Chapter 74

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Decided to skip a week ahead... anyway...

Saturday June 17

I wake up with the sun shining in my eyes and my head hurting. Ugh I'm so tired! This week was getting ready for tour hardcore because we have one more week working hard like this before tour starts up. I groan and roll around. Maybe Justin will want to relax today. Wait, Justin isn't in the bed. What? Where did he go? We laid down in the bed at the same time last night.

I brush my hair and put on deodorant. I check my phone and he hasn't texted me. I text Justin Okay-hi. I miss you and I wonder where you are. Love you.

Hm... I then walk downstairs. I see no one here. I walk into the kitchen and I ask the chef "Have you seen Justin this morning?" He answers "I'm afraid not. I thought he would be down earlier. I can let you know if I see him this morning before you." I reply "Thank you." I leave the room and I walk outside. I walk down to the waterfront and I look out. I cover my eyes with my hands to look out at the water. I don't see anyone out there. Dang it, where is he? I walk back inside the house and up to our room. I grab my phone and I call Justin. He doesn't answer, so I leave a message "Hello Justin. This is Clarissa. Um... you're gone and I don't know where you went. I'm worried and I wish you would call or text me. Anyway, I love you so much and bye."

I then open my messages and I text Justin Hey- what's up? Where are you? Are you okay? Love you.
I close my messages and I call Scooter. He answers.

((Start of conversation))
S- Scooter     C- Clarissa
S- Hey Clarissa. I'm not used to you calling me. What happened?
C- I... uh... I can't find Justin. Do you know where I can find him? I've been looking around the house and I can't find him.
S- When was the last time you saw him?
C- We went to sleep last night around 11 or so. I woke up this morning and he wasn't there.
S- Okay Okay. Have you tried contacting him?
C- Yes I called and left a message. I also texted him twice and he hasn't responded to either texts.
S- Oh gosh. I'm going to call him and try to text him as well. Check the house again and call again. I'll call you back after.
C- Okay thank you.
((End of conversation))

I close my phone and I walk around to every room checking to find him. I look under beds, on couches, in dark places, really anywhere he could be. I then call again. No one answers. Ugh! I walk up to our room and I sit on the bed. All this anxiety this whole week and now my boyfriend is missing. Oh gosh. The tears are starting to pour. Oh no! I feel my phone buzz and Scooter is calling me back. I wipe my eyes and I answer it.

((Start of conversation))
S- Scooter     C- Clarissa
S- Clarissa?
C- Yeah?
S- I think I found him.
C- What?
S- He answered my call and he left the house last night. He needed time alone or time to think or something like that apparently and he decided to stay at a hotel. I'm sorry this happened Clarissa. He should've told you about it and it's not fair. Just text him explaining that you are okay with him being alone and you won't bother him. Oh Justin why does he do this?
C- Ok thank you. Thanks Scooter for being an amazing manager to Justin and for always being so helpful.
S-Welcome Clarissa. See you on Monday.
((End of conversation))

I text Justin Hey J. Whenever you want to come home, I'm here for you. I love you so much and if you need anything, I'll help you. Like if you need alone time, I will let you have it. Okay love you!

I close my phone and I grab my laptop. I decide to start editing my cooking video from when Becky was here. Gosh I miss her being here. Oh how I love friends and good times.

I finish editing my video and I decide to publish it. I press publish and I type my caption: Hey! Sorry for not uploading in forever. Here's a new video with my friend, Becky. Hope you enjoy it & find it happy! Thanks for watching as always-Clarissa

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