Chapter 25

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The next day passes and nothing new happens. Alexis and Alexander are nice to me again when I see them and Justin still hasn't called or texted me back. I'm worried something horrible happened or maybe he is just so busy with stuff going on. After all, he is planning a tour. Xander and I never went out for another date for some unknown reason, but instead we watched the next two Harry Potter movies. Alexander and Alexis went out to a club or something.

Now, for the day after that ...

I wake up and realize this is the second to last day of summer before school starts. Yikes how did it go so fast? I roll onto my side and I grab my phone. I see no new texts, which I guess might be a good thing. I don't know. I get up from my bed and I walk out my room. Since Alexis and I made pancakes yesterday, we saved the leftover batter for this morning. I heat up the stove to cook pancakes. I spray the pan with cooking/vegetable oil and I get ready to begin. I make pancakes for us and then I put the empty bowl in the sink. I pour two glasses of milk and I get a bowl of fruit. I put it all on the table and I walk to Alexis' room. I open the door quietly to see Alexis on her phone. I say "Breakfast is all ready." She nods and gets up. We walk to the table for breakfast.

Alexis says "Thanks for making breakfast this morning Clarissa. Sorry for acting like a bum and not helping." I reply "I understand though because you were out partying. Speaking of which, how was it?" She replies "So fun. I barely drank anything because I didn't want to be drunk for my last two days of summer. Alexander was really nice and he is surprisingly a great dancer. What did you do?" I smile and laugh. I say "Xander and I watched the next two Harry Potter movies and then I went to bed." She smiles and replies "You guys are so cute." I reply "Thanks. So are you two." She replies "Thanks girl." I ask "What are you planning to do today?" She replies "Well I'm going out for dinner with Alexander. Other than that, I have no plans. What about you?" I answer "Oh I'm not doing anything as far as I know." She says "Xander doesn't want to go on a date with you today. I mean, you guys are about to get busy with school and he isn't using his time wisely. Do you want to go out with him? Or watch more movies?" I reply "Yeah I do. I thought we were going to go on dates and hang out a lot. I don't know why we aren't. Maybe I will ask him out." She smiles and says "There's my girl. Okay, want to go back to school shopping? I mean, you know college is where you can wear sweatpants and all that, but if I end up getting a job, I might need jeans or something semi-nice." I reply "Yes! Okay let me text Xander, get dressed, and let's head out." She nods and says "Great plan." We then go to our rooms.

I grab my phone and I text Xander Morning Xander! I know usually guys do this or maybe you aren't into this kind to thing, but I was wondering if you were busy for dinner. We could go out for dinner and if you want, we can come back and watch another movie. Let me know soon, bye :)

I then close my phone. I slip shorts and a shirt on. I put sandals on and I grab my purse and phone. I leave my room and I see Alexis. We walk out the apartment and we lock it up.

We go to our car and we get inside. We drive to the mall to buy some clothes. We park and we go inside the mall. We end up shopping until lunch when we want a break and to have ChickFilA. You know, ChickFilA has really good chicken, good fries, and really good shakes. We order food and we wait. Once it's ready, we pick it up and we find a table to sit at. We sit down and we start eating. I ask "So, what other clothing do you need for school? Or do you need supplies or something fun?" She replies "I want to go to Bath and BodyWorks for some hand sanitizer. I ran out of mine." I reply "Okay. Let's go after lunch."  We then finish lunch and we bring our shakes with us. We walk to Bath and BodyWorks. We each pick some new stuff out and we pay for it. We then leave and we walk to the car. We get inside and we start driving.

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