Chapter 25

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"Oh my lord!" Papa exclaimed a cat grin on his face.

"Ella?" Mei-Li moved her eyes up and down. Astonished. "I hardly recognize you."

Look for myself, I took a lock of my hair which now the color of copper, smooth and wavy. Just like Mother. I felt my face a tad same since I'm going to a younger version of Mother. I imagine she looked like me when she was a teen.

"Amazing," Papa circled around me. "Absolutely amazing. You may be our Ella but looked completely different."

"Since I could shift to my Mother I would look like her in my age. I guess I wouldn't have a problem at the ball in two days."

He nodded vigorously, a proud smile on his face. "I knew you were such a gifted child," he said. "Before having the crystals inside you."

I blushed and smiled. Grace nudged me with her nose and sniffed recognizing my scent.

"Tis truly amazing," Mei-Li agreed, a proudly adopted sister she is. "Now that bitch stepmother can't tell the difference. Have she met your mother before?"

"Now that I think about it, she would have during any ball she'd attended," I told her.

"Well let's just wish Ravena doesn't recognize you once you're at the ball," Papa reminded. Warning of the danger if ever Ravena knows it's me with this disguise.

"I'll be careful, Papa."

"Don't worry, Father. I'm here for her," promised Mei-Li.

"Those are my girls."

All three of us laughed at this glorious achievement. It's known that I've mastered my shifting ability, we'll still practicing my form of height. But, I'm proud of myself that I'm able to shift, fully into another person. Having these so-called magic powers is quite impressive. I'm worried for its negative use if I'm not properly careful but, training every day and learn new moves really helped me better.

"How are you going to explain to your Matt about the change of hair color?" Mei-Li asked, aimlessly at my hair.

"He's not my Matt." I implied, with a smile. "We aren't even together."

"Well you should be," Mei-Li nudged me playfully. "Back to my question, how are you going to explain to him."

My smile had slipped down from my face. "I never thought of that."

"Don't fret, my dear," Papa consoled. "He will understand, just give a reasonable excuse."

I nodded. But, couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse. How should I tell him?

"Okay, now I have gifts for my two beautiful daughters."

Mei-Li and I giggled. Following Papa inside the cottage. He disappeared in his lab but quickly came back with two large boxes elegantly wrapped in ribbons.

"Papa? When you have time to get us gifts?" I asked.

"While you and Mei-Li were out training. I figured going to a royal ball won't be fit if you don't have the proper dress."

I looked to Mei-Li, she shrugged.

"Go on, opened them," he demands. As we began to opened them waiting for a surprise on our faces. "Hope they're to your liking. I based them off your personality."

Both my eyes and mouth grew wide. Pulling out a very beautiful white-blue dress, cropped on top to reveal many shoulders and cleavage, and it was perfectly well designed with smaller stitching of the beads and jewels to match my eyes. The designed of the beads sparkled. I couldn't express how beautiful this gown is.

"Papa, this..." gathering words to express my thoughts. "This is truly beautiful.

"I'm happy it pleases you. How about you Mei-Li?" Asked Papa.

While I had a silly smile on my face still feeling sparkling inside. Mei-Li sure wasn't saying anything.


Her face wasn't happy nor angry but the expression seems that she loved the dress but didn't like it in general.

"I'm not wearing this," she said, breaking the silence.

"Why? Is something wrong with the dress?" Peering over her gown.

She held it up revealing a midnight sky, darker. Gold and red threads trailed from the chest area down from one side to form a dragon similar to her armor chest plate.

I awed at the dress. A bit envy but it suits her style. "It's beautiful Mei-Li. What you don't like about it?"

"It's a dress."

"I'm aware it's a dress. But is there something wrong?"

"Ella, it's a dress. To be honest I'm not fond with long gowns that show a bit of my chest." She looked like she's about to gag. "It reminds me the lady's in waiting to be the Emperor's concubine."

"I say it will look beautiful for you," I commented. "Papa even had it made for you. Won't you show a bit of happiness for him." I nudged her and eyed Papa who let out large puppy round eyes and puckered his lips.

He's playing his innocent look, use to get away from eating his vegetables and say he still has to fix the machine or tries to show his generosity and you're not favoring it. He'll pull out his gift of innocence.

"One of my daughters don't like the gift I've worked so hard to be made perfectly for her beautiful features," he said dramatically, placing his hand over his heart. "What shall I say to her mother?"

What a performance? I smiled and shake my head. "Papa, we don't have a mother and you're not married either."

He opened one eye open, embarrassed that I caught his act. He cleared his throat. "Well, anyways, please Mei-Li I hope you wear it to the ball. I never have daughters and I would love to see them bloom like dancing flowers on the dance floor during a clear night sky while the full moon horizon over you. Dim of moonlight shining would give you girls the meaning of true beauty. You two will stand out beautifully catching all the men staring at you. It will make the other ladies jealous."

Mei-Li groaned, surrender her dislike of gowns and dresses. "I'll wear it."

I squealed with delight and hugged her happily. Papa was most pleased as well. Grace lay on the floor and a loud yawn left her mouth. I chuckled, as I hugged the dress tightly in my arms.

It's been so long since I wore something this extravagant and perfectly made. Instead of these raggedy and scullery gowns I've worn all my life since that woman came into my life. Now, I don't need to worry about showing myself. I just need to be head high and be strong. Remembering some advice from another as a child.

When in fear is the key for courage.

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