Chapter 88: Justin's POV

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I wake up to the sun and I groan. Ugh! No! Clarissa opens her eyes and looks up at me. Aw she's so cute. I say "Morning C." She replies "Morning J."

We go and eat breakfast downstairs together.

We relax for a few hours before I have to go to lunch. I say "I really don't want to go." Clarissa replies "Come on, it'll be good for you. Your mom is your mom, so she loves you at least a little bit. You can handle it. You got this." Why is she so supportive of me? Like why kid? I whine out "But I want to be with you." She makes a pouty face and replies "Justin, you can do it. Be happy and eat lunch. Don't let her know that she bothers you if she does. Listen to her if she wants to ever explain anything. You need to grow up because you're Justin Bieber. You can do anything you put your mind to. You think you can't do it, but look at all you've endured. You can Justin." I guess she has a point. I say "Thanks Clarissa. I love you." She replies "I love you too." I then leave.

In the car, I text Clarissa Already miss you.
She texts back You're still in the driveway. Come on, you got this! Remember what I said!!!
I text back Fine.

I text my mom On the way to pick you up!
She texts back Okay.

I drive to her and and I pick her up. I then start driving. I ask "Do you care where we eat?" She answers "Nope." I drive to this café because females tend to love these kinds of things. Or at least Clarissa does haha. I park and we get out.

We walk inside and order food. We take a seat outside at this nice wooden table. I ask "Mom, how have you been?" She answers "Good actually. I'm writing a book and I'm working with Justice Speaks." Justice Speaks is an organization that empower people and end Human Trafficking btw. I reply "Mom, I'm proud of you. That is so cool. Good job." She asks "Thanks. How are you & Clarissa?" Oh god. I answer "Good actually. If you must know, we have had a few fights, but we resolved them. I love her and I'm so happy she's my girlfriend. She's so supportive of me and I'm thankful for that. We're so happy together and even during tour, I don't feel as aggravated." She replies "That's so sweet. Do you ever see yourself marrying her?" I answer "I do hope one day that comes about. For now, I think we'll stay boyfriend girlfriend. I love her and I want us to be ready for it. We're so busy and we have no time, so maybe later." She replies "Well I, 100%, believe you two are amazing for each other. I see the way she looks at you and you look at her. You two are deep in love." I respond "Thanks Mom. We are in love. So you approve of us now?" I miss Clarissa now. She replies "Of course honey. So why this café?" I answer "I thought girls liked cafés or cute places. I know Clarissa loves them oh so much." She responds "Oh well I just love it. We three must get together soon." I ask "Maybe Christmas?" She smiles and answers "That actually would be wonderful. Oh but her family would be so sad to not see her. We could stay with them. Hm.... I think I'll text her mom about this. I know you two are super busy with tour, so I'll do it myself." I reply "Thanks Mom. I'm sure she'd love seeing her family then." She asks "How is the tour?" I answer "I love it. The fans as far as I can tell love it and everyone is happy to be apart of it. I couldn't be more proud of how it's going, but sometimes I feel exhausted and want to quit. But then I have those times where I feel like I should never stop." She replies "Don't tire yourself out honey. Be careful." I reply "Yeah I will." She replies "Justin, I know we may not have always seen eye to eye. I want you to know that I love you. I will always love you." I reply "I love you too mom."

My mom runs to the bathroom before we go, so
I text Clarissa Hey- we're almost done & I'll be on my way home. I can't wait to see you. I missed you.
She texts back YAY! Missed you too. Love you :)
I text back Love you too.

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