Chapter 52

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Monday January 10

I wake up to my alarm ringing. Ugh it begins! I wish winter break never ended. I mean I'm glad it is longer than the break back when I was in high school and younger than that. Haha!

I roll off my bed. I tie my hair back into a ponytail because it is getting super long and crazy. I then put leggings and a sweatshirt on that I bought in the Park City airport. I love buying sweatshirts or shirts from airports to remember my trip. It seems kind of weird now that I think about it. I also put my jean jacket over it. Casual and cute :)

I walk out my room and to the kitchen. Alexis is wearing a gray sweater with a dark green jacket over it. I say "Wow you are stylin' today girl. Love the outfit." She turns to me and smiles. She replies "Thanks Clarissa. Oh by the way, Cassie texted asking if she could come to eat with us and I said yes. I figured she seemed like a sweet girl and why not let her enjoy a lunch with us." I reply "Cassie did seem sweet." We then make breakfast and we eat at our table.

After breakfast, we finish getting ready and then we leave. We get into my car and I drive to school. I pull up to school and we get out. As we walk to class, I ask "Wait? How did you get Cassie's number?" She answers "Oh when you were talking to Xander and Alexander before dinner, she gave me her number in hopes of becoming friends. What did you three talk about?" I reply "I complimented them on their apartment and we talked about eating healthier. Apparently they are about to join a stricter healthy diet program and they are not pumped." Alexis replies "Oh interesting. Who would've known they would've gotten a healthier diet?" I laugh and we enter class. We pick up homework and we walk to our usual seats. It's Principles of Managerial Accounting with Professor McCarty by the way :) I loved this class last semester.

After class, we head out and we walk to English with Professor Bell. In class, we see Cassie and we say hi. She waves at us and we take our normal seats.

After class, I walk over to ask the teacher a few questions whiles Cassie and Alexis wait outside. After I ask the questions, I walk out the classroom and to the bathroom. I text Alexis Gotta pee, so be there soon. She texts back Okay. Cassie had to ask a teacher something, so we are all good.

I close my phone and I go into the stall. Girls walk into the bathroom and I eavesdrop. Who doesn't eavesdrop on people's conversations at least once in their life? Am I right? Ha. One girl says "Did you hear that Justin Bieber made his relationship official with Hailey Baldwin?" Aw yay! I'm so happy for them, I mean it's about time. The other girl replies "No way. What about that girl Clarissa who was in his videos and they even hung out? Those paparazzi pics say they like each other." Because we did at that point. I mean we like each other still now, but we moved on. The first girl says "Girl no. I'm pretty sure she was just a major f***ing slut." ((Sorry for my bad words)) Excuse me? How am I that? I never did anything that would make me seem disturbing. Might as well listen to more to find out why. The second girl replies "True. Justin doesn't deserve that kind of filth." Filth? Wtf? The first girl replies "Justin's taste in girl sucks. I wish he would date me." Um why would he date you girl? You're hating on his friend and gossiping about things that aren't your business. The second girls replies "You wish." I take that time to walk out the stall. They turn to see me and gasp. I exclaim "I hope you two are proud of your choice of words. I'm not filth just so you both know. Justin is one of my friends, so you'll probably see me more." I walk up to the sink and I wash my hands as the girls continue to stare. As I dry my hands, I say "You know, I would've thought you would both be more mature and at least apologize. After all, it isn't middle or high school anymore." Yep pure savage Clarissa. That's me! I walk out the bathroom and I feel more angry. Those freaking girls had the audacity to say that about me. I open my phone and I tweet Be careful what you gossip to others. It can hurt people's feelings. I guess I was subtweeting about someone haha! I close my phone and I walk outside.

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