The Truth Comes Out

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"Kili!" Fili and I shouted simultaneously. We turned to see another spider dragging him away by his feet. His weapons were nowhere to be seen. I sprinted off, drawing a blade again.

"Iridian!" Fili called next, trying to catch me. I twisted away from his outstretched arm.  A female Elf ran toward us, Kili more or less. I stopped, watching her. She killed three spiders alone with her bow and knife, moving like a cat. She finished off the spider pulling Kili with an arrow between its eyes.

She whipped around, auburn hair flying to face an attacker behind her. Another spider scuttled toward Kili. I wanted to move, but for some reason I was rooted to the spot. "Throw me a dagger! Quick!" His voice raised in a panic. He looked at her for a moment, before staring at the oncoming foe. The action spurred me, and I continued to run toward him.

"Iridian!" Dwalin and Fili called once again.

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" The Elf hacked her spider, and spun around, throwing a knife. It spun end over end, killing the spider that still advanced on Kili. The dagger whipped past my ear, missing me by half an inch, and I cried out in surprise. I watched as his eyes widened in amazement. I couldn't, deny, it was impressive, but I hated the way he looked at her. It reminded me all to much of how he looked at the Rivendell maidens.

I rushed in front of my love, pointing my sword at the she-elf. "Don't touch him." I growled, my eyes narrowed in anger, hardened into iron. Her eyes widened. Kili touched my shoulder. I looked back, seething in anger, my eyes conveying I didn't want to. His contradicted mine, telling me to put them down. An intense stare off began, and I tried to penetrate his reason with mine. It didn't work, and I relented. I sheathed my sword, and he grimaced, touching my back for a moment.

I glared daggers at the girl. I could see the spark in her eye, and I knew it all to well. But she looked familiar from somewhere. That's all it seemed to be in this damn forest. Everything was familiar, but from where, I wasn't sure; it was lost in the recesses of my mind. I didn't want to try and search in those brambles. She brought us over to the rest of the company. "Search them." The blond elf commanded. They all advanced toward us, searching our pockets.

"Not her!" The russet haired Elf shouted, watching as Kili inched his way in front of me, his eyes a menacing ironwood. I could feel the loyalty, and protectiveness all but radiated off of him. An Elf had taken two of Fili's knives. I laughed softly, knowing how many more he had. Kili did as well, watching Fili be searched.

"Hey!" I snapped toward the voice. "Give it back! It's private!" Gloin demanded. The blond Elf opened it, looking at the pictures inside. Gloin talked adamantly about it at one point. The blond elf paid no attention to the clear lack of respect for privacy. It's not like there was anything in there!

"Who is this? Your brother?"

"That's my wife!" The Elf looked at the other picture.

"And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?" I bristled, and almost charged the Elf. Kili grabbed my wrist, and I glared at him.

"That's my wee lad, Gimli." The Elf raised his eyes at Gloin in contempt. I turned back to the lion haired dwarf. The Elf searching Fili found even more weapons. Fili even handed up two knives to help. He sighed when the Elf found the ones in his hidden pockets.

"Mani naa essa en lle?" I asked in the Elvish to the one in charge of us. She turned, her eyes wide.

"Pedhil edhellen?" I answered an affirmative. "Im Tauriel." I nodded toward the other Elf in charge.

"Ya naa tanya?"

"Legolas." She answered. Legolas walked toward us.

"Gyrth in yngyl bain?"

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