Chapter 18

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The servant maid cleanse my earlier wound on that night. The doctors had said it's healing rapidly because of the ground herb Eli had put to decrease the pain.

Eli. My thoughts has been running through my mind.

Not only he has the same eyes as Danielle, he's a very skill man with a strength of a hundred men. The way he savagery killed those Borkis. Partly terrified that he were the enemy I wouldn't stand a chance against him. I don't think Eugene would also.

The servants dip their heads and left my bedchamber. Talks outside my door entered Father in the room.

"Matthias, son, are you feeling alright?" He asked sincerely.

I couldn't close my mouth and explained to Father that his sons went on a nightly ride to meet someone, instead was attack by vicious Borkis.

"I'm alright Father," pulling my shirt down. "No more pain."

He nodded. Walking toward my desk where all unnecessary documents to keep my mind off Danielle.

"Mind telling me what is going through your mind?" He asked once he sat on the chair.

Acting innocent. "About what Father?"

"Don't play mind games, son," his voice didn't sound pleasant. "Ever since you came home from meeting your soon-to-be betrothed. You didn't seem to care at all. Never once I heard a comment about Princess Georgette."

Father didn't understand what it truly feels to fall in love at first site. He did. Once, but that was long dead when Mother died. The moment Mother died, his heart did too.

"Princess Georgette is a charming girl," I admitted. Gentle and kind, but I didn't feel the spark. Nothing.

"Is that all you've got to say?" Father arched a brow. Waiting for more.

I swallowed. Nervous. Nervous that whatever I will tell him wouldn't make him happy.

"Father," sighing and couldn't keep it hidden form him anymore. "Father, there has been someone in my mind for a long time now."

"Is she a princess?"

"Well, no. But she's far more beautiful than a princess."

"More beautiful?" He repeated and rose from the chair. His back facing front of me, looking at the see through glass windows. Hands behind his back. "I once said that about your mother. Rosalyn was more beautiful than the flowers she grew in the garden. But picking a common flower out from there wouldn't last long in love. You have to find the perfect flower that could last forever with you until you die." Father turned to me. Serious and wasn't happy of my choice of women. "Son, don't prick your fingers just for an ordinary flower that will welt easy in your hands. That's when you release how falling love would be a foolish thing to do, especially a prince like yourself. I had to remind your brothers all the time if ever they found someone worthy of your love and as hers. It's pointless."

Father walked passed by me, laid a comforting hand on my shoulder. I felt no comfort. Felt like a lesson from his mistake.

"I'm doing this for your own good and your brothers." Patted my shoulder before walking out. "There are no such thing as a happy ending."

The large doors of my bedchamber closed. Once they are shut, I blew my frustration on my desk throwing everything off causing a mess. Anger rose throughout my body. I couldn't stand to be in someone pain while I couldn't be with the one I love. The servants barged in for an assistant but I dismissed them as of now I'm no mood to meet anyone.

Angry air left my throat as I tired myself to calm. There was no way I could be calm. Within three months from now, I'll be wedding to a woman I don't know much about and never give my love to. I don't know about Danielle either but inside I felt I do. Danielle has always been in my mind and I'm eager to learn more about her.

I need to see her. This instant. Staying inside the castle would just make me go bloody mad. "James!"

The head of the royals guards came through the doors, bowed. "Yes, your majesty."

"Get my horse."

"But your Father forbid-"

"I don't care," I snarled, angrily. "Get my horse. Now!"

"Right away." James didn't argue no further and left my room.

Taking each easy air inside me is helping, but what really would help if I see Danielle. That night I couldn't since her brother was in the way. Just hope he's out in time for me to see his sister.

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