Chapter 24

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Beaming at the wide open river, reflecting the sun and the forest surround this beautiful view. I had my time to sit and think a possible way to avoid going to the ball.

Yesterday I've been practicing my shifting formation as I used Papa's as my disguise. It was hard at first tries. I would get the face but the body size was still in need of practice. Mei-Li was a bit simple. I was surprised myself that I can imitate her and from her attitude and speech, and her memories... Well, I don't want to say anything to her because I know she wouldn't want me to talk about them. Overall, it was exciting.

Yesterday encounter with Matt was unexpected. I was doing an errand in the market until I felt being followed. Who I would thought that Matt was the one. What was he doing in the forest?

Matt asked Eli if he was attending. Of course he is attending but not as Eli but as Danielle. I couldn't hold any longer keeping the charade a secret playing with his emotion. I had to keep my distance from him touching me but that didn't work when he touch where my chest was. I forgot to bind my chest and now he will be confuse. Not to mention, he would be expecting why Eli and Danielle aren't together every time they encounter Matt. He's going to be confuse and suspicious about me.

What am I going to do?

In two days top, I'll be attending elegant, bright light shining upon the glorious dance floor filled with wealth and nobles dancing in the rhythm of the musicians. I'm beginning to worry. I use training as an excuse to get things off my head especially Matt.

Reminiscing the past brought the day Father was still alive. Ever invited to the palace as welcome by the king, I would be Father's partner. Stepping on his shoes, he spins me around like I'm an actual princess. Beautiful gowns, fancy jewelry from your head to the pinky of her hands.

Just the thoughts formed a single drop of tear. I wanted to leave my past and move on towards my future and what it holds for me.

"There you are," heard a feminine voice approaching. "Father and I have been looking for you."

I smiled at Mei-Li as she sat next to me, too watching the view.

"Still thinking about the ball?"

That was true but also masking my true self in front of Matt. I'm more worried that he will hate me for playing with his heart. But I didn't mention it and answered in another way. "I haven't thought of a way to stay away from Ravena if ever noticed and stick close to Matt."

"Your shifting ability," she reminded.

"I know that, but I would shifting into two different people and I can feel how exhausting it would be." Picked up a pebble as threw it at the river. Venting my frustration. "I need to find a way to stay as one person while being myself in front of Matt."

I pulled my knees under my chin and sighed. Dazzled in a trance that my secret would soon be revealed by the witch.

"Back in my country, they would often mistake me for my father. Though I'm a girl. Father was a very charming and handsome man in the village." Mei-Li said, with a smile on her face. "I guess that is where I get his dashing looks from."

Mei-Li sure is beautiful. Then it hit me. I rose my head up and got an idea. Turning my head to face a wide eye lady warrior. "You just gave me a brilliant idea."

She arched a brow. "And that would be?"

"The town where I lived, people would always say I could be my Mother's younger sister or twin except she had hair color of copper. Whereas mine is my gold hair from my Father." I beamed, gave her a hugged. "Thank you, my adorable fighting she-warrior. Now I know who disguise myself."

I ran off leaving Mei-Li who called to wait for her to train my shifting skills.

I remembered how my Mother looked like, the way she talks, the way her gentle smile flashes beautifully, the way she sings to me as I sleep, the way she and father would always show affectionate at each other, her sweet tender voice, her hair, her eyes, everything before she's above me watching over with Father by her side.

Mei-Li leaned against the tree. Papa and Grace came out from the cottage to watch me transform into the woman who I looked up to. The woman who kind heart had captured the whole kingdom, and Father's heart. The woman I love so deeply and is within me.

I inhaled, closing my eyes and concentrated the very image of my Mother. Every single part.

My body tingled as if magic swirled inside throughout my body to give its shape. Shifting didn't hurt me at all but I could feel it's power bestow upon me. The greatest gift Goddess Thalia ever cherished. If she protected these gems, so can I. My Mother owned these crystals and I'm going to be its new master.

The continuous vibes of magic spread all around me. My hair, face, my voice and even my memories all seem to change drastically. Then after, the power of the crystal had finished. I stood with my eyes shut waiting for the moment to gather myself.

Inhale the forest air and letting it out. I slowly opened my eyes and with Papa and Mei-Li's shocking look upon their faces meant I've succeeded.

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