Chapter 3

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Reading is so amazing and if I get so into my book, it's  hard to get me out of reading the book. My neck starts to ache from looking down for so long, so I stretch and roll my neck. In the time, Justin appeared in front of me staring at me. I jump back when I see him. I say "Geez. You scared me. How long have you been out?" Justin says "Oh. 5-10 minutes." I say "Oh. Well, I'm going to take my shower now." He nods and I get up. I bring my towel and grab Nike shorts and t-shirt since we will be at home for the rest of the day. I walk out and go in the bathroom. I take my shower. Have you ever noticed how you think a lot in the shower? I sure do. I just think about my life in the now and I daydream about thinks I wish could happen. I finish my shower, blow dry my hair, and bring my stuff back to my room.

When I walk in, Justin is looking at all my books I have. How nice. I say "Do you see any books you like?" He says "Yah. They all look pretty interesting." I reply "Cool. Do you want to go bring your swimsuit and towel outside to let it dry? That's what I'm going to do if you want to come." He says "Sure. I'll come do that with you." I smile and we walk out. We walk downstairs past the living room where my dad is watching tv and my brother is reading a book. Nice. I unlock and open the back door and we go outside. I say "You can just lay your towel down on the railing then put the swimsuit on top of the towel." He says "Ok. Thanks." I lay my stuff out then say "What do you want to do? Want to go inside or stay outside?" He says "We can stay outside. It's really nice weather." I smile and take a seat in one of the seats with a pillow. Justin pulls a seat up next to me and sits down. Justin says "Clarissa, can I ask you two questions?" I turn to him and say "Sure." Justin exclaims "I'm sure your voice is beautiful, so would you ever consider singing a song with me? Even if it's a song I wrote or a song we cover." I answer "Sure. One day if we have down time we can totally do that. Thanks for thinking I have a nice voice." Justin smiles and says "You're welcome. Last question is: if you had to date a guy, what would you want their personality to be like? You can ask me a question or two if you want." I say "If I did date someone, I would want them to be loyal, caring, funny when they should and serious when they should, intelligent, and an all around good natured person. I have two questions for you: Why do you keep asking me all these questions? And... Why do you always stare at me?" Justin says "Well, I ask you so many questions because you are such a nice person who I would like to get to know more. The answer to the second question is more complicated and involves a little background..." My mom and Pattie open the door just as he is about to answer. My mom says "Food is here." They smile and walk away. I turn back to Justin and say "Just tell me later. I don't mind." Justin smiles, holds out his pinky to me, and says "Pinky promise." I shake his pinky with mine and say "Yes. I pinky promise." We unlink our pinky fingers and go inside the house.

We walk to our normal seats and sit down. I see my mom has already set our food by our places. How nice. We all start lunch. I got a turkey, provolone cheese, and lettuce sub on wheat bread. My dad says "How did everyone enjoy earlier?" Pattie says "It was so much fun. I enjoyed it. The place is so beautiful. How did you like it, Justin?" Justin says "I had a lot of fun. It was nice to be in a peaceful and beautiful place without paparazzi and stuff like that." Pattie nods and says "I completely agree." We continue to talk about today and everyone agrees it was so fun. After lunch, we all go back to doing other stuff. I start walking upstairs to my room when someone grabs my wrist. I turn so quickly that I'm surprised I didn't just fall. The person was Justin. He says "We have to continue our little chat from earlier." I say "Yah. We can just finish our chat in my room." We continue to walk upstairs to my room. When we go in, I close the door pretty much the whole way since he said it was complicated and such.

I sit down on my bed and Justin sits next to me. I notice as he is sitting there, he is rubbing his palms on his shorts every few seconds and he is bouncing his leg up and down like a crazy person. I finally say "Just begin with what you want to say whenever you are ready." He nods and starts opening his mouth then closing it like he can't decide where to start with what he is going to say. Is he nervous about what he is about to say? Hm. I didn't know I had that effect on people. Finally, he says "So, here's my answer to the reason I stare at you. When I first was told my family was coming here for vacation, my immediate reaction was mad because I didn't want to spend a lot of time here and I wasn't thrilled at all. I really just want d to stay home and relax with my mom. When your family opened the door and I saw you for the first time, I couldn't stop staring. You are so beautiful and I just can't stop staring at you even now. When your brother said you liked me before and when you offered to help, let me stay in your room, apologized for your brother, and quite a few other things, I knew you were a keeper. What I mean by that is: I like you Clarissa. I would be loyal, caring, funny, serious, intelligent, and an all around good natured person to you." Wow. I wasn't expecting that at all. I can't believe he remembered exactly what I said earlier. He then says "So, what is your reaction to that? If you don't like me back, it's okay. I don't mind at all. We can just move on and pretend I never said anything." I reply "If you know I'm a fan of you, then you know how I feel about you." He smiles and says "You like me back, correct?" I smile and say "Yes I do like you Justin." He smiles and says "Great. So Clarissa, did it hurt?" I reply "What?" He says "When you fell from heaven." I laugh and say "Cheesy like cheddar, but I like it. I actually don't mind you staring at me and I do my know why I said I didn't like it earlier." Justin smiles, puts his arm around my waist, and pulls me into his lap. He then puts his other hand around my neck. He pulls me close and we kiss our first kiss together. That was actually my first kiss ever. We eventually break apart, but we still keep our foreheads together. Justin says "I'm glad you're okay with me staring at you. Our moms are going to be so happy when they find out we are together. They have been trying to convince me to tell you I like you since yesterday when I met you." I laugh and say "My mom kept telling me that we should be together." He laughs and says "Should we tell anyone? Obviously we can't tell anyone outside this house because we don't want paparazzi following us and all that business." Aw. That's nice that he would consider me before making a decision. I say "Whatever you want. You're the big popstar, you get to decide." He smiles and says "We can tell them later. I want to take you on a date one day when we have down time and we also need to film a video singing together. Can I kiss you again? Our first kiss was just amazing and I want to kiss you again." I say "I agree with all of that." He leans back in and we kiss again. I must say it is a very enjoyable kiss. When we let go this time, Justin says "I still love kissing you. Two kisses and I already am glad I told you that I liked you. Kind of random, but can I see the song you wrote in high school?" I say "Sure. Let me grab my laptop." I have a MacBook Air with a dark-ish pink hard case and it was my going to college present. I love it so much and I get so much use out of it. I stand up, unplug my laptop, and walk back to my seat on the bed.

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