Chapter 22

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"Papa, I said no," saying it again, more agitated. "Even if I wear a mask, I'm surely going to be spotted by Ravena."

Mei-Li and Papa looked at each other before turning their attention to me. "Ella, I know that your past has already died and no longer want to return. But, you can't cope up here forever. Go to the Ball and have fun."

"Ravena," sounded whinier than ever before.

Then Papa rubbed his chin as always. Thinking of an idea. Again, he went to his lab as Mei-Li and I waited.

After a meeting with Matt and his brother. My new sister was such a blabber mouth and told Papa everything. I wasn't mad neither was he that I've kept it a secret for so long from him he just smiled.

I told him everything, the first meeting, Matt almost capturing Grace, the false name, then the second meeting, though I was a man, ended up giving him a false name and an imaginative person. Now Matt truly believes in Danielle with a twin brother name Eli and adopted sister, who we found in the forest. Mei-Li story was true except didn't expose of losing her arms. But the rest is all one big stupid lie that could hurt Matt one day. Just thinking about it, I'm such a bad person. I'm eviler than Ravena but I don't want to be the same level as her.

Please don't hate me, Matt.

"Ah! Here we go," Papa came back with his huge book of knowledge that has all the information of rare elements including the Enchantia crystals. He flipped through the pages. "Let's see now."

I leaned forward, so did Mei-Li who on her face never seen a big book before, even more, surprised Papa was able to carry it despite his size.

"Ah!" Both I and Mei-Li jumped back. "Here it is."

On the page was an image of a woman, presumably the Goddess. Papa talked about looking at an Enchantia crystals except not her face but another.

"This page tells the art of shifting," he informed.

"What is shifting?" I asked Mei-Li seems to question as well.

"As you know, the crystals are the Goddess Thalia most precious gems. Contains rare powers that you've never seen before."

"Yes, Papa. I know everything the day you had told me. But, what does shifting got to do with the crystals?"

He moves the book around facing the front of me. He pointed to the image. "It said here, Thalia uses the crystals to change her original appearance to another person. Like a mirror, once a crystal captures a person's form, Thalia can shift into any person she wanted. She'll have their body size, face, voice and memory."


He nodded. "Like I said, mirrors."

"Tis not possible," argued Mei-Li. "How can Ella shift into another person when they're already inside her body."

Papa once again rubbed his chin. Thinking in his little big brain of his. He glanced at me, not at my face but at my eyes. He pulled a grin.

"I should have won an award for being a genius," he praised at himself. "Ella doesn't need to show her crystals."

Mei-Li and I frowned, confused at most.

He rose from his seat, onto the table walking closer to me as he stares face to face.


"You, my dear, already have the ability to do so."

"I'm not quite what you mean, Papa," still a bit uncomfortable and confused.

"Your eyes, child," he announced. "Our eyes are what we see and capture, memorizing in our brains. But with your crystallized eyes, they are the mirrors. More capable to capture everything. Your eyes are the key to shifting into another person."

I blinked, gathering his brief lecture about shifting. Are my eyes the key?

"If I'm able to change into another person, how shall I do it?"

"Let's test it out," he jumped down off the table, heading towards the door. "Well, come along."

Mei-Li shrugged and followed Papa. A short sighed escaped my nose as I trailed myself behind them.

I'm glad that Papa figures out a way for me to blend at the ball. My concerns were if meeting Matt as another person he just met, that problem would bring another fat lie.

Then there's Ravena, eyes like a Vulcan soaring around making sure I've done my job right at her, please. If ever she spotted me as myself, there's a chance she would chase me down again.

Hiding is difficult and exhausting. There is no way I can escape this mask charades.

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