Chapter 31

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I ignored the knocking on the door and muffled voice of Mei-Li.

"Ella? Are you okay?" She knocked again. "Speak to me."

"Is she still not answering," I heard Papa on the other side of the door.

"No." Mei Li said. "She was fine and had a wonderful time with her Matt, then suddenly on the way home she hasn't spoken a word or even smiled."

"Did she met Ravena?"

"I don't know. I wasn't paying much attention. I was avoiding some pesky bug."

I heard Papa chuckled. Then a light knock was heard. "Ella? Child, won't you come out."

I didn't answer. "Are you sick?" He pressed on. "Did you see Ravena at the Ball?"

I lift my head staring at the door as if I can see right through it looking at the expressions of worries join their faces. I love that they care about me and worried that Ravena had done something to make me feel this way. But it wasn't her, it was him.

A soft sighed muffled through the door. "Come out when your ready, child."

Footsteps disappeared and I didn't move an inch. Papa said when I ready to come out and talk of my depression.

Then sound of horses not far from the cottage through the forest. I looked out of my window and saw Lucas and two of his other brothers with him. How did they find this place? I roamed my eyes looking for that person who would be with them.

Matt is not with them.

Mei-Li was the first to approached them. I quickly dashed out of my room and outside.

"Let me speak with Lady Danielle," Lucas asked.

"Leave," my sister growled. "Or I will chop you into pieces. How did you even find this place?"

"It wasn't hard to find. We have someone to follow you because a certain person back in the castle was frantically looking for the lady. "Lucas said, then  grinned. "I would put that sword down if I were you. You might get hurt."

"Oh believe me the one who's getting hurt is that brother of yours." She barked.

I stayed by the door and listened. All four brothers had their frowns appearing on their face.

"Matt?" Questioned Raj. "What did he do to make the lady so upset?"

"Why don't you ask him?"

"We can't follow, milady." Said Eugene, confused.

"Don't make me as a fool. I saw your precious brother dancing to that Princess last night."

My eyes grew wide.

She knew?


"And my sister saw them." She told. "It's the reason why she locked herself in her room crying a river in there. So, if you don't want any bloods on your expensive and well sewed attire I suggest you leave right now."

"I told you she can be a bit aggressive," Lucas commented, made his brothers laughed. "Please, milady, tell Danielle to come talk to us. My brother couldn't sleep unless she is alright and safe."

"Oh! She's safe alright." Then Mei-Li pulled out her Jade sword is what she called it out from her sheathed. "Tell your brother if he ever take one close step towards my sister, I have no choice but to fight."

"Please, Mei-Li," Lucas said her name without formality. "My brother deeply cares about Danielle."

"Really? Then why he didn't tell her he was already engage?" She demanded.

"Because of Father ordered him to wed a princess and not for love." He confessed. "Not only to him but us as well."

They're being forced to wed a princess and not for love. It isn't shocking for me but a parent shouldn't force their children to do something that would please them. That's not how it goes. But to my understanding Matt and his family aren't commoners they are royals.

"Your father is a foolish man. The same with my country's King." She spat angrily.

The expression on Lucas face harden, his jaw clenched. "My Father may be a foolish man, but he's a great King."

Mei-Li scoffed a laughter. "Great King? A king who would force their own child to marry someone they don't want to be with for the rest of their life." She clenched her sword, saying the words from her mouth as if it's reminded her of the mistake she had done. "If forcing a child to marry just for the sake of their happiness, your wrong. That child will rebel and runaway to do something she loves to do. But with the wrong path can lead to destruction."

She hissed that she revealed her past to the brothers. But they don't seem to understand. I could see she's tense and agitated. I spot her snake scales slightly appearing on her neck. She's trying her best to calm her anger.

I ran to her side, placed my hand on hers with the sword and calmly said to put it down before someone could get hurt. She was taking deep breaths before calming herself down.

"Prince Lucas," said firmly, "you and your brothers not take what you saw to your minds. Have it erase from your memory immediately."

Lucas looked at his brothers and nodded each other before turning his eyes back to me. "I promise."

"Also, promise me, tell Matt...I won't see him again."

"But milady-" Raj began to protest, but I cut him off.

"Promise me," I asked again more firmly. I was very serious. "The reason I don't want to see Matt is because I don't want to interrupt his promise to his father and also what Mei-Li said rebelling against your parents can lead to destruction. I don't want a father and son fight each because of me."

Now, I'm starting to wonder if my existence can only cause bad omens. And whoever is close to me will catch it.

Lucas released heavy hair as his horse neighed. "You have my word, m'lady." He gestured his hand and lightly bow.

"Brother, how are we going to explain Matt?" Asked Eugene. Lucas didn't reply to his brother's concern question.

"Then this will be the last of our meeting." I said. "Goodbye your highnesses." I pulled two side of my dress and bow in respect for the Princes.

"Goodbye, m'ladies." With that said, three brothers left the area through the forest.

As soon as they no longer in view. I turned my attention to Mei-Li. "You okay?"

She nodded. "You?"

I knew she meant if I was okay from crying so much and also promise not to meet Matt anymore. I gave her a smile. "Yeah. Come on let's have a celebration."

She frowned. "A celebration for what?"

"My birthday," I laughed at her funny expression of a surprised that I dragged her back inside the cottage.

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