Chapter 6

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I wake up happy once again. Justin's arms are wrapped around me comfortably. I flip to face him and realize why he said he just likes to stare at me sometimes. I could stare at him for a while if I could. Hehe. I'm starting to sound like him. I notice him opening his eyes, so I say "Morning. I see what you mean that you can stare at someone for a long time." He says "I'm glad you agree. Now, you won't find it weird when I stare at you." I laugh. Yes. I say "Come on. This morning, we need to get up and get ready for later. We don't want to get stuck in traffic or go when a lot of people are there." Justin sighs and exclaims "Ok, Clarissa. I'm only doing this because I care about you." I laugh. Ok. Sure. Whatever you want. He rolls off the bed then I do. We both put on our deodorant then walk downstairs. We arrive at the table right when food is being served. We all eat our breakfast and decide to be ready in the next 10 minutes to go. We all go our separate ways and go to get ready. I grab my clothes and say "Justin, you can lock my door and change while I'm in the bathroom." He says "Okay. Thanks." I walk out to change. I hear my door lock and go to the bathroom. I quickly change into my bathing suit and cover up. I'm wearing the same bathing suit as last time we went swimming because I only have one bathing suit. I walk out and open my door to see Justin digging through his suitcase. I walk over to my phone and see a text from my mom saying You guys have 5 minutes left and grab towels for both of you. I text back ok. I walk out my room to grab towels. I grab two towels, walk back in my rom, and I continue to pack my bag. I put towels, sunglasses, sunscreen, my phone, and a hair tie in my bag. I put on flip flops and see Justin waiting for me. I smile and we walk out. When we get downstairs, my mom says "Right on time children. Glad to see you ready." I smile. Of course I made it. Go Team Clarissa and Justin. We all walk out and get into the car. We begin our drive. Once again, I love looking out the window.

We arrive at the natural pool place. Luckily, we don't have to pay here. It makes it easier to enjoy this place. We all walk into the place and find a nice spot to put our stuff. We then all jump into the natural pool. We enjoy the rest of our day there by playing games. We then decide to leave. As we're leaving, we all hear girls screaming, then we see 4 teen girls all running to Justin. My mom, dad, brother, and I move over and walk a little further. I can tell by Justin's eyes looking at me he doesn't want to be there and he wants me to get him out of there. I, however, think he should see some fans and stop making a fuss about it. He takes pictures with them and so does his mom. Then, Justin and Pattie walk away and we continue walking to the car. We all get in the car and head home.

At home, my mom says "Let's not go to that thing tonight. I'm too tired." Everyone agrees and we decide to watch a movie instead. Yay! I walk into my room and collapse on the ground. Justin says "Clarissa, can I talk with you after we both shower? Of course not together, but you get it. There is something I wish to discuss." I say "Sure." He smiles pleased with whatever he is thinking about. He goes to shower and I open my phone. I type Justin Bieber in the search bar of Twitter and look at those girl's pictures. All of the comments are something like: OMG look who I met today. He is so kind to stop and take pictures with us. See? I was right, he should've stopped and taken those pictures. I continue to look at pictures. Luckily, no one has said anything about my family with them. I then text Becky JB was at the natural pool today, I just saw pictures. He is still in town, why do you think? She immediately texts back Omg. That is crazy. I want to meet him so bad right now. I hope he does a meet up or free show if he's in town. I text back Same-ttyl. She texts back bye. I then turn my phone off as Justin walks in. I say "Do you still want to go somewhere today?" Justin responds "No. I'm really tired." I say "Ok." I grab Nike shorts and a t-shirt for today since I will be home all day. I walk into the bathroom and begin my shower. I take my shower and then walk back in my room. I say "Justin, do you want me to bring your bathing suit outside for you? That's what I'm about to do." He says "Sure, thank you." I grab his bathing suit and my bathing suit then walk downstairs. I walk outside and set them on the railing. I then walk back inside. My mom sees me and says "Hey honey. Can I ask you something?" I say "Sure mom." She says "Are you and Justin doing anything or girlfriend boyfriend? I'm just wondering because you guys seem close." I say "Oh well, we share a bed which you knew. We have kissed a lot. That's it. We are boyfriend girlfriend. Any more questions?" My mom then says "How are you doing?" I say "I'm doing well actually. I love summer and summer is good for relaxation and fun, so I'm great." My mom replies "Ok. Honey. I'm glad you're doing well. I was worried about you in college and all that." I say "Thanks mom. I love you and see you later." I then walk out and go to my room.

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