Chapter 48

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Wednesday continued... Clarissa's POV

When we arrive back in the city, we get off the plane. Outside of the airport, we find a cab and we get in. We tell them our address and we drive. I rest my head on Xander's shoulder as we drive to the apartment complex. I'm so tired for the plane. We arrive at our apartment complex and we hand the driver money. We grab our bags and we walk upstairs. I hug Xander and he says "We're going on a date tomorrow right? I know tonight you want to sleep and so do I. I'll miss you, but we were together for like 4-5 days. I loved the trip by the way and I'm glad we could go." I reply "I had fun too. I'm super glad you could come because you are an amazing boyfriend." He blushes at that and replies "See you tomorrow." I hear his phone ringing as he walks off and he pulls it out. He waves at me and he starts talking. I wonder who it is now.

I unlock the apartment door and I go inside. I put my bags in my room and I text Alexis Taking a shower and then I want to see you! You are back right? I grab comfy clothes and I go to the bathroom. I take a shower and I rinse myself of all the airport grime. Ew airports are horrible. After my shower, I put my new clothes on and I finish getting clean. I walk out the bathroom, through my room, and to Alexis' room. I knock softly and I ask "Alexis, can I come in?" I hear a murmur of something that sounds close to gibberish.

I open the door anyway and I see a really messy room. There's a pizza box on the ground, a pint of ice cream on the desk, clothes are strewn across the chairs, and a pile of blankets with a face poking through it. I notice a box of tissues next to what seems to be Alexis and her laptop is open to Netflix. I rush over to her and I kneel next to her bed. I ask "Alexis, sweetie, what happened?" She replies "Guys are real dicks." (Sorry for the bad word) Oh snap. I ask "Did Alexander break up with you?" She nods. She sits up, and I give her a hug while sitting next to her. She says "We went on that trip, which was actually going to be fun. We drove 2 hours minutes to a town where we were staying. Everyday there was super fun, but when we got back yesterday, it was horrible. I... I" She starts crying and I hug her closer to me. She continues "I was so angry to return to his apartment. We walk in and there is a girl dressed in lingerie. She starts going on about how Alexander was supposed to be there earlier and how they were supposed to go on their daily trip out together. She saw me and flipped. I told her I was dating Alexander and then Alexander said well not anymore. He literally kicked me out of the apartment and gave me my stuff back. I don't want to see him ever again."

Oh my gosh. How rude. I say "Sorry to hear that Alexis. This means you are one guy closer to finding the one at least." She replies "Yeah true. How was your trip?" I reply "Eventful. Want to hear about it?" She nods and wipes her eyes. I say "So, we went to Park City and it was all great. The snowboarding was super fun and I took so many pictures of it. The meals we all had were fun. I also loved taking pictures of everyone exploring Park City. When I got out of the bathroom almost everyday though, Xander was on the phone telling someone that his girlfriend was getting out of the shower and they can't talk then. He was acting suspicious when I questioning him about it also. I helped Hailey freaking Baldwin do her make-up and she told me a secret. You have to never repeat this to anyone ever until it's over. Hailey told me her and Justin aren't working out. She told me that he is still in love with me. I began noticing over the next few days we were there if he actually was. He would always pay attention to me and he would look so interested in what I was saying. I also noticed Xander and Justin had a mini fight about something yet they were both jealous of each other. It was honestly freaky and cute."

Alexis says "Oh my gosh wow. Who knew Xander would do something so low? You need to ask him about it. What if he is cheating on you?" I reply "I would break up with him since my feelings for Justin are getting stronger. I can't stay with someone when I'm in love with someone else." She nods and replies "I agree. So, when will you be in town this break?" I answer "I'm leaving the day after tomorrow for my home. Then, I'll be there for a week or so through Christmas. My parents said I could leave for New Years if I want to spend it somewhere else, so I might come here if you are here to celebrate." She smiles and replies "Really? That is so sweet. I love that idea." I ask "What are your holiday break plans?" She answers "I'll be out of town same time as you. I don't know if I can stand my family for a long time since they will probably confront me multiple times to tell me about relationship advice. Honestly I don't want their advice, I just want them to love me and accept me." I nod.

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