Chaper 23

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I wake up happy. I open my phone to see texts. Huh? I check the texts from Justin first. Whoops... I forgot to talk to him last night. Totally slipped my mind. Oh no.  His text says Hey Clarissa. You're probably busy right now. I just wanted to let you know that I went on  a date with that girl I was talking about and she was pretty nice. Not as kind as you, but still nice. I had fun. I hope your date is going well or goes well whenever it is. I miss you a lot and let's talk tomorrow or soon. Please. Love you!! I text back I'm so sorry for not calling last night. I feel like the worst friend ever. So sorry. Thanks, I went on the date last night and it went okay. Yes, let's talk later. Miss you tons! Love you!

I then close my phone. I get out of bed and I walk out my room. I see Alexis walking into the kitchen as well. I say "Morning." She says "Morning. Gosh, you were right last night. I'm glad we came home. Haha. What should we do for breakfast?" I say "How about a toasted croissant and a smoothie?" She nods and says "Okay! I'll toast the stuff and get utensils & napkins." I smile. Glad she helps at least a little bit. I open the freezer and I get out some frozen fruit and frozen apple juice. I put them in the blender along with yogurt, water, and ice. I blend it up:) When the smoothie finishes blending, I put it into two cups and I grab straws. I bring it over to the table and I set them down. Alexis puts the croissants on plates at our spots. We sit down and we start eating.

As we're eating, I finally exclaim "So, tell me about your details? I want the details, but not the TMI ones." She laughs and replies "Well okay. He picked me up at 6:00 at my door. He looked really good and I was like yes loving this already. Haha. Next, we left the apartment complex and went to dinner at this Taco Place. The tacos were heavenly. They were the legit best tacos I've ever had. OMG I just love tacos. Anyway, after dinner, we went out for ice cream, which is also where we kissed for the first time. Then, we went back to his apartment. We made out a little and watched some of a movie. We kept getting distracted by each other. Haha. Sorry for the details. Um, then you and Alexander came over. You two look adorable by the way. He would keep sneaking glances at you and smiling. He really likes you a lot. Xander was saying that he was glowing after he asked you out. So cute. Now, tell me about your date." I reply "Well, it went really well for starters. We went out for dinner and I had the best pasta ever. I mean I was freaking out with him. I guess we both were amazed by food last night. After dinner, we went to the drive thru and we got shakes. Yum. Then, we came to our apartment where we kissed once, then we watched a few episodes of Psych. After that, we came over and played games with you guys. How was the kiss?" She replies "Magical. What about yours?" Hm... I reply "Unique." She smiles so big.

We finish breakfast and we clean up the kitchen. I walk back into my room to see texts popping up. One from Justin says Okay, fine with me. Talk to you later! Ugh, I feel horrible that I made him sad. Whenever people say fine, it isn't fine with them. I know that because I've used that tactic before. I text back Okay, love you tons and talk to you later!!! I then open my text from Alexander Hey!! Hope you aren't doing anything for the day because we should hang out. If yes, I'll pick you up in 30 minutes. If no, maybe tomorrow or tonight? I take my phone and I walk to Alexis' room. I knock and walk in. I say "Okay. What are your plans for today and tonight?" She answers "I was just going to ask you that too. Um..." I quickly say "Ooh I have the perfect idea. So, we both go off with them for the day. Then, we have an hour break before to clean this nonsense up or get stuff for tonight when we cook dinner and we all hang out." She says "Ooh love it. Great idea to give us time to clean and shop. I'll tell Xander. You tell Alexander." I walk out and text Alexander Here's the deal: Yes I will hang out with you for the day. An hour before dinner, Alexis and I get an hour of cleaning time. Then, we all hang out at dinner. Like the idea?? He quickly texts back Love it!! See you in 30! I put my phone on my desk and I look at my closet. What to wear what to wear. Most things during the day are casual. Okay, shorts and a cute blouse it is then. I grab blue jean shorts and I put a light teal blouse. I put my white sandals on that are so comfy. I grab a bag and put essentials in it. I then see I have 10 more minutes. I text Justin So, how about around 5 we chat? I close my texting app and I look at Pinterest. As I'm looking at Pinterest, Justin texts back Yes. I then close my phone and I walk out my room. I see Alexis wearing black high waist shorts and a crop top. Super cute. I say "Love the outfit girl. When is Xander coming?" She replies "Any minute now. What about Alexander?" I reply "Same. He told me around now."

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