Chapter 9

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"So, that's the story." Brushing my tears away. It was hard to tell a tale in a narrative way, but even so, Doc understood.

I've read it like a book, with precious memories of my mother, father and my life after to be a scullery maid of my own household.

I thought Father would be happy to have a second chance in love. I agreed. Mother may be the only women he loves in his life, but she's long gone and Father had grown lonely.

Marrying Ravena would make the loneliness disappear, but it was a big mistake.

Doc hasn't said a word after I finished with my life story to him.


He blew a heavy breath of discomfort.

"As you know, I did not kill my father." My voice croak, along with more tears. But I brushed them away. "My stepmo- Ravena took everything from me. My father, home. I got no place to go."

I sobbed.

Dropped down to the soil of the ground as I weep in tears. Mother always told me to have courage whenever the situation is problematic.

But as of right now, I lost my courage. I've lost half when mother died and now that father left, the rest of my courage has been lost as well.

I flinched when a cold and wet nose pokes me against my cheek. Looking up as I sniffled, Grace nudged her muzzle again and gave my face a good cleaning.

I smiled. Thanking Grace for not being so hard in the head but also comforting.


I looked up to find Doc, standing in front of me with a gentle look upon his face. He outstretched his hand.

I wiped my nose on the back of my hand to remove the snot out from my nose, took his hand letting me stand.

"You suffered a lot of great grieve." With his other hand hover over my icy and crystallize hands. "Now, you won't suffer any longer. I may not be your father, but it will be my honor to take his place him to watch over you as my own daughter."

I sniffled and smiled.

"Thank you, Doc." Wiped away the last tear I ever shed. "I think he would appreciate it."

He patted my hand. "I never have a child before, but I will do my best to be the family you deserve."

"Just being yourself is enough."

"Phew!" He sighed in relief," that took a lot of work to be the greatest dad I'd ever be."

I giggled.

"Now, enough to crying," he told me. "Let's do more test."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Seven days later...

"Ella, child."

"I'm over her Doc," calling out from the window cabin.

"You don't have to call me Doc, you know," He said.

I blushed.

"I know, but it just seems a bit strange calling you with a different name."

"Papa, would be fine." He smiled.

I pinched my lips together. Doc is my savior after all, long with Grace's help but calling him Papa seems a bit to me. He's not my real father, but he helped me so much with the use of my special ability that I can instantly bring forth the crystals having no trouble at all.

"Papa..." I giggled. "It's very weird to say."

"Takes time. I'm a patient man after all." He smiled, as Grace dragged our dinner. "Brought a hog. I wonder what Ella's special dish would be tonight." Rubbing his belly.

"You just have to wait." I teased. Though feeling sorry for the hog. We need the meat supply full before winter arrives.

"Don't tease an old man, Ella dear."

I laughed. As Grace dragged the hog into the kitchen, then I went to work on our feast.

Cooking wasn't difficult for me since I had to cook for the lazy witches. Excuse my foul mouth. Every day, three times a meal and lots of delicious food. While I earn the leftover scraps from their plates.

Staying with Papa has given my stomach full of life and food. I've forgotten what it's like to eat a full meal. It's the reason why my bones are visible. Seven days went by so fast, I'm no longer hungry. One plate is enough to for me.

After hard work making such exquisite delight of a roast hog, pork, and vegetable soup, and as for dessert, my Mother's famous blueberry cream pie.

Never made this dessert for a while since Father was alive. I couldn't allow Ravena and her piglets have their nasty mouth to taste it. Otherwise, they would insult it; that I would not appreciate.

Not at all.

Dinner ready and serve I called Papa and gave Grace her portion. Sitting at the table, enjoying our precious dinner together, Papa and I talk about more about each other. The more I learn about him, the more calmly it is to talk to him.

He has so many stories, I had to stop eating and listen.

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