Chapter 2

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That night, I finally get to sleep in my own room. The soft cushion bed, cotton pillow-like soft cloud puffs in the sky, warm and heavy blanket - and no mice and bugs to nibble on my bare feet.

It has has been almost a year since I slept in my room. When Father is away, I have to sleep on the cold hard floor of the fireplace, using a sack of hay as my comfort pillow and a dirty and old blanket that has bite marks and holes from whatever creature is hungry.

I buried my face in the pillow and lay face down. I looked at my side table with the gift Father brought from Hamadi, a kingdom filled with lots of sand. A beautiful gold lace necklace said to be a gift from the Hamadian King himself. Minerva and Ravena were undoubtedly jealous of my expensive gift. While they got was a beautiful ceramic vase and a hair ornament. Freda or course got Persian sweets, which she was anticipating.

I could never forget the look on their faces when Father showed the gold necklace. Among the gifts, I receive more expensive and valuable gifts than they.

Father is a trading merchant; it's a reason why he goes on his business trip to have traded from other countries.

The crackling sound of the fire of the fireplace is the only sound I'm hearing.

I frowned.

Lifting my head, warily, as to where Father would be. He told me, he would speak of his adventures in Persia. But, I've waited too long. He's never late for storytelling.

Grabbed the candlelight sitting on the dresser and I head out my room looking my Father.

As I walk my way down the creaking hallway, I spotted Father and Ravena's room open. The dimming light flicks inside. Sticking my ear against the peak, I listened.

"You are going to what?!" Ravena shrieked. "Fredrick, I'm your wife."

"The inheritance doesn't belong to you in the first place." Father has spoken in a dark tone. "My late wife wrote in her will that our daughter, Ella would inherit her wealth."

Will I inherit mother's money? Everything? What's going on?

Ravena stomped her feet, angrily. "What about me? What about my share?"

"Ravena, I don't own any that Danielle owned. Sure, I get half to start my trading business, but that was it."

"You told me you were rich," she snarled at Father.

"I've got my wealth with Danielle's help. Without her love and devotion for helping me start my business, then I wouldn't be here."

"You lied to me."

"When did I ever lie to you?" Father protested. "You only married me for the money. After you heard a rumor about me being the richest man in Enchantia and suddenly became a widow, you approached me." His voice rose. "I thought you loved me, but I can see why you're nothing but a greedy and despicable woman I've ever met."

"I married a poor man," Ravena mumbled in devastation and took a seat.

I looked both at Father, and my Stepmother is arguing about the wealthy mother left after she passed away from an illness. This land, this house and everything in it belong to my mother.

Mother came from a noble family. Instead of marrying a Prince or a neighboring kingdom, she married a farmer, who's standing in front of the fireplace and his hands behind his back- thinking.

He sighed.

"Ravena, I know you're upset about this convention statement. But it's true. Once I'm gone, Ella will inherit and take over this land." He said, with a soft voice. "Hope you understand. Danielle loves and cherishes Ella, and someday marry someone and have a bright future."

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