Chapter 17: See You Later- Justin's POV

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Justin's POV:
(Night before he leaves at dinner)

We finish our food and then they pay for the food. Right when we open the front doors of the restaurant, camera lights are flashing and people are screaming. I thought I could go one whole trip with no annoying paparazzi, but no they have to show up and ruin everything. People try to close in on us, but Clarissa's dad starts shoving all of us and getting us to the car. We all climb in and I sit back in my seat. Clarissa's dad climbs in and he starts the car. We start driving home. I look out the side window and I try to focus on anything but the stupid paparazzi. We arrive at Clarissa's home and Clarissa asks "Want a glass of water when we get inside?" I reply "Yes please. I'll meet you upstairs." Yes my great girlfriend is so sweet.

We walk inside the house. I walk upstairs to Clarissa's room and I collapse on her bed. I know I'm in nice clothes, so I hope they don't get ruined.
Clarissa comes in, sets the waters down, then rushed out. Huh? That's weird. Where is she going? I lay there on her bed and I realize how lucky I am to have a great girlfriend and also we never got lots of pictures taken of us, which rocks. I sometimes wonder if she and I should I break it off, but then I realize no. Why would we need to?

Clarissa opens the door and she lays on the ground. What is she doing? Is she okay? What's wrong with her? Clarissa? She sits up from laying on the ground. I watch her as she turns to face me. She says "Do me a favor and cover your eyes. I need to change and I don't want to go out my room." I say "As long as you promise to explain why you took forever to come back here and the dinner thing." She replies "Dinner thing? Huh? Oh well, I'll explain after sure. Just promise not to look." She has been weird since dinner, so something happened there. I reply "I promise Clarissa." I then close my eyes and I puts my hands over my eyes. I mean I know I promised her, but come on what guy actually keeps his eyes closed. I peek through my fingers. She walks over to her pile of pajamas. She slips off the dress and she puts on her pajama shorts. She is so hot and she doesn't even know it. She turns the other way, so her back is facing me. She un-clips her bra and she slips a sports bra on. Dang it. She grabs a t-shirt from the ground and she starts to put it on. I quickly move my fingers back in place and I close my eyes. Clarissa says "Okay. You can open your eyes now. Although I'm leaving for a second because I need to go to the bathroom. I promise to tell you everything when I get back." I open my eyes to see her walk to the bathroom and close the door. I sit there waiting nervously for Clarissa to return. She walks backs into the room with her arms extended for a hug. I quickly stand up and rush over. I hug her tightly and I wrap my arms around her. We stay like that for a few minutes.

She decides to stop the hug. She starts to move her head away, but I pull her forehead to mine. I also put my arms around her waist. I whisper "Whatever is going on just know I am there for you and I can try to help you. You don't have to tell me anything you don't want to." She whispers back "You're so sweet, Justin. Thank you." I whisper "I learned from you. Anyway, may I kiss you?" She whispers back "Sure." I leans to kiss her and we kiss. When we release, she says "Okay. Let's go sit down and I'll tell you." Oh no. Whenever someone says let's sit, something big happens. We walk over and we sit down on her bed facing each other. She says "So, earlier today, as we were leaving the restaurant and the paparazzi was flashing lights at us, the lights gave me a headache. Then, the headache didn't go away no matter that I was drinking lots of water, so I realized I must have my time of the month right now. Then, once we arrived here, your mom wanted to talk to me, which is why I put the waters in here and then left. Anyway, your mom told me to break up with you, let you enjoy your and do whatever you want, then get back together with you. That's all that happened tonight. Sorry for taking forever to tell you. You've been really kind tonight and I can't thank you enough for that. I love you." What a stupid boyfriend. I should've known something was up with that. Dang it. I reply "Well thank you. I love you too. Clarissa, I can't believe I didn't ask you how you were. I totally forgot you hadn't seen paparazzi before. I should've known something would happen. Gosh. Why does my mom keep doing this? Does she really not trust either of us? What is your opinion, like do you want to break up for a little while? What did you tell my mom?" She replies "Well, I told her no we wouldn't, but I don't know. I also told her that our relationship decision is between us, so we have to decide together not anyone else can tell us what to do. I really love you and trust you, so why should we break up? I also trust myself enough to not hurt you." She has so much hope in me and she thinks I'm this super sweet person when I'm not. I have to call it off. I reply "Well thanks Clarissa. I love you so much, but...." I start to trail off and I turn away from her. This is much harder than I thought it would be. She says "What's wrong? Justin, are you okay? Did I do something wrong?"

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