Chapter 30

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Thursday - Back To Clarissa's POV

I wake up when I hear my alarm going off. I press snooze and I lay there. Ugh why must I be up? I lay there for a few more minutes before I roll off my bed. I put on a pair of Nike shorts and a t-shirt. Why not be casual today? I walk out my room with my phone in my hand to the kitchen. Alexis walks in and says "Morning. I'll make a smoothie if you want. You can get croissants for us." I reply "Sure. Sounds great." I start taking out croissants, putting them on the plates, and on the table. Alexis brings the smoothies over and we sit down. I ask "See? It's not too bad right?" She replies "I guess not. I just get all nervous around Alexander and I feel awkward. I guess I can tell that he is my crush. Haha." I answer "I know how you feel. I've surprisingly not too awkward on dates. I mean yeah sometimes I am, but not usually." She replies "That's nice." We keep eating our breakfast.

At the end of breakfast, I say "Gosh we need to do dishes. Should we do them tonight?" She replies "I guess so. I hate dishes, but I'll wash them. I prefer washing them." I answer "Oh well I like putting them in the machine better. I guess this works out for us." She answers "Yay." We leave each other to finish getting ready.

I brush my teeth and I finish packing my backpack. I then put my converse on and I walk out my room. I text Xander Hey. Are you going to drive me this morning? He texts back Yes! My labs don't start until next week. I'm getting my keys and I'll come over. I text back Okay! I then close my phone and I walk out my room. I check Alexis' room to see if she has left yet. She isn't in her room, so I look around the house. She must've left already. I leave the apartment and I lock the door. Xander is walking up at that moment, which works out perfectly. I hug him and then we kiss.

We walk downstairs to the parking lot. We hop in his car and we start driving.

We arrive at college and we park. We get out and we walk up. I say "Ugh. Another day." Xander replies "I'm looking forward to lunch. I get to see you." I laugh and smile. He is so sweet and cute. Ah! I reply "Me too. Lunch will be good." We hug one last time before we separate to head to class.

I go to my Business Accounting class. I turn my homework in and I sit in my spot. I open my notebook and I get my pencil out. When the the teacher walks in, I start taking notes...

My next and final class today is my class with Alexis. It's Personal Finance. Why I'm taking so many of finance classes is beyond me because I'm doing business and technology stuff. Oh well I'll learn a lot to help people in life.

I take my seat and Alexis comes in. She takes her seat next to me. Class begins and we take notes.

After class, Alexis and I walk out together. Alexis says "Where do you want to go for lunch?" I reply "I'm fine with whatever." She replies "What about that sub place again?" I reply "Sure sounds yummy. Whoever gets there first and orders can get us a table or booth." She nods. We wait outside for the boys. They show up and we hug them. Xander and I walk to his car. We get inside and I say "Alexis and I want to go that sub place we went to on Monday." Xander replies "Alright I'm glad you two are back on good terms." Xander starts to drive. I answer "You and me both." Xander asks "So, do you still talk to Justin? If so, how is he doing?" Okay he is random. This also reminds me that I didn't talk to Justin yesterday. Whoops. I answer "Well, yes I still talk to him since we are friends. He is doing well. He is thinking about going back to the dating life again soon. Also, he has had a lot meetings recently." Xander replies "Well good for him. That's good that he is working to do good stuff for himself. I'm glad he is back to his old happy self." I nod and reply "Yeah me too."  We continue to drive.

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