Chapter 78: Purpose Tour

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Fast forward 12 days: Salt Lake City Purpose Tour Stop:)

We arrive in Salt Lake City. We park at the Hilton hotel, which happens to be the same hotel we stayed at last time. We all go inside and the hotel desk manager says "Hello sir. Good to see you again here." Justin thanks them. We get our keys and we head up to our floor. Our show is tomorrow, so we have the rest of today to relax. I'm glad about it because we've all had barely any sleep recently. I can tell we are running thin right now.

Justin opens our door and we go inside. We toss our stuff down. I run and flop onto the bed. Justin walks over, smiles, and flops down next to me. He says "I love you. I feel like we barely have gotten to see each other recently. I miss summer." I reply "Me too, but I love your tour. I love you so much Justin. What should we do tonight? I want to go to sleep earlier because I'm exhausted as f***." He laughs and replies "Haha I agree with that statement. We could go out for dinner and come back to like watch a movie or something. Although we might fall asleep during the movie but whatever." I smile and he leans over. We kiss.

By lunchtime, I ask "What are we doing for lunch?" He shrugs. I say "Come on Justin. Let's go buy some dinner and we can take something to go for dinner." He nods and we grab our wallets and room keys. We then head out and we walk downtown to this pizza place we went to last time. We order slices of pizza, get our soda, and we sit down.

After lunch, we order our pizza to go and we take it. Justin says "We can walk into a few shops if you want." I ask "Really? You'd suffer for me." He answers "Of course babe. That's love." We laugh and I kiss him on the cheek. We go into a few shops where I just casually walk around. I notice a cute leather bracelet with my name on it & one with Justin's. I grab them to buy. Maybe I'll give it to him soon or maybe Christmas. Idk. At the cashier, the girl says "I love your voice by the way. Also, you're like really pretty in person." I thank her and ask "Do you want an autograph or picture?" She asks "Really?" I nod and she pulls her phone out. We take a selfie and she thanks me again.

After a little shopping, we go back to the hotel and up to our room. We set the pizza on our table in the dining room area of the hotel room. We then turn on tv and watch movies that come on. We watch an old western, which we mostly just make fun of. We watch a documentary on animals living in cold climates, which is pretty interesting. I really love polar bears, so yeah. ((Video of polar bears below))

After that, we watch another movie. By then it's dinnertime. We feel done with movies for now. Justin says "I feel like spicing things up. We also have some pizza. Why don't you invite Moxie and Josh? They both seem pretty cool." I ask "Spicing things up? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" He laughs and says "Nothing. I just wanted to make you laugh." I smile and I say "Okay well I'll text them then."

To Moxie: Wanna come hang with Justin and I?? We have pizza you can have :) Also Josh might come.
Moxie texts back: Yes pizza!!! Yay to you both as well. Josh is cool too. When & what room?
I text: Room 126 & as soon as you're free would be awesome

To Josh: Wanna come hang with Justin and I?? We have pizza you can have. Also Moxie might come.
He texts back: Sure- sounds good.
I text back: Room 126! Come when ready!

Sure enough they come pretty soon after that. Justin and I open the pizza box to heat some up. Someone knocks and I go to open it. Josh and Moxie are there waving. I say "Hey Guys. Come on in!" They walk in and they kick off their shoes by the door. Justin gives Josh a handshake and Moxie one as well. I walk over to Justin as they pour their drinks. He whispers "How am I doing?" I reply "Good. You've just given them a handshake though." Justin nods and says "True True." He smiles and I smile back.

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