Chapter 43

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"Darling!" Ravena took King William's arm the way she did with Father.

Cunning fake witch. Makes me sick just watching you express you fake love for every man that has wealth and power. Now with the King, your cravings had turned to dark desires.

"Look what my Maid of Honor done with my daughter's dresses. Are they beautiful?" I heard her say to the King while I curse in my head. I eyes the The Eye of Mazus around her neck and saw it glow. A hint of glow illuminated for a brief moment. 

I couldn't hear what Ravena said. I had my eyes on Matt. Once they entered the room he was surprised to see me. Lucas was too having his brows up. He glance at his brother than back at me. I felt very uncomfortable.

"Quite amazing work," my stepsisters blushes and the King turned to face me. "You must be Danielle."

I blinked. "Oh, yes your majesty. I dip my head and curtsy. "Danielle Norwood."

"Norwood?" He said, as if he wasn't a bit surprised of my surname. "Are somehow related to Lord Eleazar Cunningham?"

He knew my great-grandfather? My Mother loved and respect her lovable grandfather, who raised her when her parents died. Which is why she named me after him, Eleanor. But I have to lie, staying in character. "No, your majesty."

"I see," he studied me for a minute, but I've kept my head down to avoid eye contact both him and Matt. "What does your parents do for living?"

I cringed as he mention my parents. They're both dead by the woman who's has her arm around you. "My father is an inventor, and my mother used to make clothes. But she passed away when I was little."

His expression fell for a moment upon hearing my Mother's death. Until he pressed on asking more of my pretend life. "Any siblings?"

"One twin brother and a sister." The brother part is a lie but Mei-Li is real.

"One big family I must say," the King chuckled, then looked at my stepsisters. "Come my dears, let go see what I have for you."



"You must see for yourself," he smiled at my stepsisters responses. I watched as Minerva and Freda were naming possible items they seem to be interested as they walk with the King and Lucas following behind him. But Matt stayed.

"I must go before my girls would give my husband-to-be a headache," Ravena commented.

"Don't worry," I said to Ravena but my attention was on Matt. "You don't need to see me off."

"Very well, I'll see you on the wedding day," she hummed happily as she walked out leaving me alone with Matt.

Occupying myself and not standing awkwardly. I began to gathered the scrap of leftover fabric in the basket. The room stayed silent but his eyes were watching my every move. I could feel a strange pull from him as if he tap on my shoulder to face him. But I couldn't. I need to stay quiet until he would be tired and leave. He never budged.

My body became traitorous as its sending a message through my brain to embrace him and say how much I missed him. Just his strong arms around me as if he were a blanket of protection. Keeping me safe from the dark. But I couldn't push him out my mind. Get a hold of yourself, Ella. You need to let him know that it won't work between us. You need to think about his future - think about my future.

"Danielle?" I halt in one spot as his raspy voice send a vibe through my body. As long as it been since I ran away from the ball that night? "Danielle."

Shaking my head out of this nonsense, I grabbed the basket and walk off ignoring his call.

"Danielle! Wait!" He stood in front of me blocking my exit.

"What is it you want your majesty?" I asked, coldly. He needs to know I have no relation with him not now and not ever. If he knew what I am, I rather have him not see me anymore than hate me.

"Danielle," he licked his lips, wetting it. I wonder what his kisses are like. No! Ella, stop it! "Please, I know your upset that I haven't told you about my engagement. But I want you to know, it's my Father's doing. I never wanted to marry a princess."

"I don't need you to tell me what I already know."

He frowned. "You knew already? Did Lucas told you?" His voice was firm almost angry.

"No," I said, "I knew all along. Since you are a prince, you would be forever marry a princess to keep the royal bloodline intact. Now would you excuse me your highness. I must go."

I walked past him until he pulled me to a halt grabbed my wrist. "Please, your majesty would you let go."

"Not until you tell me why your behaving like this," his voice was rising. "Since you knew of my engagement, I don't blame you for giving me the cold treatment. Why did you make a foolish promise to Lucas for ever not seeing me again?"

I looked the other way. "You'll never understand."

"Understand what? Because your not a princess? Danielle, I don't care about status as long as I love you."

My heart instantly beat rapidly after hearing those three words. Both my heart and breathing had begun to suffocate me in a good way.

"You love me?"

"Dear God, yes!" He exclaimed, loudly. "I loved you ever since I first met you in the forest. I thought I saw a goddess of the forest rescuing her creation. My heart beats for you and only you."

"But your marrying another," I reminded.

"I know, but I could not break out of it since it's a promise I made to my Father." He sighed tiredly. Brushing his hair with his fingers. "Father didn't want us to marry for love since he failed six times to protect his wives. He didn't want his sons to have the same fate as he had."

He loves me, but could not be with me. There's no way he can persuade his father to allow him and his brothers to marry for love. Since it has come to this. I had no choice.

"Let me go."

"Danielle, these are my true-"

"Enough!" I barked. "I understand. You can't get out of this marriage. It's the reason why I forbid myself from seeing you. It would be the best way to fulfill your father's promise."


"Let me go, Matt." I said, with seriousness tone in my voice. He needs to understand. "I rather have you hate me than love me."

"Why would I hate you?" He said, with firm tone. "I already confess my love for you."

"Well, you shouldn't. I feel the same way, " said snapped coldly. But lied. My god, it hurts so much to say that. "It's best you don't ask why because once you knew what I really am. Your confession would be nothing more than a ridiculous first love that meant nothing." I jerked my hand from his grasped, giving him the look. "I'll still attend the wedding after all I'm the Maid of Honor but that doesn't mean I agreed to see you. Goodbye, your highness."

I gave a curtsy bow before leaving the room with a heartbroken expression on his face.

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