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*Hey guys. I am letting you know that as of tomorrow I am going on vacation and I am not allowed to bring my technology, and I won't even have wifi, and so I will update when I get back. I'm sorry. I will be back in about a week and a half. Ciao!*

"You must be Mr. Boggins." Kili said, his smile growing ever wider, his teeth white, and it was a marvelous smile. What was I saying? 

"Nope, you can't come in, you've come to the wrong house." Bilbo said, trying to close the door, but Kili stopped it using his foot.

"What? Has it been cancelled?" He looked genuinely sad for a moment.

Fili looked to his companion. "No one told us." He said, looking at Bilbo once again.

"Can-? Nothing's been cancelled." He said, which was the wrong answer.

"Well that's a relief." Kili said, forcing his way through the door, an innocent smile on his face. It was a lovely smile. One I could stare at for hours. What? Fili sauntered in behind the brunet. Once they were inside, they started to unload their gear onto the poor Hobbit.

"Careful with these, we just had them sharpened."

Kili had already started to move around, exploring the house. He came back to the main foyer, and spoke. "It's nice, this place. Did you do it yourself?" The dwarf started to scrape his boots on the edge of a chest that was nearby. It made me wrinkle my nose in disgust almost. It was poor manners. Suddenly he looked less appealing. Sure I grew up with Dwalin, but he taught me manners.

"No, it's been in the family for years. That's my mother's glory box, can you please not do that?" He demanded. Dwalin walked past me, as I was still leaning against a wall, out of the way of the commotion. It had started to get very crowded in the Hbbit home.

"Fili, Kili, come on, give us a hand." He said, throwing an arm around the beardless dwarf.

"Ha! Mister Dwalin." He said, his smile never seeming to leave his face. I relocated, placing myself near the dining room, where everyone had headed. I almost pulled my hood up, feeling very awkward. I'd never been around this many people. It was usually only Dwalin and I. As the two passed, Kili slowed, his eyes locked on me.

"Hello. Who is this? Are you living here with Mister Boggins?"  Did I look like a Hobbit? I was almost offended by that. I shook my head.

"I'm Iridian. I came here with Dwalin." I said, a cold snap to my voice. He smiled once again.

"Dwalin! When did you have a child?"

"He never did. I was dropped at his doorstep as a young child." I snapped, unimpressed by this manners. His smile faltered. Dwalin turned his gaze on me.

"Now, Iridian. Don't be so cold. You'll be travelling with this lot for the next however long." I nodded, turning to the dwarf, but my eyes remained hardened.

"I apologize. I've never been in crowds this large." I admitted begrudgingly. Kili's head was shaking and he was laughing.

"I am sorry. I shouldn't have been so rude. Though, I'm surprised I never saw you around considering you grew up with Dwalin."

"I stayed at home and trained. I didn't really have friends. I preferred reading, training, writing, music, and cooking than anything." Kili went silent. I walked into the dining room, and he followed, patting Balin on the shoulder, who spoke up.

"Let's shove this into the hall, otherwise we'll never get everyone in." I moved out of the way, the four others preparing to start moving the furniture.

"Everyone? How many more are there?" Bilbo asked in bewilderment. Once again the doorbell rang, very long and hard this time. My ears were starting to become overloaded with sounds, and my head began to hurt slightly. "Oh no. No, no! There's nobody home. Go away, and bother somebody else. There's far too many dwarves in my dining room as it is If- if- if this is some clotterd's idea of a joke, haha, I can only say, it is in very poor taste." He said, taking off all of the weapons Fili had given him.

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