Chapter 36

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"Danielle?" She said, studying me. Then shook her head unsure. "No, Danielle isn't a blonde. And she doesn't have crystallize eyes and can't block my magic with the crystals."

"I'm called Ella. How long had you known my Mother?" I asked, curiously.

"Danielle is your mother?" I nodded. I flinched when she let out a barking laugh. "What a small world, it's no wonder I couldn't point you out. You looked just like your mother. I've know Danielle since she was just a child. A very kind and gentle girl who cares about others than herself." She smiled. "The first time Danielle came to me was to ask a cure for her sick grandfather. She begged me to save him for he's the only family she had."

Priscilla touched the willow tree as she plastered a genuine smile. "After thanking me, she would come and play here and tell her imaginable stories. She always wanted to be a writer and spread her stories all over the world. I admired her ambition." She said in awe. "How is your Mother?"


She turned her head slowly to me. Her expression fallen to sadness. "Dead? How?"

"She was sick when I was five," tears were already forming from my eyes the moment I mention about Mother. But I ceased them from falling. "The doctors couldn't do anything since it was incurable."

"Incurable?" The fairy's voice rose as if confused of my Mother's death. "She can't be sick. The glass slippers I gave her were supposed to keep her protected especially from any illness."

"Glass slippers?" I questioned. "The Enchantia glass slippers were given by my Father to Mother from his trips overseas."

Priscilla shook her head. "No, child, I gave her those once she turned eighteen. I cast a spell to mix in with the Enchantia crystals to protect her. Told her to keep it safe from the wrong hands."

Not my head was shaking. My legs grew weak as I was not able to walk right and walk backwards. My chest heavy as if air was sucked out from me. "H-how can that be? Mother told me while still laying in bed, sick that Father had given her the glass slippers."

"She probably didn't want anybody to know where it actually came from."

I looked at her. "She was protecting you?" The fairy nodded. "Then why kept it a secret to her grave."

Priscilla took a step forward. "She may wanted you to discover it's true power. Having them together can give its most powerful magic. Separated, it's nothing much than a ordinary shoe. But you've got nothing to worry about since they are in you now."

"Why did she gave-" I was having hard to breath. "Why did she gave Father one of the slippers while on his trip and gave me the other one? Why didn't she be selfish and save herself? Why...why..."

The tears I've been holding pour down like a heavy rain during a rough storm. I sunk down to the ground dirt and sobbed. I cried like a lone wolf who lost his mate and howl at the moon crying out his pain. I allowed the dark forest to hear my sorrows echoing throughout giving the painful cry and the voice of my grief for my Mother's death.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・⚜・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

"Ella?" Felt the hand of my adopted father on my shoulder as comfort. While Mei-Li sat next to me, with her arm around me, comforting me. "You alright, child?"

I sniffled and nodded. Wiping my nose.

"Don't blame your mother, she has been trying to keep you and your father safe?" He told me. "She did what she had to do."

"But I don't get it." I croaked, still with my eyes moist from how much tears I poured out. "If the slippers kept her from ill. But when Father left on his trips she became ill suddenly."

Papa looked at Priscilla. "Have you any thought of what become of Danielle?"

Priscilla sighed and began to think. She was thinking hard and concentrating figuring out my Mother's sudden illness. "While your father left, did anybody came to your home?"

"I don't think so," I said, having myself to remember my past. That's when I realized. "I was upstairs playing with my dolls," I began telling the childhood of my memories. "I heard the door knock but pay no mind to it until I heard another female voice talk to Mother. I was very curious, so I went out but was too late to see who it was." I frowned, thinking hard. "I then remembered the top of hat of the mysterious woman. Purple hat, with fake flowers and a small animal shaped as a black Raven."

Once I mentioned the species of the bird, I connected to the name who burn my heart with hatred. The woman who ruined my life and has taken everything from me. The woman who will soon be queen as her own selfish needs.

"Ravena!" I screamed a whisper. "It was Ravena! She did it! She killed my Mother."

"Ella, calm down," Papa said, softly unaffected by my uproar. "How do you know she did it?"

"Seriously, Papa?" I questioned, I glared at him with much anger. "I already told you of my story and how that woman killed my father. At the ball, while I disguise myself as my mother in which she didn't know. Confessed to me she got rid of my Mother in order to marry my father. I wasn't sure how she did it, but now I know." I rose from the ground and clinched my fist hard that it suddenly shift into clear Enchantia crystals. "That woman will rue the day she takes a happy family life. She'll rue the day she stepped foot in my home and calmed to be a ruler in her own little world. She'll rue the day she pushed me off the cliff. I'll show her how properly to kill a person." I slammed my fist against the tree after I cried out my sorrows. It tumble down instantly with the surprise look upon everyone's face. They moved away from me.

I'm angry. Way beyond angry. Furious and enraged. I felt my body tense and heating up with so much anger I couldn't get my mind to think.

"Ravena Wilcocks, since you ruin my life. I'm going to ruin yours with full force." I smirked, summoned my arms to turn diamond and upgraded with sharp blades around my arms like a sea urchin.

That's when I heard Priscilla whispered to Papa behind me. "One of your experiment?"

"Yup," I could hear the proud tone from him.

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