Chapter 21

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After I introduced Mei-Li to Matt and Lucas. He was even more shocked that I have a sister. I said to be adopted after she was lost wondering in the woods with no family. Relief they believed the story. Didn't want to tell him every detail especially that she grew her arms back. Matt asked if there are more surprised that he should know about. But said no, as a lie that I do.

I left Mei-Li with Lucas to walk with Matt, who wanted to fight the guy for peeping at her. Lucas seems to be enjoying talk to her.

"Where's Eli?" Matt asked.

"Eli?" Acting like a fool. But knew whom he's asking for.

"Your brother?"

"Oh!" I chuckled, nervously. "Eli...yes...well he's out of town for a while. Won't be back in two days."

"I see," seems intrigued. "What does he do?"

"He's a merchant." Another lie.

"A merchant? He started off young. I'm impressed he's a skill fighter and a merchant."

"Actually, it's because he choose that path. My Father is too old to travel to far away places."

He nodded his head as we continue our walk. I fiddle my fingers, sweating like a pig and madly nervous next to him.

"I guess he told you about me, didn't he?" He asked. I nodded in response. I knew all along when I act as Eli.

"You're not upset?"

I shook my head.

"I have to apologize for hiding what I am," he sound concerned about my thoughts of him as a prince. But that didn't matter at all. "If I were to reveal who I really am, you would treat me differently."

"It doesn't matter. What matters is that your you as a person. A prince is just a title. It doesn't concerns me as long you're a good man and not those spoiled royals." I said truthfully.


"Y-yes," almost lost my voice there. I cleared my throat. Was it something I said? "Yes?"

He stopped. Turned his body facing me as I mimic his posture. "Are you free this coming up Saturday?"

I tilt my head to the side. "Yes, I'm free. What's the occasion?"

He blew a shaky breath, but chuckled at himself. He seemed nervous. I thought I was the only one.

"My Father is having his annual masquerade ball and...I would love for you to join me. At the palace."

I don't know what to say. Not know how to express myself with such an royal invitation.

"You can bring your brother and sister, and also your Father." He added. "They will have a wonderful time."

I looked down, then up at his dashing blue eyes. Waiting for my answer. I would love to go, but the problem is my face. People who knew me will spot me out especially Ravena. I know she would be there because she's partly a countess.

This man standing in front of me is inviting me in person to attend the ball. Inside says go but my mind tells me that wouldn't be good to go. Just thinking about hiding myself too long would cause people to question my death. I couldn't risk that. I have to decline. But I couldn't say it. I couldn't form the word. He would be upset that I refuse his invitation.

"Well?" Lowering his head to my level, awaiting for my answer.

"I would be delighted to attend," flashed a fake smile.

He cheered and lift me off the ground swinging me. I chuckled at his joyful and exciting face. He couldn't wait to see me.

"I'm so happy," he said, pulled a smile and revealed his white teeth. "You make me the happiest man in Enchantia."

"You surely are full of yourself," I teased.

"Am I?" He winked and I chuckled.

"Danielle," Mei-Li called my name out. "I hate to interrupt but Father is probably wondering where we are."

"Okay, in a minute." I saw her swatted Lucas hand away from her face. "I guess it's time for me to go."

"Can't be help," he took my hand and brushed his lips on top. "Till we see again at the ball, M'lady."

I blushed. "Can't wait."

With a last smile, he called for his brother to head back to the castle. As they rode on their horse, Lucas blew a kiss at Mei-Li. She groaned in annoyance.

"It has seemed you have an admirer," I wiggled my brow.

"You just love to tease me, don't you?" Crossing her arm.

"Am I that cruel," said sarcastically, placing my hand over my heart.

She grunted and I laughed told her it's time to head back.

One the way, she curse Lucas for being such an annoying character. I on the other hand, thinking in my mind of Matt's invitation. Why should I worry? It's a masquerade ball. Every single guess will be wearing a mask. I'm still deciding.

Should I go? Or should I not go?

Ugh! All this thinking and deciding is giving me a pain in the head. I need some calming tea and maybe rest to let it all out and stress free. I sighed. Me and my big web of lies. I can't get out of this, the invitation as been confirmed.

Oh why did I agree to go? Now I regret ever answering to be invited especially by a prince. I wished Papa had invented a some sort of machine that can make me change my answer. But, it's too late. I can never go back the moment he invited me.

What should I do?

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