Chapter 7

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Picture above: The inside of La Madeleine where Justin and Clarissa are going on their date
Video above: Justin Bieber's song Boyfriend: the acoustic version

           ----****LONG CHAPTER AHEAD****----

I wake up to Justin strumming his guitar gently. I say "Morning boyfriend." Justin says "Morning girlfriend. Ready for your morning song?" I say "Sure. Go ahead." I then sit up and relax. He begins to sing his song "Boyfriend" acoustically which is amazing sounding. When he finishes, I clap and say "That was amazing boyfriend." He laughs and says "Thanks girlfriend. Let's go have some breakfast." I get off the bed as Justin puts his guitar in the case. When he stands back up, he pulls me to him and we kiss. We then walk out and go downstairs. I notice my mom and Pattie eating breakfast. I say "Morning ladies. What's for breakfast?" My mom says "Morning. There are muffins in the kitchen for breakfast." Justin and I walk into the kitchen and get our plates of muffins. I say "Do you want coffee or milk?" Justin says "Milk please." I then pour us two glasses of milk and we bring our stuff to the table. When we sit down, I say "What are your plans for today, ladies?" Pattie says "We are going shopping and then we are going out to eat. We'll be back by 3 or so. What about you two?" Justin says "I'm treating Clarissa and I to lunch later. We are also going to relax here for a while. It should be nice and peaceful." My mom says "Sounds like you two will have a nice day. If you two don't mind, we have to go get ready for today. See you both later." They both wave and carry their plates to the kitchen. They then walk out and out the room. I say "Where are we going to for lunch?" Justin says "I wanted to try this place called La Madeleine. It sounded really yummy from the menu and reviews. Have you ever been there?" I say "Yes. It has amazing food. That will be so fun. While we're out, we can pick some soup up for my brother. You can give it to him and maybe he will like you more." Justin says "That's a great idea. We should do that. Today is going to be so fun." I say "Yes it will be fun." We both continue to talk about lunch and food. Yum.

After breakfast, we head upstairs to my room. I say "What do you have planed for before lunch?" Justin says "Um. We could honestly do anything you want until you want to go to lunch. What do you do when you're bored at home?" I say "I normally read, write, or draw." Justin says "Cool. What do you write about?" I say "I write stories that I make up. When I was younger, I would write a story and my brother would add pictures to it. The stories were always something both of us enjoyed doing." Justin says "That is so cool. You're so creative." I reply "Thanks. I bet you are too. Do you write or draw?" Justin replies "I help write my songs for my albums which I guess means I'm a songwriter, so I guess I write." I say "See? You're creative. Your songs are well-written, so consider yourself a good writer." Justin laughs and says "Thank you. You know we should write a song together because that would be super cool." I say "Well, aren't you full of ideas recently? I mean we could write a song together. What would it be about?" Justin says "Idk. Never mind. That involves too much." I say "Don't be sad and push your ideas away, but to be fair, it would involve lots of work and we wouldn't get to really enjoy being together here." Justin says "Yah. I agree. Do you take long to get ready in the mornings or anytime?" I say "No. I only take long if it's school mornings because I take over 20 minutes to get out of bed, then I have to pick the outfit, and so forth. Right now, I could just go pull something on and I could consider myself ready." Justin says "Should we leave in 10 minutes in case traffic is crazy?" I say "Good plan. Sure. I'll go get dressed in the bathroom right now." I walk to my closet and I decide on a navy and white striped strapless dress. I grab my strapless bra and I head to the bathroom. I change into my outfit and I look at myself. To spend time with make up or nah? I eventually decide nah. Hehe. I never like wearing make up. I grab my clothes and walk back to my bedroom. I see Justin kneeling and looking through his bag. Meanwhile, I get stuff for my purse. I see Justin leave which means he's probably going to get dressed. Yay. He walks back in with jeans, a nice short sleeve shirt, and nice shoes. I say "You look nice." Justin replies "Dang Clarissa. I thought you would at least say handsome, sexy, swagger, or something like that. Not just plain ole nice." I laugh and say "Fine you win. Justin, I think you are the most handsome man with the excuse my language sexiest voice, and clearly the most swagger style." He starts laughing and says "The excuse my language really made me laugh. I mean the whole thing was so flattering and awesome though." I reply "So, you liked it or no? I can't tell?" He moves right up to me, wraps his arms around my waist, and says "I liked it a lot Clarissa." He then leans in and we kiss. When we release, Justin says "I forgot to say this, but you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen and you also have the sexiest voice I've ever heard. Look at that? No excuse my language." I say "Thank you. Now, you must really love the fact that I said excuse my language. You've mentioned it a few times." I'm not even kidding. He's mentioned it so much or at least it feels like a lot of times to me. He laughs and says "Sorry. I didn't know it bothered you. I won't say it again, except I really want to tell my mom because it is just too cute." I smile. At least he thinks it is cute. I say "So, are we going to head out or are we not?" He says "Yah sure. Are we going to take your car?" I say "Yes we will. My keys are downstairs, so we can get them on the way out." Justin says "Ok. Let's roll."

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