Chapter 19

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The sounds of birds soaring through the air. I spin a large bed sheet to get rid of extra water until I grabbed the next cloth to dry.

I peered over and saw Mei-Li sitting on the large Oak tree I took down a few weeks ago.

After putting up the last of the laundry. I walked towards her taking a seat.

"How are you feeling?" Seeing the view of the forest.

"Aren't you enraged what he did to us?" She suddenly asked, more irritably.

"Before, but now I'm not, " shift my arm into crystals letting the sun shimmer over as it always been. "I'm alive because of Papa."

She groaned. Probably not very fond that she too became one of Papa's science experiments. I don't blame her. I was like her not accepting this fate.

"Mei-Li, I know you aren't taking this easy because he didn't ask for your consent." I turned to face her. "But you should be thankful. Thankful that you are alive."

"You should have let me die," her voice sounds as if broken glass are inside.

"Don't say that," I said, trying to change her mind of dying. "Why do you want to die?"

"I don't deserve to live. I dishonored my parents and neglected my promise to them."

She threw a rock in anger as if the ground is what she is made about. "Why did you join the army?"

Mei-Li stood from her spot, holding the sword in her hand. "My father was part of our Emperor's army, but during a raid he became disabled. Unable to walk on one leg. He drunk himself, hiding away from the world how weak man he was not able to fight his enemies. Since I was raised in a farm house, bread and milk are all we have. Then the Emperor announced the choosing of his concubines. My parents wanted to send me away and be that lazy pig wife. I rather joined the war than be someone's wife who cared nothing of his people's poverty." She gazed at her sword. "I never made it to the castle, but instead stole my father's armor and sword run off to join the army disguised as a boy to be enrolled, somehow they were fooled. The next day, our enemies invaded the kingdom destroyed homes and killed my parents." Her face tensed and gripped the body of the sword tightly. "Although I blame the Emperor for not doing his job protecting his people, but I'm the blame for not obeying my parents. They are dead because of me."

Her arm and face became to form of a reptile. The anger she felt inside, not protecting her people, not able to save her parents live. She blamed everything on her. I could feel her pain, the pain of losing someone they love, the pain of losing everything because of the mistake we did. I blame myself for letting Father marry that cruel woman but look where it got me.

I placed myself next to Mei-Li's enraged emotion, laid my hand on hers. Her expression softens as scales and black claws disappear. But, not her eyes.

"I can understand your pain, Mei-Li," I assured her. "I made a big mistake letting my Father married that woman, letting her treat me as a slave instead of a step-daughter." Turning towards me, her snake-like eyes on my crystal ones looked at each other, the meaning of revenge and hatred. "If she didn't push me off the cliff, I wouldn't be saved by Doc, who I now call Papa, and I wouldn't be what I am now. No longer the weak, fragile, and innocent Ella. I changed. Keep that hatred inside and remember who you are. Life is short for everyone, protect it."

Her newly snake eyes disappeared and replaced her own. I smiled. "See, that's better."

She nodded. "I could never forgive myself."

"I'm with you, no longer alone," I told her as promised. "Since, you've calmed down. I would like to ask you something. It's okay if you want to go off on your own, but..."

Mei-Li tilted her head to the side. "What is it?"

"I know you don't want to go back, no place to call home and there's space in my room. So, if you want, you can stay with us."

Her eyes gazed the ground and the forest surrounding us. Making a tough decision. I could sense her being pressure from my offer.

"If you don't want, I'm not forcing you. It's just...there's only the three of us living in that small cottage. It would be wonderful to talk to someone my age and my genre." I smiled.

Just for minutes, I waited for an answer. She's a female warrior serving under her kingdom's army and keeping her here would take away her duty as a soldier. But deep down, I could see she didn't want to face the king of her country and her failure to protect the kingdom.

"Are you sure, I won't be a bother?"

I smiled widely and practically squealed surprised her with a hug. "Sorry, I just so happy you're going to stay. Other than my step-sisters, you are more comfortable to talk to after all we were created by the same creator."

This time, she laughed. "I guess you're right." She scanned around. "It won't be so bad to live here, it's quite peaceful."

I giggled, hugging her some more until Papa and Grace came out from the house. "What is so amusing here?"

"Papa, Mei-Li decided to stay with us." Linking my arm around hers. "You're going to have another daughter."

He barked a laughter. "Splendid! The more the merrier." He grabbed Mei-Li's hand, welcoming her. "Welcome to the family, Mei-Li. We may be small, but lively."

"Thank you...Father?"

I chuckled. Grace moaned from her mouth in response.

"You will get used to it," he smiled. "Now, come. I think it's time for your first test worthy to be my daughter." Papa walked off heading to the practice arena he had created for me.

Mei-Li looked at me, confused. I shrugged but smiled. "I thought agreeing to be in the family is already confirmed."

"He's just teasing you," I said. "He just wanted to test your new ability. Don't worry, it won't take long. Since you've already a warrior, it took weeks for me to get used of my ability."

"Come on, girls!" Papa shouted across calling for us.

"Let's go," ushering her towards her new life.

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