One of Your Kind

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*Hey guys. Just to let you know that I drew out the Rivendell scene quite a bit unlike other fanfictions. I apologize for that. Once I get past it, you are welcome to skip it, though there are some important things within my super drawn out scene. Again I apologize for that

"Pedil edhellen?" The lord said.

"Nata. Pedin edhellen." I responded with ease

"Am man?" He asked.

"U-iston." I said,confused myself on the whole matter.

"Man pen?" He said.

"Im Iridian." I bowed fairly low in respect. When I stood, he was smiling ever so slightly.

"Le suilon." He paused for a moment before saying that.

"Le fael." I gave a small bow. He nodded, and Thorin stepped forward.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain." He said, having recognized him.

"I do not believe we have met." He responded gruffly.

"You have your grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled over the Mountain."

"Indeed; he made no mention of you." I glared at him for that.

"Goheno nin." I said again. Elrond nodded, looking at me with a strange expression. Elrond turned to the other dwarves, and said something in Elvish which translated to 'light the fires, bring forth the wine. We must feed our guests."

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?" Gloin said.

"No you idiots, he's offering you food." I looked back. They all turned to each other at the mention of food.

"Ah well, in that case, lead on." I started to walk when Elrond stopped me.

"Tolo ar nin." He said. I followed him through many halls, arriving at a small room. He stopped, and fixed his intense brown eyes on me. "How do you know Elvish?"

"I am actually ¾ elf, 1/8 human, and 1/8 dwarf." I said softly. "Though how I know, that I do not know. I've grown up on Khuzdul."

"Your ears, eyes, and face are that of an elf, but you're quite short. It must be the dwarf. If that is so, and you are mostly Elvish, then we must dress you like one of your kind." Elrond said.

*Again here's a glossary of Elvish in the order it appears:

Pedil edhelllen: Do you speak Elvish?

Nata. Pedin edhellen: Yes I speak Elvish

Am man: Rough translation of how

U-iston: I don't know

Man pen: What's your name

Le suilon: Welcome

Le fael: Thank you 

Goheno nin: My apologies

Tolo ar nin: Follow me

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