Chapter 37

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"Presenting Lady Ravena Wilcocks and her two daughters Minerva and Freda."

The announcer had introduced three ladies as they entered the dining hall. The two daughters were trying their best catching the attention. I softly sighed but gave my best smile at them. They looked quite charming girls, but my heart had never moved an inch for them.

My brothers were too politely smiling at our soon-to-be sisters. Five days is the wedding Father had announced. He was much excited for his seventh wedding. At least, he wouldn't bare anymore children. Then the woman in front of the two daughters caught my attention. There is something about her that I could not point out. Something dark. My body felt a sudden chill.

Her eyes seemed deep and dark with hatred and greed. Unlike her daughters, she doesn't appear jolly at most. She approaches Father touching his hands and kiss both sides of his cheek as a way of affection. I felt a slight chill.

"Ravena, may I presents my sons," Father said with proud tone once he introduced us each.

She bowed. "Your highnesses." Her daughters did the same but were poking at each other who's the best at bowing. Lucas was hiding his laughter, but Nicolas rolled his eyes adding a grunt.

I and my brothers returned a bow and gestured our hands against our heart to Ravena. "Please to meet you, Lady Ravena."

"Oh! You don't have to be so formal with me. You will soon call me Mother," she chuckled, but it didn't sound pleasant.

"Come, my dear. "Father gestured leading to the dining table.

Minerva and Freda were pushing each other to see who will sit next to any prince of their choice. Eugene took his seat, Nicolas and Brendan sat at his sides. Lucas and I took our seats, with Raj next to Lucas. I glared at him and he grinned. I didn't want an empty seat to be honest. My brothers played me since I'm the oldest they think it would be funny to have the two Wilcocks sisters to seat next to me.

"That's my seat, Minerva!" Freda, in the green gown, shouted angrily at her sister.

"Too bad sister. But Prince Matthias wanted me to sit next to him." She fluttered her eyelashes at me moving close, I just let out an uneasy chuckle as discomfort

"No, he does not!"

"He does too!" Minerva linked in my arms as if I'm a possessive item sticking her tongue out.

"Minerva you wench!"

"Freda you pig!"

"Freda! Minerva! Enough!" demanded Ravena at her daughters. "You are in front of the present of the King. Have manners girls. Now, sit and behave."

"Yes, Mother." The sisters took their seats dipping their heads in shame.

I pinched my lips. Lucas wanted out and release his laughter after watching two sisters fight. Eugene, Brendan and Raj let out light chuckles. As for Nicolas, he didn't show a slight of grin on his face more like he wanted the sisters gone.

"It's alright, my sweet," Father chuckled and amused at the Wilcocks sisters. "This castle will be lively once they move here."

"But my love, they need to show some manners if they are going to princesses." Ravena glanced at her daughters as a warning. "I don't want my daughters to be a laughing stock throughout the world."

Minerva and Freda dipped their head lower more hiding their faces.

"It's quite alright." said Father. "I find your daughters quite charming in their own way. Don't be angry at them."

Father is deeply smitten with this woman. I'm still confused with his declaration taking another bride. My brothers were too confused having no idea how our Father who vowed to never take another wife suddenly changed his mind. When his advisors told him to take a wife to be our mother and Queen, he went straight forward and refused. He made six mistakes, he didn't want the seventh to end her life the way all his wives did.

During dinner, I've watched Father talking so sweetly and gently to the woman. I can't put my finger on it. This woman is clearly after his wealth and Father doesn't see that. As if he's blinded by love.

Love? Of course, that's how I feel for Danielle. But, the woman won't talk to me nor see me anymore because I did not tell her about my engagement. She also told Lucas that if she gets in the way of my marriage with the Princess Georgette it would cause a broken bond between Father and I.

I don't care if Father doesn't approve my choice of one woman. I love Danielle, that is all matters to me.

Danielle is like a drug and I badly need it. Her sweet heavenly voice, her eyes staring at me like shots of flying arrows piercing through my heart, and the touch of her skin makes a man feel very uncomfortable in a way it's a good feeling.

I haven't gone out to see her and explain, but my brothers held me from going crazy mad. They would have lock me in my chambers until I'm ready to return to my normal self. How could I? I need to see her and tell her that she's the only woman in my heart and only my heart. It's been days passed without seeing Danielle. My heart aches for her, but could never reach. A month had passed and two more I will be wed to another. I could picture Danielle crying and heartbroken it's causing my heart to cry as well.

Heard of talks around the table I pay no mind at all. They were voiceless movements of the mouth. My brothers talking to each other, the Wilcocks sisters arguing at each other again and Father smiling at Ravena as she laughed. I see a family at the table, but it doesn't felt like it.

The woman Ravena spotted me, lift her chalice as I did the same. Taking a large amount in my mouth as the servant pour more for me. There is something wrong with this woman. I can sense it. I don't know what's her true purpose for marrying my father, but she must of done something to him to make him act this way.

After dinner, I decided to take a stroll to the forest. It's dark and the Borkis are probably out and about but that didn't matter to me I need to see Danielle. The urge for me to see her is like an addiction to chocolate.

I made my way to the spot where I met her and began to call out her name. "Danielle! Danielle!"

No answer. She must really be angry with me. Before I could call again I duck my head to get from being cut off by a blade. When I look to see the dagger stuck in the tree I saw Eli jump from the tree with his eyes full of anger.

Oh boy.

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