worst. Everyone knows that."

There was sign of relief that one person who I call a friend didn't see me as a murderer.

"What about the girl?" I asked.

"Heard she fell off a cliff running away." The chop pork belly placed inside to hide and wrapped up. "I bet my life and everyone around the market that Ravena killed her. Just to get her hands on the land meant for Ella."

News travels fast. I still questioned in my head how all this information came from Lou?

He gave me the prime ribs and pork belly as I continued to shop. Each stall the gossip of Ravena killed, not killed Father has remarkably spread. Each word coming out from people's mouth are whether to believe that I murdered my father or Raven did just for the wealth. I didn't kill my Father, but about Ravena schemes are true. To them I'm dead, but here I stand listening from facts to fiction.

Then the sounds of thundering horses galloped through the market. While everyone was focusing on the commotion, I took the opportunity to make a quick supply for my trip back at the cottage.

"My god! It's the Princes," said one woman, she sighed heavenly while the others joined her.


The people started to gather together greeting the Princes, while I bag apples into my sack. A push caused the last apple to fall off my hand to the ground.

Rush to pick it up, instead was helped by a steady hand.


I froze. I know that voice.


Snapped my head up to see the face who I've been dreaming about since the first time I meet him. His ocean blues eyes I could never forget and his hair the color of coal is standing before me handing me the apple. Until I heard one woman screamed for Prince Matthias. Had my eyes to wonder for the prince they call for when those girls eye laid on the man in front of me.

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