Chapter 34: Justin's POV

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Friday Afternoon & Night

Meetings meetings meetings.... I swear that's all I ever do in the week. Last night, Hailey and I went out to dinner, then we headed to my house where we watched a movie. It was chill and I'm pretty sure she liked it. I wish it were with Clarissa though:( ugh I always am thinking about her. 

I finally snap back into reality and I look down at my merch ideas. I circle ones I like and I critique other ideas. I hand Scooter the pages and he hands me more papers to go through. I check venues I like and I hand him the papers back.

At 3:00PM, I'm released from meetings! Yay! I walk out and I jump into my car. I drive through and I get a shake. I drive back to my house and I go inside.

I walk to my room and I get my laptop. I kick off my shoes and I jump on my bed. I decide to look through social media. I never really go on it that much. I open Twitter and I see Clarissa finally posted something again. I open the tweet and it's a picture of inspirational quotes. Aw how cute it's in her writing. I love her so much. I like it. I scroll through some of fan's tweets to me and I like a few. I then close Twitter and I open Instagram. I look through pictures on my feed and I like the ones of my friends. I then close Instagram and I open Netflix. I turn on Friends because duh it's good.

I watch like 4 episodes when I text my chef spaghetti for dinner????? My chef texts back Sure JB. Yes!!!!

I keep watching Friends until the chef texts dinner is ready. I slip my phone into my pocket and I go downstairs. I walk into the dining room to see spaghetti and Coca Cola on the table. Yes my favorite things.

I eat dinner by myself and I head upstairs. I pull my phone out and I see a text from Hailey Wanna go with me to a club tonight? I text back What time? She texts back 8:00 I text back I'll pick you up 8 then. She texts back Yay. See you then.

I close my phone. At least I have something to do. Haha. I have 2 more hours until I have to pick Hailey up.

I lay down on my bed and I watch more Friends episodes.

I check my phone and it's 7:00. I get up, shower, and i put on a new outfit. I'm wearing black jeans, black shirt, black hoodie with red words, and red tennis shoes. Swag right here ....

I walk out my house and I get into my car. I drive to Hailey's place and I text her I'm here. She texts Coming. She comes out and gets in the car.

She smiles and hugs me. I hug back and she clips in. I start driving and Hailey says "I'm glad you agreed to hanging with me tonight." I nod and reply "Of course." She smiles as I drive.

I pull into the parking lot and I park. We walk up and they immediately let us in. We go straight to the bar and we order beers. We drink and then we dance.

I drop Hailey off and head home. I unlock my front door and I go inside. I go up to my room and I collapse on my bed.


I wake up and my head is buzzing. Ugh too much beer last night. I walk downstairs with my hand to my head. I walk into the kitchen and I get Advil. I take some and I drink some water. My chef gives me a glass of milk and pancakes. Good hangover food, yum. I take it back to my table and I eat breakfast.
I walk back to my room and I pull on some clothes to run in. I walk out to the trail and I put my earbuds in. I start running and I run for a few miles.

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