Chapter 7

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"Did you hear that?"

"What is it, your majesty?" Asked James, Captain of the Palace Guards moved his steed next to mine.

I had my ears perk listening for that loud sound echoing the forest of the kingdom. After three days, nonstop from a neighboring country for a proposal from Father who had me to meet with my betroth. A man with six sons from different women has his right to control my marriage life. Mother was the first women in his life until she passed at the age when I was just taking my first steps. Then after a year Father had taken a woman who had Lucas, but she died in a chariot accident, then came Brendan, Raj, Nicolas, and Eugene.

For six years, every woman Father fell in love with than die of an accident or illness. For six years, he gave up on falling in love.

Now that all his sons are grown men, doing their own my father didn't want any of us to marry for love, but for power. I remember those exact words he advises my brothers and me.

"Sons, don't ever marry for love," He spoke in a hard tone and earnest. "Marrying for love can lead to disaster. Just look what happened to your mothers, gone and dead because I was foolish to fall in love with each and one of them. But being with me put them in a blind alley. Learn from me son, don't make the same mistake and never fall in love."

I know he was just reminding us that love doesn't always lead to happy endings.

"Your majesty?"

I blinked. "I'll be back in a jiffy."

As I heard James calls out for me, I rode Phineus into the depths of the woods. I rode as fast as my horse can jolt, dodging every tree I pulled the reins ceasing the horse to a stop. In front of me, lay an Enchantia Giant Oak tree that damaged part of the forest.

Sounds of thundering hooves I ignore. I jump of Phineus to take a closer look at the tree.

"Prince Matthias?"

I touch the tree. "Something broke this tree down."

"Giants are just myths," implied James.

"You believe in those stories, Captian?" I smirked.

"No, I am just stating a fact. Not to imply but they are real your majesty."

I chuckled. "Those are already forgotten from my mind a long time ago." I scanned the large tree, looking in the direction to where it actually from. "I'm going to have a look."

"But, your majesty. You have to be home by sundown."

"We have plenty of time."

"Your highness-"

"Captain, it will be just for a minute, then we'll be back on the road." I walk off in the other direction at the end of the tree.

Noticed James and the others had not followed. I made my way down just curious and intrigue who can ever push down a thousand pound tree. More than a hundred men can't even chop a tree large enough to crush you dead. But Enchantia Giant Oak trees are known to be a durable material, especially during a heavy rain and storm.

I wonder what could cause it.

The crunchy dead leaves from the bottom of my boots almost close to the end. Taking a large step, I immediately crash down to the ground as a large brown Enchantia Bear appeared. He growled angrily, informing me that this area is his territory.

"Easy, big fella," I said calmly, hoping not to intimidate it. But the bear kept growling, revealing his sharp and white fangs at me.

I've never seen an exotic, rare bear before, a bear, who can live up to more than hundred years and their claws are the components of crystals. It's the reason why they are poachers number one prey during hunting seasons. But, now they are extinct, the bear's treasures are no longer use for weaponry and armor.

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