Chapter 27

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Great gods of Enchantia! Never in my mind would find a beautiful fair maiden dressed in an up most elegant fashion. Which for I see looks perfect on her.

I spotted Danielle in the crowd of the guest. I know it's her but something strange is that her eyes were no longer sparkling but ordinary ocean blue-meadow green eyes through the mask she's wearing. Still, my heart still hammers at her appearance.

"Have you found your lady friend?" Lucas said silently, avoiding Father's senses of hearing.

"Of course," I smiled, she felt my presence upon her as she gazed at me. "How can I not find an enchanting butterfly hiding in a rosebud?"

She stood next to Mei-Li, who looked beautiful as well. That two maiden had outshined them. Guests are eyeing them, they weren't the only ones.

Father pay no attention but talked with nobles of the court. Probably talking about the kingdom and the guests invited. While he looked away, I dashed myself heading to where Danielle stands. Lucas and my other brothers followed me in pursuit.

Arrived at the dance floor, the music as I walked towards her. More beautiful up close.

She gestured a bow in respect of my title as Prince. Ignoring the crowd and the small chatter from other maidens. Then, they returned to whatever they had been doing.

"You have a made it," I said.

"Thank you for inviting us, your majesties," her head drops down.

"You don't have to show formality," I chuckled, and smiled. "Just call me like you used to."

She smiled, leaning forward in a whisper. "I don't think that wise. Your father is watching."

I glanced at my Father who now has his focus on me. "Don't pay any mind."

"Someone is rebelling against the king," she countered, sounded as if she's teasing me.

"I'm sometimes a bad boy," gave her a wink.

She giggled.

Then a clear throat interrupted my talk with Danielle. Lucas stepped forward and bowed, and gestured his hand. "Miladies, you two look absolutely beautiful tonight. Isn't that right, Matthias."

My eyes didn't move but stayed in one spot. "Your beauty matches a diamond." She blushed and smiled. Taking my breath away.

Introduced the ladies the rest of my brothers. Each one of them teased how focus I am working and studying in my bedchamber. Then they mentioned my silly smile in the morning thinking about a certain someone.

And that someone is you, Danielle.

What she laughed is like music to my ears. Then she saw Mei-Li's discomfort.

"Mei-Li, what's wrong?" She asked her adopted sister.

The raven-hair maiden made a groan of annoyance. Probably because of my brother who finds her fetching. She is stunning, I must say, but nothing compares to Danielle.

"I'm going over there," she said. "I'll just watch from afar."

"Come on Mei-Li, have a little fun at least," Danielle begged.

"Go," Mei-Li glared at Lucas, who had his wolfish grin at her. "I'm not in the mood to stand here and outshine you." She then leaned forward Danielle's ear, then a flash of blush bestow on Danielle's face. Mei-Li departs heading towards the table of food.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone while I convince the maiden warrior to dance with me," said Lucas, with confidence. He too departs to where Mei-Li stands. Her face cringes at the site of my brother. The rest of my brothers also gone their own business.

"My brother is quite smitten with your sister," I told Danielle, as she too watched as our siblings argue in an amusing way.

"I once told her, someday a gentleman will swoop her off her feet," she chuckled. "She didn't believe me."

The music changed, and I gestured my hand out to her. "May I ask this beautiful maiden a dance?"

"This maiden would be delighted," she giggled. As she took my hand, I immediately pulled her close to my chest. A small gasp escapes her mouth. I grinned.

Leading the dance, we twirled around keeping up with the speed of the music. I've kept my eyes in contact with hers making sure she doesn't let go. Her gown smoothly swirled along with her making this more enjoyable. One hand on her back and the other holding her hand.

The dance floor created more space to dance around. The guest had gathered to watch us. Two people, from different worlds of status and titles, yet are swoon at each other.

We continued the dance until some guest joined us. She and I laughed, spinning in a small motion. I enjoyed holding her in my arms, her sweet scent is of the forest she lives in and the only thing that could make me feel whole is her with me, by my side and nobody else.

She's the one who can always bring a smile on my face, don't matter of my aching mouth always pulled up with a smile. Her laughter, as I said music to my ears. Nobody can make me feel this some sort of passion for her. There are plenty of maidens who would try to grab my attention. But there's only one person who not only touches my heart for her kindness. She captivates my heart.

"Why have you changed the color of your hair?" I asked. Wondering the first glance I saw her standing earlier.

"It wasn't changed," she said. "I'm simply wearing a wig."

"A wig? I find your golden locks appealing."

"Tis the color of my Mother's hair," her voice dropped. "I wanted her to be with me at my first ball. That's why I wore something similar to her hair. Likes she with me, guiding me."

"Your mother is no longer living?"

She nodded. There's a pang in my heart upon hearing her mother's death. She's was really important for Danielle. I can understand her pain after losing a Mother as for I too lost my Mother.

"Well, whatever color you wear. You will always be beautiful to me."

"Thank you," her smile appeared back as if she has been restored by my words. It made me happy.

We continued to dance until our feet can no longer move at all.

"Come," taking her hand, leading her to Mother's garden. She shrieked with delight, now her eyes began to sparkle.

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