Chapter 14

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I wake up smiling. Yay! Tomorrow is concert day. I turn to Justin and he is asleep. I see my phone flash on and it says 10:00 AM. Wow. I slept late-ish. Whatever--at least it's summer. Should I wake Justin up or no? Hm.... Nah. I slip my sheets off and rest them on my bed. I then slowly and quietly get off my bed. I sit down on my chair and I grab my book. I love reading!!

I continue reading until I see Justin wake up. I set my bookmark in my book and I set it down on my desk. Justin sits up, yawns, and stretches. He then turns to me and says "How long have you been awake?" I reply "Not long at all. I woke up at 10, I don't know what time it is now." Justin turns on his phone and says "It's 10:15. You know you could have totally woken me up. I wouldn't have cared." I answer "I wanted you to have a good nights rest. You deserve it." Justin pouts and says "But, the bed is cozier and warmer with you." I smile and say "Ok. Next time, I will wake you up or I will read in the bed." Justin smiles. Justin says "I'm hungry. Let's go get some food." He stands up and starts to make his way to the door. I want to joke around with him a little, so I say "What about a kiss?" Justin turns and laughs. He says "Look at you using my own stuff against me." I shrug and reply "What can I say? I learn from the best." Justin laughs and moves closer. I stand up. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. We kiss and then we release from it. I say "Ok. Now, we can go get food." Justin smiles and laughs. We then make our way out my room downstairs.

Once we get downstairs, we get muffins and our cups of milk. We then walk into the dining room and sit down. My mom says "Morning you two. We are all debating on what to do." Justin replies "I honestly don't know what we should do, but I probably should talk as little as I can today or just be on vocal rest since my mini concert is tomorrow." Pattie says "Honey, text your vocal coach to see if you should rest or not. Tomorrow I was thinking we could go somewhere fancy out to eat." My mom answers "Ooh. I like that idea for tomorrow. Maybe today we could go to a movie and get ice cream." I say "Yes! Ice cream today please!" Everyone agrees ice cream is a must have for today. My mom searches for a good movie and gets tickets for a movie at 2 PM today. We finish breakfast and head outside.

I walk over to a lounge chair and I sit down. I check the Twitter groupchat to see my friend, Becky is bringing someone. Ok, I will have to text her about this.  I put my phone away for what feels like a second and I feel my phone buzz, so I pull it out. I see Becky's text, it says Hey! I didn't find a cute outfit yesterday, so I'm going out again today. I'm just going to let you see my outfit tomorrow. I just will need your opinion on shoes. I text back I'm wearing black high top converse. What are your choices for shoes? She texts back Either my black high top converse or my high heels. What is she thinking? I know some people can handle heels, but no, I don't think tomorrow would be the right day. I text back Wear black converse, so we can match! Friendship goals right here! Who are you bringing with you tomorrow? I saw your text on the groupchat. She text back Well, I have a secret to tell you tomorrow. I'm sure you have something you'll need to tell me also. I text back I'm sure :) See you tomorrow BFF!! She texts back See ya! I put my phone away and see Justin has been sitting next to me reading my texts. I say "Sorry for texting. I didn't realize you were here, which now that I say, I sound really rude. I'm really sorry." Justin says "It's ok Clarissa. I can tell that you and Becky must be BFF's by the amount of time you text and all your texts. I'll be texting you nonstop when I'm gone, I know that." Aw too cute. I reply "Me too Justin. Did you read all my texts with Becky?" Justin nods and answers "Yes I read them. I wanted to tell you that we could tell Becky about us before the concert since she is after all coming here to get ready. It would be weird if she saw my clothes or even me in your room and I don't want her to think ill of you." I say "Aw. Well I'm glad you care about me. If you don't mind me telling her, I will. She's bringing someone who I think is a boy because her snapchats recently have been of hand holding and a kiss one day. I'm pretty sure the person with her won't freak out as much as her. She's probably going to scream and then hug you or me. It'll be a fun experience for us." Justin smiles and answers "I'm glad she respects me for who I am. Those are the real true Beliebers. The ones who care about me and don't throw their phones in my face." I nod. Poor Justin. I ask "Are you on vocal rest today?" He shakes his head and says "My vocal coach said I just shouldn't scream or do anything really tiring. Luckily, this will be all acoustic, so I won't have to be super tiring. I feel like it will be super fun. Did you hope I was on vocal rest, so I didn't have to talk?" Um.. Someone is acting a little weird right now. I reply "To be honest, I love the way your voice sounds, so I would be sad." Justin smile and says "I love how I can always count on you to put a smile on my face." I reply "I prefer to think glass half full thoughts not glass half empty. Sometimes however I'm negative, but that is if I have a bad day. Summer usually gives me positive good feelings, so I'm very happy." Justin smiles and hugs me. I love him so much. When we release, he holds my hand and smiles. My mom and Pattie sit opposite us and I turn to them with my hand still in Justin's. Pattie says "Why are you guys so cute?" I laugh and Justin says "Because we're the best." Pattie smiles and replies "Sure thing honey." My mom says "How are you guys doing?" I say "We're doing great. I'm so glad it's summer. I love it so much!" My mom replies "Me too. Summer is so positive and fun." True true... We all continue to talk until we all decide to go change. 

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