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Radagast appeared at an old fortress, one that was in ruin, with thorny vines climbing everywhere. He was chasing the spiders that had ruined his home. A stone bridge lie ahead, and he walked across, entering the dark ruined fortress. His staff was raised at the ready. "A dark power dwells there, such as I have never felt before. It is the shadow of an ancient horror."

He cautiously walked around the old fortress, seemingly abandoned, I saw a statue behind him clench the sword in his hands tighter. "One that can summon the spirits of the dead." Radagast heard the slight noise from the statue, and he whipped around, looking to see what had caused the noise.

From behind another statue that was facing Radagast's back, a milky white spectre seeped out of it. It was the spirit of a king, and something told me that it might have been the Witch-King of Angmar, hoisted a sword above its head. Radagast caught the movement and put his staff up in defense, and the spectre struck down, and instead of the sword passing through it, it hit the staff with the exact sound of metal hitting wood.

Radagast whipped around, facing his foe, right as it struck again. He blocked it once again, and struck at it. The spirit made a screeching noise, and it disappeared, the blade dropping and becoming a normal looking sword. I felt the dark energy in the flashback. "I saw him Gandalf. from out of the darkness, a Necromancer has come." He turned and faced a doorway. It was crawling in dead thorny ivy. The doorway seemed to have shortened in an illusion type sense. A black shadow started to take the form of a man, whispering a speech that sent chills down my spine. It was ominous. I was forced forward, toward the gaping mouth of the shadow, the whispers getting closer.

~ ~ ~

My eyes flashed open and a small shriek escaped my lips. I tried to sit up but I crashed heads with someone. I sat up, and looked around. The person I had knocked heads with was Kili. I brought my knees to my chest, trying to control the shaking. Fili and Kili appeared at my sides, each having a hand on my arm, Kili rubbing small circles on my back.

Thorin appeared, kneeling in front of me. "Iridian. What did you see this time?" I shook my head, taking deep breaths. Everyone had gathered around and it made everything worse, my breathing shallowing quickly

"Step back you lot!" Fili shouted standing halfway. I grabbed his sleeve, making a small noise. He slowly sat back down, keeping a firm grip on my forearm. "Uncle. Don't rush her. Honestly." Fili and Kili are Thorin's nephews? That means... Kili is a prince. I shoved the thought away as the shadow rushed at my eyes again. I jumped once again, almost struggling to run from something inside my head.

"Hey. Hey. Iridian. Look at me." Kili said, grabbing my shoulders. I looked around, my eyes wide and wild. I looked in his eyes, and threw my arms around him, burying my head into his shoulders. The smell of Kili intoxicated me. It was leather, cinnamon, and smoke, which blended surprisingly well. It calmed me down slightly. 

Fili came closer, his hand on my back. Kili's hand was petting my hair, detangling it slightly. I pulled back, and Kili put his hands on my face again, in the way I was used to. "Alright. Look here. It's alright. You're here. You're not wherever you were. You're alright." I reached around, and spelled out the words "Dol Guldor." His eyes widened. Fili raised an eyebrow. I spelled it again, and he understood.

I nodded, taking more deep breaths. Kili patted my cheek once, smiling. I turned around to see Fili smiling as well. "Told you we'd protect you." He whispered. A howl sounded, making me whip around in nervousness. Kili gripped my wrist.

"Was that a wolf? Are there wolves out there?" Bilbo said.

"Wolves? No that not a wolf." Bofur said. From behind a crag, a dog like creature appeared, growling. I called out as it leapt into the company. It knocked down Bofur. Thorin struck it and it fell dead using his new sword. Another warg appeared. Fili pulled me back, and Kili shot it, and it fell down. It rose back up, and Dwalin smashed it's head with a hammer.

"Warg-Scouts! Which means an Orc pack is not far behind." Thorin said. I froze at the prospect of Orcs.

"Guess I'll have to tell you what I saw after we get out of this!" I got out quickly.

"Who did you tell about your quest, beyond your kin?" Gandalf said.

"No one."

"Who did you tell?" Gandalf pressed.

"No one I swear!" Thorin shouted.

"You are being hunted." The wizard grimaced.

"We have to get out of here." Dwalin said.

"We can't we have no ponies! They bolted!" Ori claimed, on a higher part of rock. Nyx... I hope whoever finds her takes care of her. I at least had my bag. There was an unnerving silence for a moment. My breath started to shorten. Fili grabbed my neck gently, yet with a firmness, and forced me to look at him.

"Stay with us, and you'll be okay." He said. I nodded, and Kili nodded, his hand touching mine for only a moment. I could've sworn I saw of flash of anger almost in his eyes.

"I'll draw them off." Radagast claimed.

"These are Gundabad Wargs; they will outrun you." Gandalf said. I unslung my bow, ready for anything. 

"These are Rhosgobel Rabbits; I'd like to see them try." 

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