Chapter 33

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Early Update:) ...... Fast forward 2 weeks ....

It's been 2 weeks since I posted my last video with Justin and it continues to keep getting likes. More and more comments go up about people shipping us, people hating on me, and all that stuff. I recently ran into a girl who loved my videos, so we took pictures together and I followed her. I like having fans and meeting them:) Pattie has managed to lay off Justin a little, but she still texts him. Justin and I still have been doing our weekly calls and it's amazing. My family has been doing great and they all miss me. Xander and I have been on 2 more dates because we decide to go on a date every weekend. He picks me up the days he doesn't have labs, but I get  to drive myself which is super fun actually. I found a place to do my laundry and I feel independent. Alexis and I filmed two singing videos together and we each posted one. I could say I feel very happy right now you know!


I wake up with the sun shining and my alarm going off. I press the snooze button and I roll out of bed. I slide on a simple black skirt and a pink t-shirt. I grab my phone and I walk out my room to the kitchen. I see Alexis walking in the room as well. We both wave to each other and we heat up some biscuits we made recently. I put my biscuits on a plate and I put some fruit on my plate. I pour myself some milk and I bring it all over to the table.

I sit down and I begin breakfast. Alexis comes over soon after. Alexis asks "So, you driving or Xander?" I reply "Me today. Need a ride?" She nods and smiles. Alexis asks "Where are we all going to eat lunch today?" I answer "Well, I don't know about you, but I could go for some ChickFilA for lunch." She replies "I will second that motion. Text on the groupchat." The groupchat consists of Xander, Alexander, and I. We made it for whenever we all need to contact each other. I open my phone and I text ChickFilA for lunch??? Alexis and I say yes!!!! Alexis texts Yes I do say yes!!!!! I laugh and Alexis laughs too. The boys eventually respond and they agree to have ChickFilA.

I finish breakfast and I go to my room. I finish getting ready and I get my backpack. I put my converse on and I grab my keys. I wait by the door for Alexis. She walks in and we leave. I lock the door and we go downstairs. I open my car and we get in.

I start the car and I put on music. It's This Is What You Came For!! Ah!! Such a good jam!! (Attached is the music video for the song))

We sing it and we keep driving to school. I pull into the parking lot and I park. We get out and we grab our backpacks. We walk up to school and we walk to our class together.

Time for Professor McCarty Principles of Managerial Accounting!!!

Alexis and I turn or homework into the tray. We sit back down and we get our notebooks out. I take my pencil out right when Professor McCarty walks in. She starts class.

After class, we pack our bags and we head to AP English with Professor Bell. We walk in and we pull our notebooks out. We had to homework last class:) Class begins. 

After class, Alexis and I pack our bags. We head to my car and we drive. I ask "Call Alexander and ask him about whether we should drive thru and eat on campus or eat inside." She nods and takes her phone out. After her call, she says "He said that him and Xander would rather drive thru and eat on campus." I nod and say "Cool cool. Let's drive thru then." I pull into the drive thru line. I ask Alexis "What would you like?" She replies "Chicken sandwich with fries, a lemonade, and a chocolate shake. I'll pay you back." I smile and reply "Sounds good." I'm getting the 3 chicken strips, fries, Coca Cola, and a vanilla shake. I'm obsessed with vanilla shakes as of recently:) haha!

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