Chapter 42

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Saturday- Clarissa's POV

I wake up with sun shining through the window. My legs are tangled in Xander's and his arms are wrapped around me. That's when everything hits me about what happened last night. We said I love you to each other. Oh my gosh. That actually happened. I thought it was just some happy dream.

I feel Xander kiss me on the cheek and I whisper "Good morning." He whispers back "Morning love." I smile widely. Ah! Yes! I flip myself to where I'm facing him. He's smiling too. He says "I thought last night was just a dream, but it wasn't. I love you." I reply "Aw I love you too." He leans over and kisses me. This kiss feels more lighthearted and happy. Wow this is love.

After the kiss, I ask "Shall we go find some breakfast?" He replies "I mean, we could keep laying here." Why do guys want to stay in bed when they wake up for so long? Lazy butts. I ask "Just for fun or are you tired?" He answers "Nah I slept well. Let's just go get breakfast." I reply "Yay." I climb off the bed and I walk into the kitchen. I feel arms wrap around my waist and Xander asks "Do you have pancake mix?" I slip myself out of his arms and I find some. I ask "Want me to make you some pancakes? I can put chocolate chips in them if you want." He nods and he takes a seat at the table. I laugh. Wow he doesn't want to do anything. What a guy. I spray the pan and I heat up the stove. I mix the batter and I pour it on. I ask "How many do you want?" He replies "Four please." I nod and I continue cooking.

Switch to Xander's POV

I can't believe this. My love is cooking me breakfast. I'm so glad I finally got it off my back and just told her. I just realized that Clarissa might want help preparing breakfast. Whoops there I was being disrespectful. Haha.

I walk over to her and I lean against the counter. I ask "Anything I can help with?" She looks up and replies "You can pour us each a cup of juice or milk." I ask "Where are the cups? What do you want to drink?" She replies "In the cabinet next to the fridge and I want milk to drink." I nod and I walk over to the cabinets. I open one up and I pull out two cups. I set them down and I pour milk into them. I then add ice cubes and I set them on the table. Clarissa exclaims "Xander, could you grab two plates out of this cabinet for me? I have yours almost done." I nod and walk over. I take two plates out and she sets pancakes on one of them. She says "Wait for a minute before you take them." She goes to get butter and she spreads them on the pancakes. She says "There is syrup and powdered sugar in the pantry. You are welcome to whichever one you want." I walk and I take both out to bring to the table. I wait to eat until she gets her food cooked. She sets the pan in the sink and then she grabs her plate. She walks over to the table and she sits down.

Back to Clarissa's POV

Aw he is so cute. He waited for me to finish cooking to eat. So sweet! He also helped me get breakfast ready. Wow I love him so much. Xander asks "What are you thinking about?" I reply "How much I love you." He smiles and I eat my pancakes.

After breakfast, we put our dishes in the sink and we go brush our teeth. After that, I sit on the bed next to Xander. I lay facing him and I ask "What should we do today?" He replies "I didn't have plans, except for maybe another date tonight. How does a drive-in movie sound?" Oh my gosh! Yes! Ah goals! I reply "That sounds amazing." I kiss him on the lips.

After the kiss, he says "Well someone must be excited because you spontaneously kissed me." I reply "Well I wouldn't call it to spontaneous my love." He smirks and kisses me.

This kiss once again feels so happy:) ah!! I ask "What else should we do today?" He replies "Whatever you want to do." I reply "Ooh I don't know what to do. Hm..." He then leans back in and we kiss again. He starts wrapping his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. He flips me onto my back on the bed and he hovers over me kissing me. He stops kissing me to say "I love you so much." I answer "I love you too." He then flops himself next to me on the bed. He asks "Want to go on a run?" I reply "Sure."

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