Chapter 5

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Picture above: Cute little ice cream place they are going to in this chapter (this isn't the exact one they are going to)
Video above: Trailer of the movie they are going to see

I wake up with someone's arms around me and I smile. I hear him say "Morning. How did you sleep?" I say "Fine. What about you?" He says "Amazing. You in my arms was the best feeling ever and thank you. It made me so happy to have you in my arms." I smile. Yay. He enjoys me. I turn the other way to face him and he says "You better not be trying to escape my arms and leave me." I laugh and say "No, I just wanted to face you instead of look away from you for so long. We can go eat breakfast soon if you want." He replies "I could honestly not go to breakfast or anything and stay in bed with you all day. It would be amazing and I would be down for it." I say "Ha. Good joke. I hope my dad makes something good for breakfast though." He says "I'm serious, I could stay here all day if I could. What movie are we all going to see later?" I say "The Marvel movie, Ant-Man. I'm so excited to see it. Are you?" He says "Sure I am." I start to get up and Justin immediately pulls me down back into his chest. I say "Why did you do that?" He says "You were leaving me." I say "Oh. Right. So, breakfast or nah?" He says "Um. Not yet. I was on Twitter last night in case you didn't notice and I saw you followed me." I say "So, what about it? You know I support you, why does it surprise you that I would follow you on Twitter?" He says "I guess I was acting weird to find it weird that you follow me and you support me. Do you have notifications on for me?" I say "Yes and they are on for you on Instagram." He says "Aw. You're so cute. Thanks!" I smile. He pulls  me into a kiss and we of course kiss. When we release, he says "I'm glad you aren't freaking out you kissed me with your morning breath. So many girls are like oh my gosh I kissed you without brushing my teeth." I laugh and say "Nah I don't care plus, you won't let me out of the bed to even brush my teeth. Also, I prefer to brush my teeth after I eat. Now, are you ready for breakfast?" He says "Fine. Let's go." He rolls out of bed first and I get up after him. We both put on deodorant and walk out together. When we get to the table, my dad starts bringing out breakfast. Breakfast is a smoothie and biscuits. Simple yet pretty yummy. When breakfast starts, my mom says "Is everyone excited for Ant-Man? It looks like a great movie." Benjamin says "This movie sounds like it will be so good and I love Marvel movies." I say "I'm excited, but not as excited as Benjamin apparently." Some people giggle. We all continue to talk about the movie and we all agree to go get dressed quickly, so we can get there early enough to find our seats without problems and stuff like that. After breakfast, I go brush my teeth and hair. I then look for an outfit. I decide on a blue jean shorts, a cute short sleeve shirt, converse, a purse, accessories, and sunglasses. I finish getting ready and start to go out my room. Someone grabs my wrist and I turn around. I see Justin sitting there holding my wrist. I say "What's up, Justin?" He says "Could you wait for me? I know it's a weird request, I just like to be in your presence." I smile. How sweet. I say "Sure. I'll wait for you." He lets go of my wrist and I sit down on the ground. He continues to dig through his bags and digs out sunglasses. He grabs his phone then begins to tie his shoelaces. When he's done, we head downstairs. We all get into the car and head to the movie theater.

When we arrive, Justin says "Here we go. Tons of people who hopefully won't recognize me." I gently squeeze his hand then let go. He smiles at me. I hope he understands that little gesture is so he knows I'm there for him. We all climb out and Justin puts his sunglasses on and walks forward. We all make into the theater without issues. Luckily, barely anyone is in the main lobby of the theater yet. We take our tickets, buy popcorn and drinks, and head into the theater room where we will see the movie. We all have seats on the top row of seats meaning we are the highest people in the theater. There are people next to us though. My dad sits next to the people, then Benjamin, then me, then Justin, then Pattie, then finally my mom.  People slowly begin to pour in. We all relax until the movie starts. The movie begins. It is a hilarious movie and I enjoy it.  One of the best movies of the summer I must say. When the movie ends, we wait in the theater. Usually in Marvel movies there is an extra little scene somewhere in the credits or after the credits. (Don't take my word for it!) After the whole thing finishes, we all leave. The movie theater custodian lady was a fan of Justin, so she got a picture with him and Pattie. We left right after that.
As we were walking out, Justin would turn the opposite direction of girls and boys who might be secretly his fans and want a picture. We made it with no more people. We all climb in the car and head home.

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