Chapter 24

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I wake up and I roll to my side. I pick my phone up to see texts. One from Alexis reads Whatever. See you! I'm going out tomorrow & don't bother making me anything. I text back I'm sorry okay. Please forgive me. I then open Xander's text that says Morning :) I text back Morning. What are we going to do today? He texts back Oh. Maybe we could head out for lunch and hang out. I text back Sure! I then close my phone and I head to the kitchen.

I get a bowl of yogurt and I add granola. I then cut some strawberries to put into it. I pour myself a glass of milk and I sit down at the table. I eat my breakfast and I head to my room. I put workout clothes on. I connect my earbuds and my phone for my run. I grab my key to the apartment. I leave the apartment and I lock the door. I have no idea if Alexis is still here. I run down the stairs and to the trail.

I run for what feels like forever. Running gives me time to think and time to feel free. Sometimes you need to just exercise and let it all out. I run back to the apartment. I grab my purse and my car keys. I run back out and to the car. I hop into the car and I drive to the smoothie place. I get an orange peach smoothie. Yum:) ((next page is the smoothie))

 Yum:)  ((next page is the smoothie))

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I pay for smoothie and I head out. I get inside my car and I drive back to the apartment. I park and I get out. I walk up the stairs and to my place. I unlock the door and I head to my room. I finish my smoothie and I then throw it away. I then take a shower because of all the sweat today. Ew...

After my shower, I slide jean shorts and a cute t-shirt on. I then sit on my bed wondering what to do. I grab a book and I read.

I keep reading until my phone is buzzing with an incoming call from Xander.

((Start of conversation))
X -- Xander
C -- Clarissa

X - Hey Clarissa.
C - Hello. What's up?
X - I was wondering if you have been getting my messages because I've been texting you trying to let you know what we were going to do today.
C - Oh whoops. I've been reading and not paying attention to my phone. So, what's happening?
X - I'm actually at your apartment ready to pick you up. I'm surprised you didn't hear me knocking on the door.
C - Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry. Let me slide shoes on and I'll be right out.
X - Relax it's fine.
C - No it's not. Bye see you in a minute.
X - Bye!

((End of conversation))

I close my book and I get off my bed. I grab my purse and I slide sandals on. I run out my room to the front door. I open it and then I close it. I lock the door and I turn to Xander. He's smiling. He says "Hello. How are you? Are you ready?" I reply "Hey. I'm doing good. I'm for sure ready. Sorry I wasn't looking at my phone." He laughs and says "It's fine. I didn't make any reservations, so we are all good." We then walk to his car. He opens the door for me and I say "Thank you." He says "Welcome." He closes the door then gets into the driver's seat.

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