Chapter 39

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After I got back home from my midnight training with the use of my new profound ability of the Enchantia crystals. Papa and Priscilla are at it again and Mei Li is sitting down with one elbow rested watching them go at it each other. I encountered with Matt in the woods, stuck in a animal trap and after pulling it out I felt that pull again. He maybe having some emotional confusion between Danielle and Eli, especially with Eli, I could hear his heart racing sync with mine whenever we touch or close together accidentally but he doesn't know how they are both unreal and the person behind those characters is me.

I sneaked my way, shifting to my original self, Ella and sat next to Mei Li just listening to two people who looked more than just friends. In their eyes they loathe each other but deep down in their heart I could hear how much they care for each other.

"Daughters, huh?" Priscilla studied Mei-Li and I. "Since when you taken girls who don't have a home."

"Since you left," Papa smirked. Priscilla snarled.

" I have no choice but to leave!" She snapped at him. "You were too busy working on that useless machine. Day and night. You don't spend any time with me."

"Don't you know with that machine I can dig deeper in the ground." Papa pulled my arm out and use his medical equipment to tap lightly on my arm. We went back home along with Priscilla tagging along. She was welcoming greeted by Grace who jumped on her and gave kisses on her face.

"You greedy old dwarf," Priscilla hand her hips. "Is that all you think about? Gems?"

"At least, I make sure they aren't curse or evil whereas you broke an ancient seal off that pendant."

"It was my mistake for not realizing." She shrugged. "I didn't know that pendant was evil."

"What kind of fairy are you?" Papa shook his head in disappointment.

"The kind who's going to burn you, you dwarf," she summoned another fireball in her hand. Had alerted Mei-Li and I as we instantly stood in front of Papa for protection back to back. Her sword and my crystal blade on my arms. The fairy groaned. "You two are very protective."

"Papa saved our lives and in returned vowed to protect him," I told her. "Even if you're a close friend of his, I won't have a choice to fight you."

Priscilla crossed her arms. "You sure are Danielle's daughter. Could see the determination and bravery in you."

"Mother always told me to have courage."

"I bet she did." She smiled. Rubbing Grace's chin.

Mei-Li sheathed back her sword and returned leaning against the wall of the cottage. I sat back down on the steps. Looking at her than at Papa. "What is your relationship with each other?"

Papa flinched and Priscilla looked away as if she blushed.

"I'm curious about that too, sister," said Mei-Li taking a seat next to me.

"W-well..." Papa was beginning to speak lost words. "Priscilla and I aren't like that."

"Really?" arching a brow.

"Really," he ended. "We are just friends."

Mei-Li shaped her mouth in a circle like she understood but really we aren't foolish enough to believe his words.

"I didn't know friends would live with each other, be jealous and argue like a married couple?" I questioned and smirked at Papa. I could hear Mei-Li chuckling. "Are you sure you two aren't in any relationship? I can still see you two have feelings for each other-"

"No, we do not!" They both answered together. Mei-Li jumped in surprised but I flashed a playful grin at the two. They looked at one another but, turned their heads away. With apple color on their faces.

"So, if you two don't have any feelings. Why do you still argue so much?"

Priscilla was the first to talk. "Ask your Papa."

"I have nothing to say. That woman right there is driving me nuts," Papa said.

"I'm driving you nuts? I showering you all my love and I'm driving you nuts?" She scoffed a light laughter. "You're the nut with that huge head of yours."

Mei-Li and I moved our eyes from Papa to Priscilla watching them argue.

"At least I learn not to cause any mistake."

"I already apologize, you old dwarf." She snapped. "I didn't know."

"You're a god damn fairy. You were supposed to learn ancient magic so it would help us when in need."

Priscilla sighed heavy. "Don't insult me, Franklin. Didn't I say I have to ask Soren, which I've already contacted him. We just have to wait."

"The wedding is in five days," he reminded her. "We don't know what kind of black magic it has could make the user us it's power against the innocent."

Priscilla groaned so loudly, the birds in the tree flew away as if in danger. She turned her back facing the forest, arms crossed and angry.

I stood between them. "I know it's not my business to be in other people's love life but, I can see that you two still care for one another. I don't know what made you two act this way, but make amends. I never saw an argument between a man and woman because I saw my parents true love for one another affecting me to have someday of my own." I said, hoping it would calm these two down. "I know it's stressful on what sort of magic that pendant has and what Ravena can do with it. But arguing about it won't solve everything. Now make amends."

They stayed in silence, never saying a word. Only the sounds of the forest were heard. I placed my hands on my hips waiting impatiently. "I can stay her all day waiting for you two to make peace."

Papa grunted and Priscilla sighed. Turning their heads and contacted with their eyes where their expression fell from their faces.

"I'm sorry, Priscilla." Papa said with sincere in his voice. "I just so angry at you for leaving me. I thought you loved me as myself. When you left it felt as if you hated me for being a dwarf."

Priscilla pinched her lips puckering and eyes beginning to moist with tears. She sobbed running to Papa went down his level and embraced him. "I don't hate you. I've always thought you were the most sweetest and gentle man I have ever met. You made my heart move the first time I met you in the forest. I don't hate you because you're a dwarf I hated you because you didn't love me back."

"But I do love you, Priscilla," he pulled her face to his and confessed. "I love you, Priscilla. You're the only fairy for me."

She smiled and squealed with delight hugging Papa tighter. Mei-Li was next to me with a smile on her face. As we witness true love in front of us. I smiled much wide as I thought of something that would make these two last forever.

"Why such a huge smile, sister?" She asked, curiously at my playful smile.

"I think we have a mother, sister." I said, and we both giggled.

After dinner, I went out of the front porch and giggle to myself. The day I played as Eli and teasing Matt made me smile. Yet, still hurt.

I didn't mean to play him but I got to act as a playful brother to keep him from being suspicious. When he got out from the hole he demand to see Danielle again but Eli wouldn't allow it and threaten Matt. He never asked again. Now, I have to worry about the wedding.

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