Chapter 41

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"You want me to be your Maid of Honor?" Acting happy but wickedly at the same time.

I went on another outing with Ravena in my Danielle disguise,  but instead of shopping for her needs she invited me to the home I haven't been since the day she pushed me off the cliff to my death. So much memories in the house, I held my tears not to have Ravena realized my sorrowful past. She would be curious and later suspicious if I don't give her another lie. Everything is still the same as it was.

"Of course," she elegantly took a sip of her tea from her teacup. We are sitting in the living and discuss her wedding in two days. Too quick. But luckily Papa and everyone planned out. Just hope nobody get killed during that day. "There's nobody else who understand more than you. The first time I met you, I felt I've known you. Like a little sister I never once knew."

I smiled, acting appreciated the way she sees in me. "Well, I always see you as either a Mother or older sister figure. I will be honor to be your Maid of Honor.

"Splendid," rose from her seat and brought out a large box. "A gift."

I cringe my brows together and opened the box to find a purple gown. Her favorite color. "It's beautiful." I lied.

"I knew you would like it." She smiled. "I want you to wear my favorite color since I'll be wearing white for the wedding. I wanted you to stand out and shine. Like me." said with confidence but much more conceited towards herself.

I'll stand out and shine, alright.

Her being nice to me was a wish I never ask for because I thought her as a mother would be joy over the lost of my mother. But I knew this was all an act and I shouldn't get carried away. She killed both my parents for her selfish greed of wealth and power. I'll go as plan once the important date as arrive and soon she will be lower than a slave.

"Come, let's have a stroll and than I'll introduce you to my husband-to-be once we are at the castle grounds." Her eyes twinkle, but it cause my body to shiver.

I gazed at her pendant and saw a dark swirl of smoke inside the gem. She's really in controlled by Mazus. She may not know it, but I bet she can feel it's dark powers.

When she mention the castle, I swallowed. "You don't have to do that. I've already seen the King at the ball. I don't think I'm welcome."

"That's nonsense! You are my closes friend. The ball had already passed." She retorted as a reminder. "Plus I need your help on my daughters gowns. They are going to be the flower girls and the gowns they pick was dreadful. Since you are a woman with business maybe you can help."

I wanted to decline. Very badly. But she needed my help. And if I refuse she would find it suspicious why I wouldn't go to the castle. There's a reason that's stopping my path. Matt.

I have seen him after I ran off after the ball. Crying like a waterfall. If ever I see him, I don't know what to say or how to say it? I would be choking at my own words before letting out.

He's probably mad at me for declaring such a promise to him. He and I are two different people in one world. One is of royalty, whereas the other she's not human. Not anymore.

Why would a human fall for a person who is no longer human? It would be horrifying and abomination. I don't want to see the look of fear in his eyes once I pierce my crystal blade through Ravena. As if I enjoyed killing her. It would break my heart if he did.

Well, it would be the only way for him to push me out of his mind and forget me.

"Come on, Danielle," Ravena called through the open door of the house in front of me in front of the coach carriage. "Let's go."

One last look at the house. One single tear slid down from my eyes. I wiped it quickly leaving a smile. I nodded and didn't make a choice to run away. Instead went inside the carriage. The coachman started the horses to pull the carriage as we are off to the castle.

Worries and unpleasant feelings is building up inside my stomach I wanted to throw it up. I don't want to see him. But I yearn for his touch again.

This is too difficult for me to bare. I pray I don't run into him after all he does live there.

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