Chapter 98

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December 12: Friend Party Day 2

I wake up with my head spinning and feeling nauseous. I get up and run to the bathroom. I throw up a lot. Ew! I sit back down and I look for Advil. Oh here it is! I grab a cup and fill it with water from the sink and take the medicine. Gosh dang. This is why I don't drink. Wait, Justin? Was he there? Um... hm... I walk back out and see Justin curled up in bed. Oh so he was there. Huh? I notice him shift, get up, and run past me into the bathroom. I get him a glass of water and Advil. He thanks me and drinks it.

We walk back to our bed and sit down. I notice his eye is bruised and I ask "What happened to your eye?" He answers "I don't remember. I thought you would know. God I hope nothing bad happened." I reply "Well hey Scooter hasn't called, so it might not have reached news yet." He nods and replies "True yeah." I hear his phone buzz and he says "We spoke too soon."

((Start of conversation))
J- Justin C- Clarissa S- Scooter

S- Hello? Are both you & Clarissa listening?
J- Yes Scooter. I figure whatever you tell me, she will eventually know.
S- Well good because this involves both of you.
C- Uh What happened?
S- Aha this means you two were drunk. I was hoping you could both fill me in on the details of last night. Clarissa, you go first. Tell me what you remember after leaving in the car to go to the club.
C- Uh Okay. Let me see. We headed to the club, we drank lots, and we danced lots. This morning, I woke up with a hungover & I saw Justin's eye was bruised.
S- God this is bad. Okay Justin, you next.
J- I remember barely a bit more. Lots of people were taking photos of me just living life and it kind of annoyed me. I didn't do anything then, but who knows if this is what caused my bruise. It's weird because usually that kind of thing doesn't annoy me, but I guess I was drunk by then. I also remember getting free drinks and shots from everyone. That's it.
S- F*** Okay. I will figure this out. Tell your friends to stay an extra day and I can pay for new tickets for all of them as well. I'm coming over today at 2 to ask questions and I don't want to ruin the trip. I know it's an hour away, so I am sorry. Just let them relax and be calm whatever you find out.
C- We will be sure to let them know.
S- Just please all be awake and there at 2.
J- Ok Scoot.
S- This isn't a ... whatever. Bye.

((End of conversation))

Uh what the heck? I ask "What just happened?" Justin answers "Let's just look up what happened last night." I ask "Is that a good idea?" He shakes his head and replies "Probably not, but I want to know what happened." I reply "Okay just look it up then."

He looks up his name and he picks the first article titled Justin Bieber & Why He Shouldn't Drink

We start reading and we get to the part about last night. It reads: Justin Bieber and Clarissa Carnell, his girlfriend, were out with friends last night. What started as a pleasant fun night went downhill quickly. Paparazzi was taking pics of the Biebs in the club as he was dancing. The video we have attached at the bottom shows the paparazzi shoving cameras in his face later and some even called him names. After a few too many drinks, Justin ended up punching a cameraman. The man punched back leading to a bruise on Justin and causing two of his friends punching the cameraman again. Justin's girlfriend came in quickly and pulled Justin away. Good thing she was there or we never know what could have happened after. They all left following that incident. No report about whether the cameraman will press charges or not against Justin and his friends.

Oh sh** What! I can't believe this. Hey at least I was there. Who knew I could stand up & stop a fight! Justin says "Hey glad you were there. Wow." I reply "Yeah for real. You know I'm hungry." He replies "I'm sad that the chef isn't home." I reply "Well I can make the food." He replies "Okay. I'll come downstairs with you." I nod. I grab my phone and go to the kitchen. On my way, I look in the living room and I see Riley in the couch. Huh? Weird. Justin asks "What is he doing here?" I answer "No idea. Something must have happened last night." We continue to walk and go into the kitchen. I find a kettle and ask "Did you know you had this?" He answers "Actually yes. I boil water and make tea sometimes." Goals! I reply "Wow you're cute." He replies "Thanks. You are cute too." I smile.

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