Chapter 52

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I'm utterly, ultimately, unbelievably can not say anything. I just stand there. Motionless.

The King had given my punishment as good news to the kingdom. To marry Matt.

I'm standing before him wearing his wedding attire all ruined while I had that epic battle with Ravena. Torn and ripped, merely scratches on my body due to the power of the crystals. But overall, I look a complete mess.

Not only my mind went completely blank, my heart beat like the thundering hooves of horses galloping across a field of fresh and beautiful flowers in a radiant sunshine and blue sky.

My heart was excited hearing my engagement to Matt. I couldn't express this feelings after all I've been through. But, I want to decline. As much as I wanted to be with Matt and be his wife. In his arms, holding me. His kisses so tender, we haven't even kissed yet. I respect him for being a gentleman to court me properly, but I don't mind at all. Naughty thoughts I have. His eyes with sincere and love that I could never hate him. But the problem is am I worth his love? Am I worthy to be his wife when I'm no longer human? What does he think of me now since I've secretly hidden my identity from him in order to live?

I want to hear from him.

"Your majesty," I sighed, deeply. "I respect your punishment but..."

"But?" The King repeated.

"I don't know if I'm worthy to be Matt's wife and princess of Enchantia," I confessed. "My life before is gone as things happened to me further had turned my fate upside down. What I am now, is what I'll always be. Not human." This is the right thing to do. "I...have to decline this decree, my King. Prince Matthias should marry someone who isn't abnormal and doesn't destroy churches."


I cut Matt off still making my speech to the King. "While I impersonate as one of the servants to help you dress. You decided to have your son marry whoever they are interested. That told me how well respected I have of you. You thought of your sons happiness and that is what a parent should be. I don't deserve such punishment from you. I'm sorry, your highness." As I said, I curtsy.

The King stayed quiet but I could feel his eyes upon me. Studying and thinking. "Do you love him?"

I snapped my head up. Looking like a fool in front of the King.

"I asked, do you love him?" He said again. "Do you love my son?"

I blinked. Turning my head looking at Matt. He has no expression of anger nor upset at my speech. Matt stare at me with his blue eyes waiting for my response. He had confessed to me, but I refuse to accept it. Because I was worried and scared of what he thinks of me. But staring at the man who I've barely met and know about yet felt inside my heart that I've known him before makes my heart ache for him and his love.

"I do," I confessed. "I do love him. We've met a few times but to me I felt I've know him for a very long time."

"Well, of course you have," The King chuckled, I gave him a frown and confused face. "You were so small no more than a year old and Matt was eight. He and I visited your home. You two were inseparable. If I remember, Matt called you a Cute Mouse. He didn't know your name at that time."

Matt and I met before. I don't remember such. Well, I was just a baby barely walk. Mother said I mostly crawl around giggling. She and Father would call me their Little Mouse.

"I've forgotten about that, I do however remember a baby girl who I've called a Cute Mouse," Matt said softly, he pulled a smile. "It's no wonder I felt a strong pull to Ella. We already knew each other."

"Must be lucky to met your destiny, brother," Lucas commented.

"Now, you won't worry about marrying a princess," said Eugene.

"And whine a lot to Father," Raj added. Brendan and Nicolas chuckled as Matt glared at his brothers.

Mei-Li covered her laugh. Mama and Papa looked at each other eyes and smiled.

I couldn't help but smiled. Such a memorable scene in my mind I never remember when I was a baby. But now that the King has told us of our very first encounter. I would have never thought to be falling in love with Matt.

"I made another mistake having you to marry a person you don't love," The King glance at his eldest son. "Could you ever forgive me, son?"

"You are just doing what's best for me," Matt smiled at his father. "But since you realized it, I've forgiven you."

"I'm happy to hear that son," The King gave Matt a fatherly pat on his shoulder, then looked at his sons. "Another decree, Watson, from this day forward. My sons, the princes of Enchantia will be allowed to marry anyone they wish to be forever with."

All the Aurelius brothers cheered and gave brotherly hugs with each other.

I'm happy for them. Now they don't have to worry about marrying a stranger. I wonder what types of woman they will fall for. I know Lucas has his eyes set on someone. Moved my eyes to the corner and saw Mei-Li glaring. I followed the directions to Lucas who wiggled his brows, then back to Mei-Li she rolled her eyes.

I pinched my lips together holding my laugh. They are just too hilarious to watch. Why can't Mei-Li admit she likes Lucas?

Grinning to myself, I felt a hand to mine as I snapped my head to come face to face with Matt.

"Ella," he softly said my name. My name coming from his mouth made me shiver. "I understand the reason why you would reject my father's decree but that doesn't matter with me. Human or not, I love you, Ella." He declared. "I forgive you for lying to me, but now I know why you did that. So, please understand my heart." He placed my hand against his chest feeling the rapid beating heart. "My heart is beating for you and only you. Ella, we are meant to be. I've never met a girl who cuts trees with their fist, fought with Borkis with just their hands and also defeated Ravena's wrath."

"Are you trying to make feel worst of myself?" I arched, but playfully said to him.

He chuckled. Shaking his head. "No, my love, I'm not. All those mean you are a strong and courageous woman. Not only that, you didn't want to kill Ravena because you are no worst than she when she killed your parents. You saved her life and allowed her to chance her path. You have kindness in your heart and that's the woman I'm seeing in front of me, gazing with those crystal eyes at me. Is the woman I love for all eternity."

Matt his express his heartfelt confession made me shed tears. I don't know when but they suddenly appeared. He loves me for me. And that's what I wanted from him and nothing else.

With his surprise expression, I made the first move to wrapped my arms around his neck, carefully not using much strength and contact our lips together. Taking a moment to feel love forever and never let go. We are having our very first kiss for the first time.

Whoo and cheers filled the castle. That I practically ignored his brothers improper comment. I groaned. But, Matt chuckled within our kisses as he pressed harder to seal our lips. As we lock into each other's arm and kissed in front of people who witness out love I couldn't be much happier than to marry a man who loves me entirely with his heart.

No need to mask myself from him or the world because I'm just me, and only me.

Not Eli. Not Danielle. But me, Ella.

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