Chapter 5

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I stared blankly at nothing, just getting my little head straight to the point of what not to believe and who believe makes any sense.

Doc sighed loudly. "Ella, I explained this for almost a hundredth time. What don't you get?"

I snapped my head directly at the small Doctor. "Everything. Can you explain one more time?"

He let out a soft laugh before he could explain to me how exactly I survived a 100-foot cliff and the abnormal changes in my body.

"Ella, those glass slippers you obtain from your mother are very rare crystals. Not only they are the strongest minerals, but also they are sometimes used for the medical procedure."

"Meaning that you operate on me?"

"Precisely," he smiled cheekily. "Enchantia Crystals are only found in Enchantia Bears as you know are close to extinction." He brought his long stick up to a board where he set up to reveal his blueprints. "I searched day and night wondering if I can combine those crystals into human bones since it will be the first. Then when I saw you that morning, I just have to test it on you."

"Well, you've succeeded."

He smiled. "That's what surprised me. Usually, other doctors would fail to try using the Enchantia Crystals on people." He moved closer dragging his small shoes. "But you, somehow you survived the operation, and now your bones are made of strong minerals."

"My bones are made of crystals?" Gazed at my crystal arms. "I don't feel any different."

"Once the crystal construct those broken bones of yours, they tend to spread, creating a whole new one."

I dip my head down and just wonder. I thought to survive from a high cliff was a miracle, but it turns out I was saved by this mad doctor who is a stranger to me. He saved my life, yet experiment on me for his crazy plan. Who knew my Mother's glass slippers are that rare and more importantly not to mention they are known to be the greatest weapons. I'm not sure if I should thank him or...

Doc sighed. "Ella, I'm very sorry not consenting with you. But, without the crystals, you will never walk again. I'm no miracle doctor; I do my absolute best to cure people with my logic in medicine and science."

I could hear the tone of his voice that he is sorry. "I'm sorry for yelling at you. I was just scared."

"I know, dear."

"But, I understand why you did it." With his small jumpy body, I hugged him. "Mother always told me to be appreciative and kind to one person to another no matter what, especially when that person was there to be a hero. Trust in your heart."

I smiled.

"So, thank you Doc."

Doc patted my back gently. "You are a very kind young lady, Ella. Your parents raised you well. If I have a daughter like you, I would be the happiest father in the world."

We both chuckled at the declaration. I gave Doc a small peck on his cheek. He blushed, and I laughed at his expression.

"Well, lucky to be kissed by a beautiful lady," he cleared his throat. I giggled. "How about I examine your body function to see whether all your bones are completely stable and the crystal has already replaced all your bones."

I flinched.

Quickly shifting away from him as I used my arms and hands as a shield. Doc chuckled at my jumpy movement.

"I'm not going to be undress am I?" Worried and a bit of concerned that a man would touch a lady pay no mind to medical practitioners.

"Nonsense, Ella." He smiled. "Why would you ever think you have to undress in such examination?"

"Because you see, you need to test my bones. I assume you might touch... my body."

Doc shook his head. "It's inappropriate for a gentleman to lay a finger on a lady even if they are the patient. I'm proper, so I ask first."

I release my shield of arms. "Then what do you mean?"

His smile grew wide that almost reached his ears. "Why don't we step outside and I'll examine you on chopping wood."

I frowned. Not understanding what the Doc meant by that.

"Doc? How will that examine my body?" I said, in confusion.

"Come." He held my hand, dragging me with him outside the cabin. "I'll explain while you chop wood."

Once outside, I look around for already cut logs and an ax presumably prepared. But there was none of them.

I faced Doc and Grace stood next to him sitting on her behind. "Doc, I don't see an ax anywhere."

"You don't need an ax." He implied.

"Oh, well, then how am I supposed to chop wood with an ax."


I watched him walk over to a large tree. Next to him felt like a large person next to a small plant.

"I want you with your fist to break down this oak tree."

My eyes grew and shock. "Excuse me? I'm sorry, did you just say use my fist to give out this thousand pound tree." I shook my head. "Impossible. No average man, not even a girl like me can cut a tree down with one blow using their hands."

"Ella weren't you listening to my hypothesis?." He said. "You possess the heavy minerals of science. Now that your mother's glass slippers embedded in your body nothing will damage you, not even that great tree."

I bit my lip.

I sure did listen to more than a hundred times, but I wasn't sure if his theories are correct that my bones are no longer bones but crystals. I sighed and just got to believe him.

"Okay," surrender by his ways of committing his theories of science I still don't understand, "I'll do whatever to trust in you."

"Good." He backed away, enough to avoid the danger that I assume would cause.

I took steps in front of the large oak tree. I tilt my head up. This tree reached the sky as if it's a stairway to heaven. Maybe I could visit mother and father after I have done some extreme damage.

I blew shaky breath and closed my eyes. Pinching my lips together and balled up my fist tight. I positioned the way young boys at the market fistfight every time they tried to escort me, and I refuse both them politely because of my situation. Minerva and Freda would always be jealous that men focus on me than them.

Raised my arm back, closed my eyes shut. I wasn't ready, but to have Doc examine if I'm fully normal except for my bones.

Aim my fist straight supposedly right at the tree. I hit the center of it feeling the hard surface.

Open one eye for a peak. I looked at the tree standing in front of me. Nothing happened.

"Doc, I'm sorry," I said, softly. Ashamed that I didn't perform a better hit that he expect me to. "I know you are a skilled doctor and using the Enchantia crystals were meant to be used on humans-"

"Shhh..." He put a finger in front of his lips.

Doc cut me off as I went in silence. I don't know what to hear, but around us stays quiet as the sounds of the temperate forest was the only music I listen.

Doc stopped me from talking, suddenly the sound of crackling and rumbling noises caused the birds to escape and gawking, and the ground shakes as the large tree began to fall from its stance. My eyes stayed shocked as the large oak tree landed with a loud thud crashing with other trees creating a broken pathway of trees.

Turn from the fallen tree to face Doc with a proud smile plastered on his face.

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