Chapter 1

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"Eleanor!" I groaned annoyingly at the sound of her voice.

The dragon has finally woke from her slumber. If dragons do exist in this world not that I've seen one, but it would be fascinating.

Do they?

"Eleanor! Breakfast, now!"

Is she not tired of screaming throughout the house? The whole kingdom would instantly wake up if she kept roaring like that.


I hissed as I hit my head in the tight spot of the fireplace. Dark particles sprinkled on my nose, wrinkled from a sniff and a loud sneeze escaped my nose.

"Eleanor! Where is my breakfast?"

"Hurry up! I'm hungry."

I groaned.

Great, the hatchlings have woken up as well. But, they aren't that much a screamer than their mother. They are just annoying.

With another scream shaking up the whole house demanding their meal. I hurried myself making their rotten breakfast.

A large tray filled with portions of food weighing me down. The delicious aroma sucked inside my nose trailing to my empty and hungry stomach. A growl below has spoken.

Quickly carrying the tray up from the kitchen to the dining room awaits the women already pampered and ready for another day of nothing to do, but talk about each other looks.

I found my stepmother, Ravena's annoyed look as she watched me set the food down for Minerva and Freda before hers. "Sleep well, Eleanor?"

I swallowed.

She knows that I had cleaned the whole house inside and out while she and her daughters went out last night. She has to torture me by asking such a ridiculous question. Can't she tell my eye bags are sinking with not enough sleep?

"Yes, Stepmother," I replied, as I placed down the soup in front of her. "How was your sleep?"

She snorted softly, looking herself in her small mirror. "I had such wonderful beauty sleep of course."

"Oh, mother." Minerva quirked up a smile. "Today is when that man is coming back home."

That man is my Father. You twit. I hate when she calls him that.

"That's right," Freda mumbled in between chewing. "We will receive gifts from another country."

The only gift you're expecting is food.

Then my mind thought of Father. He's coming home. That brought happiness in my heart.

"Yes, he's certainly is," Ravena spoke in a monotone, not excited that Father is coming back. "Eleanor."

"Yes, Stepmother?" I stepped forward.

"You know what to do," she waved her hand.

I dip my head. "Yes, Stepmother."

Rushing down to the kitchen and open a large trunk that kept my gown clean, cerulean blue lace with other shade of darker blue, as gold threads lines from my chest down to the gown. It has to be clean whenever Father comes back from his business trips. But when he's out, it's back in rags.

Gathered my gown and shoes, the twinkling light shines my eyes as I spot my dear Mother's glass shoes.

I put the dress down, bringing up the glass shoes up to where a bit of sunlight pierces through the fragile glass of the shoe off from a small window.

I smiled.

These were Mother's most precious possession. Made with real glass. She told me Father had given them to her as a gift from one of his business trips. She wore them to every elegant ball she and father attended.

Before Mother passed away, I kept it with me in hoping I too could wear them at the palace and fit perfectly in them. Matched with fancy gowns, dancing in the moon as its shining rays illuminating crystals light in the sky, like shooting stars. All the girls would be jealous, and the men would awe heavenly.

Ravena never knew of my Mother's shoes. I have to keep it that way. I don't want any another woman who isn't Mother wear them.

Realizing of the time, I placed the glass shoes back in the trunk pushing it underneath the fireplace where I sleep to camouflage it. Ravena and her clones had never stepped foot on the kitchen floor because it's filled with dirt, but I need to be aware.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The next day, I stood next to my stepsisters outside. I've clean myself up neatly making sure Father doesn't suspect of my situation.

There comes a time when I do want to tattle on her to Father, but she would always have a reason out and Father would always fall for her wicked charms. So, I kept my mouth shut.

I heard the sounds of galloping hooves of horses approaching our home.

My body couldn't keep still, and my smile never fades when I pulled wider until they reach could my ears.

The carriage stopped in front of us, and once Father was out, I immediately rushed to hug him ignoring the scrunching look of my Stepmother and stepsisters.

"Oomph!" He groaned with a rubble of laughter. "My, someone is so excited to see me."

I smiled.

"Welcome back, Father." Hug him tightly. "I miss you." My voice broke.

"Oh, Ella." The nickname he gave me. "I miss you." He pulled back to study me. His soft beard tickled my cheek. He used his hand to measure my height. "Have you gotten taller?"

"I'm not ten anymore, Father." I giggled. "I'll be eighteen this next month."

He playfully flashed a surprising look. "Eighteen already? I guess I shouldn't miss an important day."

"Father, you never miss my birthday."

"That's right; I never miss it. My Little Mouse." He smiled, tapped my nose as I was a child again.

Father has never missed my birthday. Never.

I love the nickname Father gave me, "Little Mouse." When I was just a child, to entertain myself, I would create holes in the wall that would take me places inside the house - the easy way.

It's the reason away father gave me that name. I'm like a scurrying mouse running all over the place.

I gave another embrace to my huggable Father when a clear cough ruins the reunion of a father and daughter moment. I grovel to myself.

"Fredrick," Ravena cooed his name, then pushed me aside. I shot her a dirty look. She saw and I fade away. "Darling, welcome back. I missed you."

She should win for best actress in an opera since she also has the annoying shrieking voice to match with it.

"I miss you too, my lovely Ravena." Father kissed her cheek. I held a gag. He then turned to his other two daughters. "How are you Minerva, Freda?"

"Welcome back, dearest Father." Minerva did a curtsy. "I'm very well, Father. Thank you."

Suck up. Now Ella is nice the voice of my Mother spoke through my mind. They only calls him "father" when he's home.

"Did you bring any gifts?" Asked Freda, excitedly.

"Freda," Ravena glared at her youngest daughter to remind of her manners before my father.

Father bark laughter. "It's quite alright, my bumblebee. I did bring back gifts. Come, let's get inside and see what I got."

Father took my hand leading us inside our home. He's back. Finally, Father is back. I don't know how long and when he's leaving again, but I should take this moment to stay by his side. Never letting go of his warm hand.

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