Chapter 18

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Back to Clarissa's POV:

After we waved at them goodbye, I realized how much I missed him. Gosh it is so much. I walked back inside the house and I climbed the stairs to my room. I want to cry, but at the same time, I need to be productive. I text Becky When do want to hang out tonight? What place? You pick! She texts back Let's do 6:30 PM at Shake Shack. I really want a burger. I text back See you then! I can't wait to see her again. She is my best friend and I'm so glad to have such a close friend.

I lay on my bed listening to Justin's old music crying. Yep. This isn't heartbreak just heartache if that makes sense. Gosh I miss him. I then get a text from him. The text says Miss you already!! I really want to see you soon. I mean it. Don't try to get out of it. Love you. I text back to him I miss you too. Don't worry I'll want to see you too. As they say, distance makes the heart grow fonder. I smile. He then texts back If that's what they say, then I can't wait. I text Me too! 

I then close my phone and lay it on my beside table. I need to start packing my suitcase and stuff. I'm leaving for college tomorrow and I need to pack my bags. I turn my music up little, so I can hear it around the room and I grab my suitcase from where I put it. I look for clothes that I like and anything I might need of mine. I charge my laptop, camera, and my phone for tomorrow and later. I look at my suitcase and I realize I need some stuff for school and my apartment needs some stuff. I slide on Nike shorts, a big t-shirt, flip flops, and I grab my purse. I also get my phone. I make a list on my phone about what I need to buy before I go, so I don't buy extra stuff. I then grab my keys and head downstairs. I walk into my dining room where my mom is. I say "Hey Mom. I'm heading out to buy a few things for tomorrow. Are you okay with that?" She turns around to face me and says "Would you mind sitting and talking with me for a few minutes?" I reply "Sure." I set my keys and my purse on the table. Then, I sit down. She says "What's happening with you and Justin?" I reply "We're still together. We decided we would stick together through it all. Why?" She replies "You were crying, so I assumed you had broken up." Ha we really did. Can't tell her though. I answer "Oh well, I was crying because I missed him. Yeah. Any other questions?" She asks "Well, what are you doing today, tonight, and tomorrow?" I answer "Well, I'm heading to the store after our chat to buy some stuff for school. At 6:30 PM, I'm meeting Becky at Shake Shack. I'm leaving tomorrow in the morning." She says "Okay. Would you like to eat lunch out or with us?" I reply "I don't know how long I will be gone. I might just have lunch out while I'm buying stuff. I'll be home before I head to dinner though." She nods and says "Alright. See you later then." I say "See you later mom." I lean to her and kiss her on the cheek. I then get up. I grab my purse and keys off the table, then I'm off to stores. I walk out my house and I get in my car. I drive to the mall first since I need a few new clothes. I listen to music and I jam out as I drive.

I arrive at the mall and I park in the lot. I feel my phone buzzing and I see Becky is calling me. I slide to answer it and I say "Hey. What's up?" She says "Are you at the mall by chance?" I say "Yeah I am. How did you know?" She says "I can see you from the entrance. I had just turned to cross the crosswalk, then I saw you." I reply "Well see you soon then." I turn my phone off and I slide it back in my purse. I keep walking and I reach the front. I see Becky in a similar outfit and she is smiling at me. I walk up to her and we hug for a second. When we release the hug, I say "I missed you, even though we just saw each other. What are you doing here?" She replies "I was going shopping for some new clothes and I was going to eat lunch. I had my mom drop me off because my car is being stupid today, so I couldn't drive here and Grant was busy with work." I reply "That's why I'm here also. I can drive you back to your house after this as long as you're okay with stopping off at Target. I mean I could wait until I dropped you off, but what if you wanted you wanted to go to." She laughs and says "Sure. Thanks for the ride then and I'll go to Target." She smiles and I smile back. I guess I'm funny or amusing. Hehe.

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