Chapter 54

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Wednesday February 24

Justin talked to me over the weekend about how he is performing on the Brit Award show tonight. He also told me about how BBC One is uploading a video with him today as well. Sounds so fun! Imagine how awesome his life must be, I hope he can see that. I told him good luck and that I would look out for the videos.

I make a smoothie and I get two bagels out. I spread cream cheese on both. Today is my morning to make breakfast even though, we have the same food basically everyday.

I set the food on the table and I pour smoothie into two cups. Alexis walks out and sits down. She says "So, JB is performing tonight. Are you excited for him?" I reply "Yeah he deserves it." She smiles and we continue to eat breakfast.

After breakfast, I change into black jeans and my red three quarter length shirt. I feel cute:) I put my black converse on and I grab my backpack. I put my laptop, phone charger, and other studying material in it.

I walk out my room and I wait by the door. Alexis comes skipping out and we leave. We get into my car and we start driving. I ask "How is your day going?" She replies "Honestly good. What about you?" I reply "Yeah mine is doing a lot better than this time last week." She nods and I keep driving.

We arrive at school. In Professor McCarty's class, I notice more people. When she comes in, she starts announcing "So, everyone as you know, there are more people in this class than usual. Yes, people switched into this class and they will have no idea what is going on. Please pay attention, take notes, and become friends with other people." Uh... become friends with other people.... can't we just be allies? I'm not really about that socializing life. I thought my social anxiety was getting better for the most part, but now I'm starting to feel tingly and nervous. Yikes!

After class, Alexis and I walk out. As we walk to English, Alexis asks "Why did you get all fidgety when the professor mentioned friends?" My as well tell her if she didn't know. I always forget what she knows and what I tell people in general. I answer "I have social anxiety, so I'm not too fond on social situations. That's why the gossip and certain things tend to bother me more than normal." She replies "Yeah that does make some things make sense. Well I'm glad you told me." I nod and we enter class. We wave at Cassie who waves back. We take our seats and the bell rings.

After English, Cassie comes with Alexis and I to lunch. We get into my car and I drive to a sub place. I pull in and I park. We get out and we go inside. We each take our turns and we buy sandwiches. Alexis insists on buying me one since I use my own money for gas. I figured why not let her pay for me this once. Haha! As the guy takes our order and makes our sandwiches, he asks "Hey. Are you Clarissa Carnell?" Uh oh! I answer "Yeah I am. Why do you ask?" He answers "I've seen your videos and your voice is beautiful." Aw that is so sweet. I never thought guys would actually enjoy my voice, I thought they would be watching for like my body or something. Hm... I reply "Thank you so much. That's so sweet." He replies "No problem. I'll go get the receipt." He walks off. Alexis smirks at me and I laugh. What is she thinking? When he walks up, he hands us the receipt and we leave with our sandwiches. We meet Cassie at a booth. Cassie asks "What took you guys so long?" Alexis answers "The sandwich guy was flirting with Clarissa. He likes her voice." Cassie starts cracking up and I ask "What's so funny?" Cassie asks "Wait? You don't get it?" I reply "No I don't. I don't even understand what is to get." Alexis replies "He likes you Clarissa. I can prove it. He wrote his number on the receipt." She hands me the receipt and I look at it. Sure enough it is his number. It says Hey Clarissa, in case you ever want to hang out or talk, here's my number. Also, my name is James. I smile and I set it on the table. I ask "What is the big deal about it? Are you guys jealous?" Alexis answers "Girl you get hit on constantly because people recognize you. Of course we are a tiny bit jealous." I reply "Well thanks I guess." We continue to eat lunch.

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