Chapter 31

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I wake up to my alarm blaring and I turn it off. I then lay there in bed for a few minutes until I get up. I put on my school shirt since Friday is usually Game Day and you gotta show your support. I then slide on Nike Shorts and socks. I walk out my room to the kitchen.

Alexis walks in after me with a similar shirt on. School Pride! I ask "What should we have for breakfast?" She replies "Honestly I don't care. Maybe just a croissant and a bowl of fruit." I reply "Okay. I'll make a fruit salad." She replies "Okay. Sounds yummy." I take fruit out of the fridge and I set it out. I get two bowls out as well. I cut some of the fruit up into small slices and I put them in the bowls. I bring them over and I set them on the table. I pour two cups of milk and I set them on the table. Alexis brings over the croissants.

We start eating and the food is so good. Yum! I say "Well we made a good breakfast. Thank you." She replies "You're welcome. Thank you as well." I nod and we keep eating.

After breakfast, we put our bowls and plates in the sink. I walk back to my bathroom and I brush my teeth. I brush my hair and I walk back to my room. I text Xander I'm ready when you are! He texts back Give me like 5 minutes! I put my converse on and I walk out my room. I check to see if Alexis is still in her room and I see her sitting on her bed. I say "Hey. What's up?" She replies "Well, I'm honestly just waiting until Alexander is here. He hasn't texted me back yet. Could you possibly text him? I'm worried we won't make it." I reply "Sure I'll text him." I pull my phone out and I text Alexander Hey! Alexis is ready, so whenever you are ready, come on over. She is nervous she will be late if you don't show soon. Just leave when Xander leaves. He texts back Oh yeah! Sorry tell her I'm on my way soon. I'll leave when Xander leaves, which is in like a minute. Sorry! I text back Okay. I say "Well, Alexander is on the way. Apparently he is going to leave with Xander who is walking over in like 2 minutes." Alexis replies "Oh okay. I'm glad he answered someone. Want to wait outside with me?" I reply "Sure." We walk out her room and to the door. We walk outside and she locks the door.

We sit on the ground by our door to wait. After a few minutes, Xander and Alexander walk up. Xander says "Sorry for being a little late today. We had lots of homework last night and it was hard to wake up." Alexander adds "Let's be honest though we also played video games last night." Wow what boys. Haha. Alexis answers "Well let's get going then. We don't want to be late." Alexander and Alexis walk away waving to us. Xander and I make our way to his car. We get inside his car and he starts it.

We drive to school. As we're driving, Xander says "I'm sorry again for being late. I feel horrible to know I let you down." I reply "Xander, I'm pretty sure we will still make it to school. Don't worry." He nods and continues to drive more calmly.

We arrive at school like 5 minutes early. Xander and I kiss goodbye. I walk with Alexis to class.

We walk in Principles of Managerial Accounting with Professor McCarty. We take our seats and we take our homework out. We see a bin in the front of the room labeled homework, so I lean over to Alexis and ask "Should we put our homework in that bin?" She answers "Sure. I'll go turn them in. You watch our stuff." I nod and I hand her my work. She walks to the front and puts our homework in the bin. She comes back and sits down. We pull out notebooks out ready to start. Professor McCarty walks in and she goes to the front of the room. She picks up the papers in the homework bin and announces "Congrats Clarissa and Alexis. You two knew what to do without being told, which tells me you will survive in the real world. I would like to speak to you both after class." Alexis and I turn to each other and we say "Okay." We high five each other and we go back to the lesson.

After class, we walk to the front of the room where Professor McCarty is. She says "Hello girls. Wow. You both are definitely going to give the boys in business a run for their money. With your beauty and intelligence, I'd love to see them stop you from reaching your dreams." Ah! Omg! What a teacher! Am I right? Haha! I reply "Thank you so much for saying that." Alexis adds "Yes. It means a lot coming from you. Thanks." We both smile. Professor McCarty then says "I have some brochures for possible intern jobs for both of you. I'm allowed to give a few away each year and this shows me you two won't let me down." Omg! What! Ah! She pulls brochures out her desk and she writes something on them. She then says "I wrote my email on it, so that if you have any questions, you can just ask. I'll let you two catch your next class. Good luck and see you Monday." We take the brochures and we say goodbye.

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