Chapter 1

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Picture above: Clarissa's dog
Song above: Never Say Never by: Justin Bieber featuring Jaden Smith

*****PLEASE READ: I'm pretending this is the summer after Purpose came out. I do realize that as I write this, if isn't even out yet, so I'm letting you know. *****

I wake up to an alarm at 9 AM feeling very happy. Today happens to be the day that my mom's high school best friend and kid are coming to stay with us for 2 weeks. I was super excited because I love meeting family friends and new people in general. I actually have social anxiety which means any type of social interaction makes me have more anxiety than a normal average person which is weird that I like meeting people. I have friends who enjoy me just the way I am which is nice. My name is Clarissa Carnell. I'm currently 21 years old, I'm single, and I play flute. Weird combination to know about me, but that is just the beginning. I'm home for the holidays since I'm in college and I love my family so much. I roll out of bed, walk downstairs, then walk into the kitchen. My mom says "Morning sunshine. Ready for breakfast?" I say "Yes. Thank you mom."

She smiles and starts getting me breakfast. I get a chocolate muffin, an apple, and vanilla almond milk. Yum! I eat it with joy. As I'm eating, my dad and brother walk in. My dad says "Well look who decided to join us this morning." I answer "This is earlier than normal even when I was a high schooler. What are you talking about?" My dad replies "I guess you're right." Okay, he is weird. He then walks out to the living room. My 12 year old brother, Benjamin, sits at the table and says "I'm bored." My mom says "Benjamin honey, go play with the dog or go make sure the house is clean." He gets up and goes to do something. My dog is named Nola, she is 8 years old and a mutt. Too cute if you ask me. I finish breakfast, put my dishes in the sink, and I go to my room. I then go into the bathroom and get ready for the day. I clean my teeth and brush my hair. My mom said we don't have to dress nice because they have been sitting in a car for hours, so they won't be fancy. Yes-no fancy clothes! I may seem like a girly girl with how I normally dress, but if I'm given the opportunity to wear sweats or Nike shorts, I'll take it. I grab Nike shorts and my flute t-shirt. It'll be cute enough. After that, I walk back in my room and decide to turn on some music. I scroll through Spotify and I click shuffle. The first song to come on is Never Say Never by: Justin Bieber featuring Jaden Smith. I saw the movie Karate Kid with Jaden Smith and I loved the movie, so naturally I loved Never Say Never which was in the credits. I continue to clean my room and perfecting it. I finally am finished, so I sit down on my turquoise polka dot swivel chair. It's so comfy and I love it. I continue to relax the rest of the day and I also help my mom clean the house. Something I do on weekends or break is I forget about lunch. It's a horrible thing, but I've done it so much. I forget something. It is 5:30 PM, when I hear my mom scream "Clarissa and Benjamin, come down here. They're here." I grab my phone and make my way downstairs as my brother sprints down the the stairs. Wow-someone is excited. When I reach the bottom, our whole family is there and my mom opens the door. When she opens the door, I notice the lady first and she looks strangely familiar. I wonder who she is.

Then, her son walks in. OMG! Major fan girl moment right now. It's Justin Bieber! His mom is Pattie Mallette which explains why she looked familiar. They are both so amazing looking in person. Justin is wearing grey sweatpants, a grey hoodie, and grey vans. Hot if you ask me. My brother is also staring at them in awe. When they come in with their suitcases, my mom says "So, kids, this is my high school friend, Pattie Mallette and her son, Justin Bieber." Benjamin and I wave and say hi. My mom then says "Pattie and Justin, this my family. I'm Shelly Carnell. This is my husband, Rich Carnell. These are my kids Clarissa and Benjamin." We all say something along the lines of nice to meet you and then Benjamin says "You know, mom, you didn't have to tell us who Justin is. Remember? Clarissa had a major crush on him in middle school and she always would sing his songs." I start laughing because it is so true and I'm sort of embarrassed. Then, we all start laughing and my mom replies "Don't get on your sister's bad side. You won't see her until the next break or weekend after holidays, so be nice." My mom then replies "Anyways, Rich, you can go prepare the food since they are probably hungry. Benjamin and Clarissa, come with me to show the guests to the guest room." My dad walks back into the kitchens. We start walking over to the stairs next to us. I say "Do either of you need help carrying your stuff upstairs?" My mom says "Clarissa, you always have such great ideas. Do you guys need help from any of the three of us?" Pattie says "Shelly, you can help me carry the suitcase. Benjamin, you can help me carry my other bags. Justin, do you need help carrying stuff upstairs?" Justin looks over and says his first words here "I don't want to be one of those people who needs help from people. I'll feel bad. I'm fine. Thank you all for offering." Pattie says "Honey, a guitar case, big bag, and a suitcase. You need help, just admit it." Justin says "Mom, stop. I'm good, let's just go upstairs already." Well, someone seems a little annoyed today. Pattie says "Okay then." They all start climbing with me in the back of the group. I'll admit, Justin looks like he is struggling carrying stuff. Should I ask him if he wants help or should I not? I decide to step out my comfort zone and say "Justin, do you need help carrying your stuff? You look like you are struggling just a little bit." He turns around to me, smirks, and says "You know what? Maybe I do need help. Can you carry my guitar case?" I say "Do you trust me that much with your guitar?" He says "Yes. Should I not trust you?" I quickly reply "No, you can trust me. I just know certain people have prized possessions that they are overly protective about, so yah. I'll carry it though." Justin hands me the guitar case and says thanks. We continue to carry the stuff up the stairs and I'll admit he isn't struggling as much anymore.

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